A few things need a change to hardcore

Just wondering but here are my thoughts as a hc only player:

  1. Please let us find out if we are going to drink from a trap healing fountain.
    It was expected I will die to something weird like server issues to beta, but I not at all expected to die again butcher when he was 1/8 life and I took the next healing fountain and died.

Maybe let us run around the fountain and find out somehow, like let our character say something “this smells weird” or whatever after 5 seconds before we drink it.

  1. PvP zones.
    I like pvp but will we have the option to avoid pvp zones if we don’t feel ready yet? Will we have to cross through them to reach a specific area? I always liked HC pvp but only played lvl 9 hardcore pvp in Diablo 2 so I don’t know if I want to do this in D4 if it takes forever to get to max level.

  2. In my opinion it shouldn’t be possible to use townportals during a fight. Or atleast break cast if enemies hit you. Okay, in Diablo 2 I was fast in esc leave or alt f4 but this shouldn’t be an option. It is hardcore.

  3. Maybe, just maybe, change hardcore in general for Diablo 4.
    Instead of losing your character it should be booted to the softcore realm but without gear etc. That way more people start in hc if they are interested instead of avoiding it in total.

But then again my last idea would get the hc mad so just leave it how it is but maybe change those few things on top.