About the Console Discussion category

please address

  1. UI blocking the entirety of the right side of our screen.
  2. Inability to turn OFF SUBTITLES
  4. Press UP for chat wheel message. Gdangit this needs to go after a few seconds upon loading. If you cant remember this then you cant remember to press power to turn on your tv. its bright. its in the way.
  5. unable to turn off quest list? you can do that in wow even…
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Does anyone else’s character just not load in? And can anyone else just not interact with stuff sometimes?

it’s in options under social

On ps4, the game gets really laggy that i died a few times just walking into a new area, and sometimes when i fast travel, my game disconnects because it was taking too long or something. It might be because the game keeps trying to load high textures instantly and not over time which might fix the lag problem but idk im not good with this type of stuff. I just want ps4 to be playable for when the full launch comes.

Hey Blizzard, could you please revert Evade back to DIII controls? It was really nice to be able to still attack while evading with the right analog stick. Can you also please remove the cooldown and the skills that reduce the cooldown? It’s a pain when I’m trying to attack multiple enemies, and I can’t get away to think of a better strategy.

Also when things get even slightly hectic on ps4, the audio starts crashing and after a while, it just gives me a headache and it hurts with how loud it gets, i turned off music, and turned down audio and it still does it, it really needs to be fixed for launch.

Xbox One has this issue as well.

Thats the point of a beta. I went into it expecting it to run as it did. All part of the development. Dont forget Blizard Runs WOW. So dont worry to much

In challenges, with longer lists expanded, IE delver, when expanded, it won’t scroll down to show the rest of the expanded list AND will not go to the next challenge in the list.

From the map menu, where it shows Fractured peaks (area) and then all of the sub sections, these should be selectable to list what you’ve found/done and what you haven’t.
Accordingly, some may be listed as “???” As place holders until you initiate the quest/find thr altar etc, if you want to hide the starting point.

In single player, in inventory, the item popup should never over lap your character info.
Also the orientation should never change, always have the equipped item on the left, and the backpack item on the right. Or vice versa.

Also the inventory for D3 was much easier to navigate, this is like 3 steps backwards for no reason.

For GUI under mini map, change challenge text color for small events that happen exploring, IE things like cursed chests where you need to defeat X waves of monsters or a specific type of monster, or add a black background behind the text, so many times I was forced to walk around to get a background behind the words that would make them legible, which isn’t fun when most of the events are timed.

Increase font size larger. Even playing on a 60 inch TV it’s still too small on the largest setting. Yes it increased on subtitles in cutscenes, but nowhere wlse in the game was it increased.

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I honestly hate how people keep trying to make games all about next gen when there are still a crap ton of people still playing on old gen consoles, if you are making a game that can go for ps4 or xbox one, then make it like you would make a ps4 or xbox one game and actually test it, i feel like no one actually tests old gen consoles in their games anymore, and its absolutely sickening…

Hello, when I entered Diablo 4, I was very pleasantly surprised by the gloomy atmosphere in which I wanted to immerse myself more and more. But when my wife and I turned on the local cooperative, my eyes nearly fell out. The yellow and blue backlights were ruining the game completely, I’m back in Diablo 3. Please add a function to turn off all the characters and minions backlights, nicknames and health (like in single game) that is duplicated in the bottom UI! It completely breaks the feeling of the game!

My time with the beta was good. Sincerely sorry for those that didn’t get to experience it as I did. I was able to play pretty much both weekends no problems as far as connection goes. I’ll start with the things that I won’t say I didn’t like, but I feel could be improved upon.

1.) Could very well be because it was just a beta but the inventory was crazy small which resulted in frequent trips back to town.
2.) Just my opinion, I liked the feature from D3 when you upgraded a certain attack, it kind of changed the way it looked, with graphics as they are now I feel like that would be hella cool.
3.) For character creation, more options for all characters. I feel it was lacking on things like as far as scars or other body modifications. I like to immerse my characters and really get into the world.
4.) Piggy back off of the more custom options, more body type sizing for all characters would just be neat. A beefed out nercomancer would be comical.

Things I did like.

Pretty much everything else. I really enjoyed the time and how you guys integrated the custom character to fit in the cinematics very well.


After playing the open Beta last weekend I was under the impression that if you bought the pre-order you could keep on playing the beta version till release… pre ordered the ultimate and guess who feels stupid now😑

Im petty sure the barb is going to be op latere in the game.

Hello! Does anyone know when will D4 be available for macOS ?

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Mouse and keyboard support like on overwatch please :pray:t3:


Advanced control scheme allowing left trigger
(or something) to swap to alternate controls providing more skill flexibility.

The build crafting is being sold short with such a small amount of abilities to utilize.

If I will purchased the season pass on 2 diffrent PlayStation accounts and we will play Diablo IV on that accounts, will the rewards from the season pass will go to these 2 accounts or only to the account that logged in first ? (host game)

(Minecraft Dungeons is sad on co-op with season passes becouse only 1st account get rewards… 2nd account (wife) dont even have season pass page able to see =_= even when she is logged and accounts are connected [psn + xbox + microsoft] )

@BLIZZARD ?? i will not buy game before i know something about that…

#blizzard ??

New character idea.

We have learned how there was two schools of magic elemental and demonic.

I would like to see a class that allowes you to summon demons to help fight for you. One of the chananges would be the lower the demons lift the higher the chance of it turning on you and becoming just a normal monster and the higher lever the monster summon the higher the chance of it turning against you. And there would be skills, items, and gear that would all help and increas the chance of succes and lowering the chance of them turning into a enemie. Would that be something people would like to play and try ?

My brother and i use different ps5 and we are buying games together and share them. We want to buy diablo 4 ultimate edition. If we buy the ultimate version the consumables comes with the version will be available for both of us or it will be only available for 1 person.