About respec cost? This is the way

That wont get close to how much they could make on selling character slots and respec potions :joy: Oh, and XP boosts.

I tried to stay from that phrase to avoid insulting people, but thatā€™s exactly what it is: instant gratification.

And at higher levels youā€™re going to accumulate more gold in the time that it will take you to find that next gear upgrade (legendary aspect + rare) anyway.

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Ugh. Please no.

This is why Iā€™ve mostly avoided Asian MMOs. They like to create a demand for ā€œquality of lifeā€ things that you can only get from the cash shop. It irks me.

Maybe for some. Iā€™d say the theorycrafters like myself donā€™t do it for instant gratification. There isnā€™t instant gratification pulling apart a device and tinkering with it. Thatā€™s how I (and others Iā€™ve theorycrafted with in previous games) view our playing around with builds.

I also donā€™t think itā€™s instant gratification to respec to remove some issues that can pop up in multiplayer such as having some of your already limited skills become obsolete when playing with different combos with friends. Or to deal with a vast speed disparity between you and your friendsā€™ builds ā€¦ something we see in both D3, PoE, Grim Dawn, etc. as some builds are just built to be insanely fast while others are your slow-old-reliable builds.

I could somewhat see it as ā€œinstant gratificationā€ swapping between specs ā€¦ except if I took the time to farm the gear, reroll it, and upgrade it for that spec, thatā€™s pretty far from instant gratification and I fail to see how itā€™s different from swapping characters to get a different playstyle for that gaming session.

Yep. Definitely would be a deal breaker for me in getting the game. No P2W accepted.

Point just was, if they start designing the game for selling MTX (unfortunately it seems likely they willā€¦) then nothing kinda matters anymore, as the game will be trash.

Yes, that would violate my trust and, as I tell my kids, no good relationship exists without trust.

Iā€™d be out as well.

Hopefully that doesnā€™t happen.

There have been numerous articles over the years discussing this very thing as the Asian gamer market increases in size as what players will/wonā€™t accept and are looking for in games is largely different in the Asian vs Western markets. So now devs have to decide to split the difference or aim for one or the other in several cases.

The game is supposed to be an ARPG, not just a brainless Action game.

Without roles, there is no role-playing.

Ummm, there are no roles ā€¦ everyone is a damage dealer per the devs :stuck_out_tongue:

And I think you may want to look into the history of what roleplaying is in the context of RPG. Maybe go back to the roots of that.

Itā€™s clear you have no idea what youā€™re talking about and need to take your own advice. You think ā€œroles = trinity of dps/tank/healer.ā€ What you are saying is ignorant.

If you mean actual roleplaying like in D&D, Pathfinder, and other pen&paper, classic RPG, etc. ā€¦ then that was not apparent from what you said.

If that is what you meant, Iā€™d like to point out that Iā€™ve yet to see one ā€œroleplayingā€ server for any game in the aRPG genre ever.

Roleplaying is right there in the name. Roleplaying Game. I shouldnā€™t have to tell you that Iā€™m talking about roleplaying.

And no, Iā€™m not talking about people chatting to each other as if they are really the characters they are playing. I am talking about your character having a role.

As in, Orc Warrior is a role. Halfling Thief is a role. There are different roles you can play. If you can instantly switch between whichever role you want to at any time, then there are no roles and everything is the same. If there are no roles, there is no roleplaying game. There is just an Action game.

You can have roles without it meaning tanks and healers.
Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, frontline melee, second line melee, debuffer, single target, aoe, burst, dotter, etc. are also different roles in RPGs.

And no, those roles are not remotely related to the concept of roleplaying on a roleplay server.


Yes, you should, as itā€™s become an overloaded term as made quite obvious here as weā€™ve just illustrated different definitions of RPG.

Some people now consider RPG simply because it has character customizations of one form or another.

As far as those roles ā€¦ please elaborate with concrete examples what roles weā€™re going to be seeing in this aRPG and how that means we need respecs to be non-free.

If you have an issue with someone changing roles ā€¦ what about them simply changing characters to a different class? Or changing characters to the same class with a different spec?

In original D2 I had multiple Battlenet accounts just to get around the character limit, because there were so many roles to play.

I had a Lightning Nova Sorc, Frost Orb Sorc, Blizzard Sorc, Fire Wall Sorc. Once they add the ability to respec freely, those things no longer exist. There is only just Sorc, and all Sorcs are the same.

There is value in having different roles. It is the same reason why you canā€™t just press a button and have your Necromancer become a Barbarian.

No. When I leave town, Iā€™m a Lightning Nova Sorc, Blizzard Sorc, Fire Wall Sorc, etc.

When you see someone playing on their character ā€¦ how do you know if they have always been that build or respecā€™d to it? You have no way of knowing.

Yep, and this is why I have not seen a single person ask for Necromancer skills on a Barbarian or vice versa ā€¦

But you seem to be fine with someone swapping characters from Lightning Sorc to Frost Sorc ā€¦ but not respec-ing their Sorc from Lightning to Frost ā€¦ why?

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Why not? Thatā€™s exactly what you want. Itā€™s the rational end result of everything youā€™re asking for. Why should all characters not have access to all class skills?

The reason why is because having restrictions is actually what makes a role, a role.

Because investment in your role is the core part of any roleplaying game, and your character is the role.

Switching between one character you have invested in and another character you have invested in is fine. Switching one character on the fly to be whatever you want regardless of investment, isnā€™t roleplaying. Just like if I want to go from Druid to Rogue, I have to switch characters, because Druid and Rogue are two different roles.

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You havent? There is quite a following behind oskills from D2, allowing characters to get skills from other classes.

Personally strongly against such a thing, as it imo devalues class identities.


respec is here to stay. good, only REAL RPG fans will play

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No. Thatā€™s a room temperature level interpretation of what I want. A gross strawman.

The restrictions are:

  • The skill tree available to that class
  • The limited number of skill points available to allocate to that skill tree
  • The paragon boards available to that class
  • The limited number of paragon points available to allocate to those paragon boards
  • The gear you have acquired

Iā€™m wanting to be able to respec those points.

And you canā€™t tell the difference between

  • Sebrent is playing a Lighting Sorc. Then Sebrent respecs and is playing a Frost Sorc.
  • Sebrent is playing a Lighting Sorc. Then Sebrent character swaps and is playing a Frost Sorc.

If you have some meaningful difference, please list it.

It isnā€™t ā€œwhatever I wantā€ ā€¦ itā€™s swapping it to a different spec available to that class.

Itā€™s limited by the limitations of that class AND what gear I have acquired to support that other spec.

Please see the above to your first statement as it elaborates this more and Iā€™m too tired to repeat myself in the same post.


Well, given that this is the D4 forum and not the D2R forums ā€¦ and I got plenty of original D2 back in the day so havenā€™t devoted a single thought to D2R ā€¦ I havenā€™t seen that.

I guess they saw how skill gems work in Path of Exile and wanted something like that?

Beats me and I donā€™t really care as it has not entered any of these respec conversations until now with Iceā€™s gross strawman.

Itā€™s not a gross strawman; itā€™s merely a question that you refuse to answer.

Why should every character not have the ability to use any classā€™s skills? It would, according to your own words, make the game better: