About respec cost? This is the way

Good question. That seems to be in line with their logic. No wonder you can’t get an answer.

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You stating that I just want any class to use any class’s skills is not a question. It’s a statement you are trying to attribute to me, but only you have made it.

Not one of those things was me asking for X class to any have abilities from Y class.

Every single one was talking about being able to respec between builds within a single class.

But you can try to bastardize my words all you want.

I’m still waiting to hear:

  • how can you tell the difference between
    • I respec from lightning sorc to frost sorc
    • I character swap from lightning sorc to frost sorc

These aren’t roles… these are builds. Or as some people have called them on these forums, specs. A role is a more abstract concept.

In an RPG where you’re playing a pre-defined character, for example The Witcher where you’re playing Geralt, or Mass Effect where you’re playing Commander Shepard, you are playing the role of that person regardless of how you build their skills, weapon loadouts, etc.

The next step are RPGs where your name, race, sex, class, etc. doesn’t matter to the story. Most CRPGs are like this; in Baldur’s Gate you are a Bhaal Spawn, in Pillars of Exile you are the Watcher, Divinity: Original Sin 2 you are a Sorcerer. All of these are the roles you’re playing, despite your class, skills, name, weapons, etc.

This is where you fit in Diablo, too. You are “the Nephilim”. No matter what class you’re playing or how you build it, you are playing the role of “the Nephilim”. The one who kills Diablo, the one who kills the lords of Hell, the one who saves the High Heavens and defeats Malthael. That is your role.


He answered, you both ignored it.


It is both. Tank, healer, dps etc. are also roles.
Different types of roles.

To be fair, that is not really answering why, just that he thinks class should be a restriction.

I didn’t.

I said it’s the logical conclusion of the arguments you made. And yet you’re against it. Why are you against it, and why are you against your own arguments?

It’s not the logical conclusion. In no way at all is it that.

Now, would you like to have an honest discussion and answer the question you keep ignoring?

  • how can you tell the difference between
    • I respec from lightning sorc to frost sorc
    • I character swap from lightning sorc to frost sorc
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It absolutely is. Are you going to participate in this discussion in good faith, or are you going to continue to refuse?

Why should all characters not have access to all class skills, given every argument you’ve made so far?

Now that is a real strawman. You are pretending that their argument relies on being able to tell what you did. When it is completely irrelevant.
As has been said many times, you yourself can tell the difference between respeccing and changing to another character. And Blizzard can tell the difference too. Those are what matters.

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Those are roles within a group. Not the “Role” in Roleplaying Game like he was talking about.

Because those things are what defines a class. Honestly, it’d be pretty interesting to know if there’s anyone in Diablo lore who could both raise the dead and control elements. Not sure why they couldn’t. But from a gameplay perspective, the designers have assigned those skills to those classes and (supposedly) balanced them to work together, independent of other classes skills.

There is no answer in there. Why shouldn’t all classes be able to use every ability every class has. Direct answer, please.

Eh, very much the roles he was talking about. A warrior and a thief can be roles in a group, just like tanks and healers in holy trinity games.

That is still not explaining why a class should be restricted.

I would be really surprised if there are not. But even then, lore is very easy to change.

If your answer to Why is that the game should be very dedicated to lore, then that likely also rules out respecs. And lots of other things.

Sure, just like they designed a respec cost. That is not a reason why either.

That would be ok if each loadout would cost you 150 hours of gameplay to obtain. You can’t respec without obtaining a loadout.

Except it points out that you have no reason to directly care.

And then we get to you can only care if the devs care and do something that affects you.

But we’ve covered that there is no difference between

  • RandomJoe respecs to specA and completes contentX
  • JohnDoe always plays specA and completes contentX

  • RandomJoe respecs to specB and completes contentY
  • JaneDoe always plays specB and completes contentY

If there is an issue with specA or specB with a given content, then that issue exists regardless of whether or not the player respec’d to it. It would exist because that spec in that content is outside the design intended by the developers and so the fault would lie in the fact that that spec can exist in the game. Thus the nerf hammer would likely be leveraged for the spec.

No nerf hammer needed. You had to invest 150 hours into the spec to get it to max efficiency. That is a lot of time to expend in a season for a spec. Who cares if eternal is balanced. Eternal should be a mess tbh.

I’m not asking for that or have any interest in that?
And I haven’t seen anyone else ask for it?
So it appears that there isn’t a demand for that in the Diablo 4 genre … and it would require a large rewrite of the game to enable it to do that like Path of Exile does or in some other way.

Or are you looking for some other type of answer?

I didn’t mention anything about eternal. I do agree it can be whatever mess it ends up being … though if they could make it not a mess that could be better for the health of the game :man_shrugging: not my problem. I’ll be in the seasons like in D3 and PoE.

So your whole thing is the 150 hours needed to level up that second character. So as long as I pay that, I can swap for free between the specs because I invested that time?

I know. Would you stand against all classes having access to all abilities? If you would, why would you. Or would you not stand against such an idea if the devs proposed it?

This would be a complete rewrite of the game compared to how it is now.

Would I be in support of a well-designed classless system? Yes.

I’d need a lot more detail though to speak more than at that high level as currently the question is at that high level.

edit: I’d also want free respecs in such a system so I could tinker like a madman :smiley: Make me have to farm hardcore for loot all you want. I’ll eventually get it this season or another one and then tinker away :wink:

Well you can log on to either character and they will have different specs. That 150 hours got you 2 specs to swap between for “free”. I hope eternal has legacy items. Items that if they make changes retain their old stats/abilities in eternal and become legacy items like in PoE. It expands the number of builds you can make in eternal and is fun.