500 Mephisto runs would show them what real end game content is lol

Nah dawg…you got Cows, Chaos, and Throne runs too man. C’mon.


i’d rather run mephisto 1000 times than return 1 more box.


I think an issue is the loot as others have said.

Getting an upgrade in D4 likely won’t feel all that different because it will most likely be a small incremental increase.

In D2 you could drop a Ber or something that would completely change your capabilities as a character and push you to another level.

In D4 you get a weapon with vulnerability damage on it or something.


Few reasons why D2 had better endgame:

  • Relative enjoyment. Times were different and gameplay expectations were different. We needed less as gamers to enjoy content. Expectations damn well SHOULD BE higher after 2 decades.
  • True rabbits to chase. D2 it was REALLY hard to get certain truly build defining end game gear, like Windforce for my Amazon that I grinded for months and months. In D4, it’s less than a month, I played way less per day now than D2, and my 75 Necro basically has all the main uniques / aspects to my build except Harlequin Crest, which is not nearly as cool or impactful as say Windforce was. Everything else is just min / maxing, which is not exciting.
  • None class specific drops. This does 2 things: 1) makes it MUCH harder to get the gear you need as you get every classes drops, and 2) when you get a class defining drop for another class, it REALLY motivates you to create a class with that build, and every step of the way you are leveling that alt, you are excited to one day use that piece of gear.
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i was super happy when I found my first Ist Zod Jah and Ber runes used for my runeworded etherals . And nothing was more satisfying then getting a Perfect Shako / Oculus with my MF gear. I found my Ancestral Axe at lvl 62 and I cant find anything else thats over 2,500 damage and im level 75 now taking my time slowly not trying to burn myself out with the annoying affixes then having the Butcher pop out with 0 lives left having to kite him all over the dungeon :rofl:


92 levels and i haven’t gotten my tempest roar )= but hey i wouldnt need it if i could play a viable shred build…natural wolf skills are pretty much poop for some reason. Almost 11k attack power 60% crit naturally all gear is essentially boosting damage well with every affix. 3rd shred might crit for 200k if im lucky…cant touch any other builds damage. Not even close…and those builds can sacrifice all the damage for DR and Armor so not only do they do ridiculous damage, they dont die in 1 hit from something 5 levels above them.

blizz/activision did it this way to prevent things from being sold on the black market because they want their cut lol the only thing I can think of. im taking my time because I dont want to hit level 100 and wind up like stan and kile when they beat guitar hero

More like play PoE endgame then come back and tell me if what we have here is acceptable. I’ll save you the time. This dog turd game isn’t acceptable.


Try monetizing 500 mephisto runs as content in 2023. I hope you enjoy being broke.

What about key runs; then uber runs; then uber Tristram?

There was always something slightly more difficult to achieve in D2, making the gear upgrades more than just a gear upgrade.

Whatever else it is about D2 that has held people’s interest for so long while D4 interest is dropping quite quickly; you haven’t captured it in this comparison. The only reason D4 exists is because of the name D1 and D2 created.

Yet it remains that even to this day people playing D2 for decades are still more willing to do hundreds of runs of something for the rewards than the slightly varied paths of D4 NM dungeons and their “rewards/busy work stash inventory management, run back and forth to stash and salvage then upgrade sim.”


Try monetizing 500 mephisto runs as content in 2023. I hope you enjoy being broke.

This is my point, thank you for saying it.

Truth is the greater market is not into doing 500 mephisto runs. However why people did enjoy doing 500 mephisto runs was because of the loot and builds you could make. The items and builds, the theory crafting was what made the end game fun.

Currently we are missing the itemization and build diversity. No we get one or two choices in builds per character and no itemization, so everyone goes what do I do?

Its funny, blizzard wanted to step away from D3 sets due to its limiting effect on builds but we are experiencing the same effect due to damage structure (buckets) and poor itemization.


I would unironically rather hork the Pit for 100 hours and only identify piles of Sigon’s than kill another uninspired mob in another uninspired copy paste dungeon for piles of yellow “2-Handed Swords” with dumb affixes, lol.


I used to do in public or with the few people that played in the clan I was in on USEast - Andarial Duriel Arcane Santuary Mephisto Diablo Baal then setting up for cows in stony field - pvping was super fun. had a huge collection of ears lol and the best was when we both allowed each other to loot corpse during pvp… what a rush that was. Spells had no cooldowns and I had F1-F9 set with all my spells constantly going up and down the keys depending on what I needed at the moment to not die.I won a lot and lost a lot too and I just kept going and going… super addicting lol one of the best experiences in all the games I’ve ever played people jus’t dont know lol the ones that do do. D4 is good but they need to make drastic changes

You found those, did you?

If you crunch the numbers, it would take tens of thousands of hours to legitimately find all of those runes. Not to mention all of other gear.

If you got a Gul rune from the Hellforge every time, it would take 256 hellforges to upgrade to one Zod rune in the cube. But you only get a Gul once every 10 times on average, so 2560 hell level Hellforge runs.

I’m always amazed that people forget how rare things were. Without botters and dupers, 99% of players would have spent their D2 life in yellow items.

Iam lv 100 now and there is NOTHING to do.At least Baal and Mephisto were loot worthy.My english bad.

Terror Zones, pit runs, ancient tunnels, ect. All the side areas are great now too. You got Uber Tristam too for hard content.

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That’s like comparing Dragonflight to Everquest 1 back in 1999. Games evolve and so does the video game culture and personalities.

You’re comparing games that are 23 years apart. It’s a ridiculous comparison.

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Yet somehow, D2 players had no issue doing it, the items were worth it and the community thrived.


Dude I had a addiction to D2 at the time lol I was on it nonstop after school until i slept at 1am then weekends I would sleep very few hours to get back on to hang out with the programming clan my friend was in that had a lot of D2 people to pvp and do fast loot runs with. 13 years old lol then LoD came out right as I got out of school for summer and it was over lol I had no life I wont lie it was such a great time on Battle Net - D2 Starcraft and Warcraft.

Yeah and those same Diablo 2 players are now in their 40’s and 50’s. This isn’t high school or college anymore for them lol