70 eur for what

Bought D4 because i was excited about playing a storm werewolf build and druid in general because i loved the class in D2 but after 80 hours of grinding and still no tempest roar which is required to make the build work and multiple builds work i am wondering if the 70 eur was worth it when after 80 hours you still cant play the build you were hoping to. I dont mind a grindy game, i like grinding for OPTIMAL gear but not grinding 80 hours for REQUIRED to make a build work gear forcing you to play sub optimal builds for the whole time.

You could still make the build work without Tempest Roar. Having that legendary just maximizing the potential of the build with a huge leap. That is how Random Drop works. It does not guarantee an item that you want just because you spent certain amount of hours playing. My friend has been playing for more than 200 hours and still does not get the legendary pants he wants.

The 70 EUROS you paid for is split into 5 different classes to enjoy the game, a campaign with voice dialogue , and an option for group play, balance update after game launched. You could provide a feedback to encourage the increase drop chance of some of the build specific legendary to drop.

A pile of garbage game put together by idiots. Nope, not at all worth even a few pennies.

false. tempest roar is a build enabler. You claiming that you can run tornados without tempest roar is a blatant lie and you clearly don’t play this build past wt3.

I think you can run tornado without the helm but at a reduced power (no grizzly rage) and without the ability to spam (no extra lucky procs to restore spirit), but why would you. The helm does make it way less risky and complicated plus more damage and perma unstoppable. There is too much tied to one ultimate and it’s hurting the class. We need better options.

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and even less dmg reductions cause no form.