7 Vasilys 0 Tempest Roar. I hate this game

I TRULY HATE THIS FREAKING GAME. Im so over this farm. Been grinding dungeons since 50, I am now 91. Literally thousands of dungeons and not a single one. IM OVER IT

*Now level 95, Still no drop

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Same boat brotha. 20mfschars

It took me 50ish NM dungeons and 15 barb uniques later, got one around 92. Just keep trying man.

50 NM dungeons and you found 15 barb uniques and a tempest roar? I ran 30 last night and got one unique which was a razorplate. You got some insane luck

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It took me quite a while to get mine, but before that, I got maybe 10 vasily’s lol

With how much you’re on the forums complaining about this unique that is probably not as great as you think it will be… you could be farming for it.

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eh probably more like 100-120

I need to change up my strat then. Thats still 1 unique every 8 NM dungeons

NM 42-49s if that makes any difference at all, but I doubt it

you’re getting uniques at the end of sigils??? Im just getting a crappy leg over and over ando ver

opposite for me, i mostly find tempest roar, only 2-3 vasily. RNG is RNG, also if you don’t get the RNG you need then re think your build and have fun with the gear you have.

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Been playing a Pulverize werebear since Day 1 level 1. My intention was always to get into some form of werewolf build. I found the Tornado seeker bracers very early on and toyed with it, but figured it would be something I could try later. I just hit 100 today. The amount of Vasily I have found is absurd. Still not a single Tempest Roar nor a Staff of Crone.

At this point, I have lost general interest in even trying anymore. I understand RNG is RNG, but I’ve seen almost 2 full stash tabs of these Werebear helms and none of the other. It is a build defining and enabling unique yet there is 0 way to target farm it or gamble for it, so since my RNG luck is complete trash, I am gated out of character builds.

Not a fun concept sadly.


Thats how most ARPGs are. You cant make a certain build if youve never found the items. Granted, in most ARPGs you can trade someone for them, but i heard thats not possible in this game? Ive never tried trading, but ive seen the option to trade with player when i right click on my friends icon, so idk, im confused that people say theres no trading. Does it just not work?

I don’t believe you can trade Legendary or Unique items.

Got it just now as lvl 73, . Dropped in Helltide from a normal mob next to an elite. Couldnt believe it. Had 6x wolf & bear armor, 4x zenith, 3x mothers embrace before that. Ran so many NM dungeons the last days, the same uniques over and over. Also got a barb weapon, hellhammer yesterday. proof: ibb. co/VV552rf ( remove the _ before co ) - just a image hoster.

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0 unique helms
6/5/0 wolf/bear/thorns unique chest
3/2 fate/frost unique gloves
1/0 temerity
1/0 chill
8 cleaver /1 gibous
0 stafff
4 barbian pieces of $$$$$
0 amulet
1 mother ring
9 hunters
0 totems
Yep i dont want another cleaver or hunters ring !

A helltide!? I rarely see a legendary drop from anything out there open farming let alone a Tempest Roar lol

I absolutely didn’t expect it too. Just wanted to farm some forgotten souls. Got some more uniques in helltides though.

Just got 2 barb uniques in a row after playing for two days with none droping I’m so close to uninstalling. The fact they havnet fixed this yet is crazy.

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YEEEEEEP. I have almost an entire tab full now. So many missed opportunities that COULD have been my helm.