ℹ Additional Information About The PTR (changes not noted or fully explained)

Hope that answers your question.

If you have existing armor with aspects currently on them (not imprinted) you will be able to destroy them at the blacksmith to upgrade your codex assuming they can of course. You won’t be able to extract imprinted items just as you can’t now.


Thanks! Good Job! I put a shortcut on my desktop for after release! This is my first PTR, no why would I have figured out all the with the time allowed!

I have been able to put to resistances on the same armor piece. One was there on the original drop. The other was from the Blacksmith. It was, however, not what I wanted because I was trying bring all my resistances to 70% at World Tier IV.

Effectively the add on was a waste if farming time, mats and effort because Cold was taken to 140% unnecessarily with and environment of costly time and resources in limiting attempts environment (could possibly end up scraping a piece and starting over, maybe?)!

My testing has show that a level 100 Rogue with all skill and paragon points spent in World Tier IV is as follows from my Journal notes:

Edited in the repost for clarity:
"So, I’m going to World Tier IV. Build situation with all equipment in the backpack, all resistances - 33.6% from Paragon level 100 Intelligence choices. Cold and Poison is 70% and the rest are Fire is 56.8%, Lightning is 46.8% Shadow is 54.8%.

Cold and Poison are 70% because they have at least two affixes applied. The rest have one affix only applied (ball parked as an average for this test is about 45% for each of the same resistance is needed).

Being able have two resistance affixes on a piece of armor you want it on is important as a time saver after you have taken the time to farm the mats as random bounty, harvesting and mining.

My HellTide farm run test for Veil Crystals was a backpack and a half, keeping only rare and legacy, yielded 35 crystals! Sorry, I did not record the time spent. And it was hard to tell how much time had pasted because the red didn’t go away after Hell Tide expired.

I had 141 crystals when I went to the Occultist to retry a specific resistance on another armor piece as an add an I spent all the crystals, over 1 Million gold and was not able to complete the task. This tells me the crystals are rare and more expensive than gold and a lot more expensive than my farming time.

Thank for the additional clarification! That will be very helpful in the future when I follow this link in the future from my desktop. I have been four days now without being able to accomplish this task.

I have also shared a link with two friends I play with in Discord.

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I did mention this:

So yes you can Temper another resist onto certain items that allow it. So you can have a Chest with say +% Lightning Resist (naturally appears or was enchanted/rerolled) AND +% Cold Resist (from tempering), if you get lucky with your temper rolls of course.

My explanation is the fact you will never find an item that has two types of reists on it from dropping alone. Nor can you use the Enchanting method to put two resists on an item. Tempering is the only way to achieve this. I’ll try to reword this better above.

I can see this being a bigger problem for non-int classes though. My necromancer currently has 1598 Int which adds almost 40% to all my resists (a decent chunk). Paragon board also adds a decent amount as well. However the new gem upgrades add up to 45% in just one resist alone. So hopefully by putting some resists into your jewelry, and having some affixes on your gear it won’t be too hard for other classes to catch up.

I agree here, thankfully you can do just that if you get lucky enough.

Edit: Changed the text above to:

Example #2: No more then 1 resist can appear on a dropped item. If you find a Chest with +% Shadow Resist, it will not come with a 2nd resist, and you can not Enchant a second resist type on that item. You can add another resist type through Tempering though. However you will never find an item with 3 resist types, and you can only ever make an item with 2 resist types (one found on the item, one Tempered).

Please note that in order to Temper a Resist on an item it must have access to the ‘Defense Category’ which only includes Helms, Chests, Legs, Shields, and Amulets. So 5 total items can potentially have 2 resists. One Resist type through a normal affix found, or enchanted onto an item and one Resist type through Tempering.

Hopefully that’s less confusing.

If Iggi spoke, you should pay special attention. You know that he is always here at the Forum, at any time of the day or night.

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I sense sarcasm within this post. That being said my words are no more or less important then anyone else’s on this forum, I just happen to have a lot of free time while I work to read and reply on the forums from my phone.

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yes but there is no end-game. do you understand? do anybody including devs understand that D4 has no end-game?
i don’t care that they added new farming activities since there is no end-game.

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I agree with you, but one step at a time. This patch won’t fix everything in the game, not by a long shot, I have a list of other junk they could easily improve, end-game content being just one of them, but it’s a step in the right direction I feel, and a lot of good changes all around.

Now it shouldn’t be this way, but aside from giving feedback at this point in time, there’s nothing else we can do. Aside from Pits and Masterworking, they did not add anymore end-game activities. Seasonal theme may add another boss to farm like S3 has, but that’s just speculation at this point.

that is not end-game, that is middle-game/farming.
aRPGs has 3 phases: 1. campaign, which is introduction/training phase 2. middle-game/farming, to create a strong build 3. end-game, where you prove your build from step 2

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How long before we have a campfire for this post? Nice job!

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ya, i really appriciate him or others posting tweets, etc casue i can’t keep track of all those places…


Never sarcasm, you are everywhere, your vision is always welcome. I read a lot too. But you represent a lot of us players. Congratulations on wanting a better D4

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Completely agree with you. By your definition of endgame content, then only the level 200 bosses would be what you’re looking for. I can tell you from first hand experience they are no joke.

Basically think of the current bosses but with HP and damage so high you have to actually pay attention to the mechanics. They’re long drawn out fights unless you have an absolutely broken build, which there are a few on the PTR right now.

I think once those get fixed though, you won’t see people one-shotting these bosses. Everyone will be forced to do the mechanics.

Gem effects on weapons and armors are also changed. I can’t remember the details (the below might be wrong)

green (+vulnerable damage no conditional)
blue (+cricial damage no conditional)

armor (no damage reduction anymore)
green : +dex
blue : +int
purple: +will
yellow: +str ?

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I appriciate your work with this.

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Great! Thanks for that. A reminder that there will be tweaks and changes before release based on feedback like this…hope you submitted through the official channels!

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I used the in-game feedback option as well as wrote a post in the PTR forums just in case. Blizz may hate the redundancy but I did my part.

If you’re interested.

Thank you I absolutely missed this. Added a new section just for gems, it displays all the Current and PTR values side by side.

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I applaud your commitment to the game and forum


Thanks for the clarification because I have spent time trying to put a second resistance affixes on armor and rings because I got boxed into limitations on less desirables to replace!

I also tried to do other affix classes and their appears to be rules that are being applied and my research on the process never provided any.

We use to get manuals when we bought a game that were really helped. These days everything I find that gives additional information are the forums (which can be misleading) hints that flash on the screen during game play or third party websites, which have different goals, but provide a lot of help to the players.

I just did a search, D4 “Rules” of the the Enchantment Process and came up with this Feedback topic! Thanks again!

4/10/24 Edit

I have done some more testing to see if there were changes between Season,2, 3 and 4 PTR with the Enchanting process. I also found some beginners guide stuff on on Maxroll.gg last updated on April 1st 2024.

My in process notes current belief:
“You get resistances from Jewelry, Armor Pieces except gloves” , you can use intelligence Affix to get some if you needed it, commented, “EPS”, Shield, Gems, Paragon nodes and Skills".

Intelligence gives +0.025% All Resistances per 1 intelligence|

EPS testing comment (S2 Eternal, S3, PTR), “It appears that enchanting may not allow you to enchant resistance affixes on Jewelry on Enchantment Process” it will take more testing or I will try to see what website Craftcom data looks like.

I went to CraftCom to save time with available public data on necklace enhancing of resistances and of the 23 possibilities database, there were no resistance affixes.

From now on I will use this database before I attempt a roll to at least have a higher probable of success and a roll count of about 10 and be in the right ballpark before I even get started.

Reviewing my 3 Eternal Characters that were retired at level 43, 68 and 99. All of them have build affix combination issues! The build process is not intuitive and the people that probably have the unfair advantage are the ones that have the time to trial and error their way through.

My biggest mistake seems to be leveling to fast and not understanding the build system requirements.

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How can you tell which affixes are in which buckets?

I’m wondering because I was trying to roll cooldown reduction on an amulet and a focus and a helmet. The possible rolls as shown by the preview in the occultist all indicated that cooldown reduction was possible. I rolled each of them at least 30 times and never got cooldown reduction. So I don’t know if it’s just bad luck or if it is this affix bucketing.

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Best post of year? 98% Most def
Best poster of year? 99% assured
Best time to be getting iggy wit it? :100:%

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