9 more days to season 1. Will I get Tempest Roar?

Just adding to all the other rants, I’m level 100 for more than a week. Countless NMD. Yet to get it. Maybe blizzard can just put 1 Tempest Roar in my stash?

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I’m still grinding for 1 but I don’t believe I will ever get it so when the season starts I’ll table the Druid for a while.

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:smiley: I dont htink I will hit lvl 100 in those 9 days, considering im leaving for 3 days for cottage.
Currently 84+ and farming NM dungs.
It will be ultra pain if TR will drop for me on 19th evening or so.

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I’m rooting for you.

Hopefully you are speed running some mid level NMDs. Don’t waste time with higher level ones, drop rates aren’t affected by that.


I stopped grinding for it, because let’s say after 3 days of grinding it dropped. This would give you less than a week to enjoy it before the next season. I really feel badly for folks who’ve been grinding all this time (often on lvl 100 toons), only to finally have the TR drop during the week before the first season starts. That’s a level of frustration that I’m choosing to avoid.


On my level 92 druid. I have been farming nm dungeons, helltides and world bosses for more than a week, getting, no joke, 3-5 unique items per day without seeing one Tempest Roar. At that point I was thinking the game was trolling me.

Finally, it dropped about an hour ago. I got it from a helltide event elite. Not from a nm dungeon, not from a helltide chest, not from an event chest, but from the undead that spawns when you escort the wandering soul until they find a “loved one” that says: “You …left me… aloooone”
So now I am certain the game is trolling me. :joy:

This is what sucks…I want to play druid again for seasons. But having tasted the power of the tempest roar in the initial game, if I am one of the unlucky that doesn’t get it til late season or not at all, it’s going to make it very hard to want to continue that character. Best case is some combination of season buffs makes a few other builds as good without it.

I know there are some builds now that are good, but nothing has appealed to me so far or are gated behind a different unique that I have not gotten yet…

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Unless the drop table is fixed or an RNG change happens. We will not get one.


I am on a similar boat, been a 100 not too long ago. I am not looking for TR at this point though, mostly focused on polishing the gear of my pulverize bear. I have the crone staff stashed, with fairly decent stats, but good lord, redoing the paragon boards just for field testing builds is so annoying :cry: