About the Console Discussion category

Got to level 13, went to the courtyard at the temple of light after I killed ole girls mom. Nothing popped up. Logged out, went to get back in, queued circle lol


Iā€™d like to make it to level 20 so that I can get the extra Wolf cosmetics, but I canā€™t do that if I canā€™t get into the server.


I agree. I really hope they decide to just give the Wolf cosmetics to anyone who pre-ordered, since we canā€™t get into Beta.


So the servers are down all day and the only remaining world boss is 2 and 5 AM est. Niceā€¦

How did they not add them for tomorrow?

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Still cant connect in Brazil .!!! This is unbelievable

Ta foda viuā€¦ tristeza pura

please google ā€œhow to download diablo 4 open betaā€

You are big boys and girls. Use your noggins.

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Skull-1939 - I think Blizzard is under the impression we all paid for the 4 days early access and not closed beta. Theyre wrong. I am a sucker and paid for both. But as a i live in a capitalist democracy, I take risks spending my hard earned money on stupid crapā€¦

usually i get burned.

edit - I am happy to report I think our negativity towards Blizzard and our expectations that they would not address queue times was wrong.

But please address

  1. UI blocking the entirety of the right side of our screen.
  2. Inability to turn off subtitles
  4. Press UP for chat wheel message. Gdangit this needs to go after a few seconds upon loading. If you cant remember this then you cant remember to press power to turn on your tv. its bright. its in the way.

The BARBARIAN IS BROKEN! They made the barb super slow and somewhat weak. Got the barb to level 25 and it was pretty hard. Played the sorc and couldnt BELIEVE how easy it was!??? It was truly unbelievable, the power diffrence was laughable. The sorc took zero skill and i beat the beta by level 12?? Been a barb main every diablo game and was super dissapointed! I dont want to play the sorc just becouse its the strongest and easiest class.


Just leaving a note that the template text should probably be removed, but Iā€™m assuming itā€™s a work in progress. Itā€™s placeholder text as prompts to provide a more descriptive overview of this category (from the underlying Discourse software). Same is true for the PC category (and likely others).

Where it comes from is linked here. Hid the URL as it was showing the code on GitHub where I linked.

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I cant post new topics for some reason?

If you search Diablo IV beta. Itā€™ll be downloadable in the PS STORE

I played rogue, enjoyed the special rogue quest around lvl 15. Was looking forward to imbue weapons at lvl 17, when i got there i didnt like the concept of imbuing two skills only instead of all the time. Hoping that their will be a legendary or something that would imbue weapons all the time rather than them being a buff for two attacks.

Crossplay way greyed out and not accessible. Whatā€™s going on with it?Diablo 4 crossplay greyed out, not accessible.

The idea is to stress test the software and servers under high player load. This is intentional. Yeah it sucks, but it is beta.(testing phase)

I saw the devs respond to a question like this. They are intentionally stressing their servers to better prepare for the actual launch. Better to have these issues now then when we can actually play till endgame.

Early after I made my character, the game froze then restarted with a login que of 45 mins. A question. How can I enable the cross platform play

Bit frustrated here. Managed to play during closed beta and now trying to get into open beta. 1st time was not too bad 23 min wait, but i resumed questing starting from barbarian village and every time try to complete quest ancients i think in glacier north of town i get kicked little way in and itā€™s been 43-45min waits since. I get in a 2nd time and again i get kicked same 43-45min wait. I completed a different side quest in another region ok, but once again kicked when trying to complete this quest on behalf of barbarians. Since last kick getting same long wait but about 5min into it is tells me loses connection and i have to start all over again. Just thought would report in case specific issue with that quest and/or region. Ty to any devs who read this

Clearly the disconnection issue is worldwide, lots of players complaining.

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Why separate feedback and discussion between console and PC? I have both, but probably plan on playing on console for couch co-opā€¦ but the feedback is relatively the same outside of technical issues, which have their own forums.