Add unique items to trade

I have talked to these two for days, and they say the exact same thing before and after, completely ignoring any points anyone brings up.

At some point, you call a moron and moron and walk away, because they are unwilling to ever listen to logic and facts. :man_shrugging:

Oh, and ignoring trolls spamming empty BS is not ā€˜fascistā€™.

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There isnā€™t a need for such vulgarity here. Letā€™s continue to have a good discussion without losing our composure.

Canā€™t we all just get along! By having two separate game modes balanced for our particular method of playing the game.

i was pretty tame but read fritos history, its is always something about go play x, you are delusional etc pp. sometimes some1 has to say it.

I think thatā€™s the best way to go about it. People donā€™t like dividing the player base and what have you, but this is such a fundamental staple of the game and a fundamental way that people enjoy ARPG loot hunters, that an exception should be made here.

But I think the exception should be the self-found mode, that has increased drop rates or at least the option for it. The standard ladder should have trading.

Actually it is, ā€œFascism - forcible suppression of an oppositionā€
You donā€™t want to hear it so you block it out. Literally is fascist by definition.

I did not suppress or oppress them.
You can tell by how they can still post. Because they are not suppressed.

I donā€™t HAVE to listen to them or be labeled a fascist. Christ allmighty.
According to your ā€˜logicā€™; If someone is screaming racism outside my house, and I close my windows to not hear them; Iā€™m a fascist?

Get a brain before you start attaching incorrect labels to someone.


I mean, Iā€™m fine if they consider the standard ladder to be the trade ladder, doesnā€™t bother me if self found is the exception as long as it has reasonable drop balancing! thatā€™s all I care about, my phat lootz!

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And welcome to my Personal ignore list. No force involved at all. Freedom to only see what I want on my Personal view of the forum.


Amen Destruction2.


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So, weā€™re all in agreement that open trade should be added?


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well both modes should be treated equally at least. with both have ladders.

Would be nice to see the difference in how much bots get banned in each, maybe then the trade guys acknowlege something :smiley:

No. :rofl:

If any statement could be further from the truth, it would be that.


Itā€™s a pretty far reach to compare someone screaming racial slurs outside your house to a person(s) debating points you donā€™t agree with on a forum, about trading on D4. You seem offended that I made an observation. If you actually read what I said, I havenā€™t labeled you at all. I disagree that I need to ā€œget a brainā€ as you say. Your vision might be a little blurry.

lol I think your check engine light is on :joy:
I think weā€™re all here debating because weā€™re all passionate about having an awesome game to play in the future!

Trade is for lazy spoiled man childs , if you canā€™t grind for gear you should play Diablo Immor ā€¦ erm mobile games :rofl:

I actually do think one thing should, or at least could, be tradeable! :stuck_out_tongue:

Make cosmetics tradeable.
Those are often highly desirable for some people, but cant affect the game balance in any way.
It would also allow people to get shop/battle pass cosmetics without paying, by trading a rare cosmetic they found in-game. Somewhat replicating the WoW token, where someone else can pay for your WoW subscription. Blizzard wins either way.
And give the people who love the activity of trading something to do.

Btw; add a note on the tooptip of cosmetics which says who originally found or bought the item, so it is possible to see if someone got it themselves, or traded for it (in case anyone care if you did something difficult in-game to get the cosmetic).


You claimed me ignoring them is fascist. So I took your ā€˜logicā€™ (such as it were) and applied it to a different scenario.
If your logic was real; it would have held up. However, your ā€˜logicā€™ was incorrect, and so it fell apart.

Ignoring someone is not fascism. Because they are not ā€˜suppressedā€™. Using your logic means I have to listen to everything anyone ever says, ever, or Iā€™m ā€˜suppressingā€™ them.

I point out how you are wrong, and now youā€™re trying to backpedal.
Welcome to my ignore list. Population: Every mouth-breather who canā€™t make a real point.

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no to open trade w/o rules,

only if we get 2 leagues, with different rules.

In a system with sf droprates, open trade would be the epitome of a disaster, with inflated loot. Nothing would have worth anymore.


Right but in your situation you exampled; you are in a house talking to no one.
Whereas over the internet on these forums you are talking to people and having a conversation. One is racism and violent on some level, and the other is a debate about information or ideas you donā€™t like or want to hear. Blocking people you are actively trying to debate doesnā€™t actually get your point across and refusing to hear anyone else point of view because you think youā€™re right is a fascist action.

literally, blocking/ignoring me proves my point exactly.

You get upset that easy? Oooffff