5 stages of grief - I'm at depression / acceptance - what about you other eternals

Don’t feel compelled to keep grinding if they will destroy my grinding every season…

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I have been repeating steps 1-3 for quite a while, but I gave up on bargaining after the last campfire chat. Depression lasted for 1 day and now I have accepted that D4 = D3.

At the moment I’m just giving out suggestions so D4 can be the best possible D3.


Rather then just waiting for a paycheck for example? I see it in some of the devs over at D4, but definitely not all of them, I also think their teams are a little too big in general. Some trimming is needed, among other things.

Age of Mythology recently released if you’re into RTS, Frostpunk 2 comes out on September 20, Dragon Age 4 at the end of October, Sparking Zero the new coke drink you can try out comes soon, plenty of options out there. I still have a backlog I’m going through myself. Frostpunk 2 I’ll definitely be playing day 1 through the game pass though.

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  • Lord of Disbelief
    Bonus: Gain 20% increased dodge chance and a 10% chance to nullify incoming debuffs. When stunned or immobilized, you have a 15% chance to instantly break free.
  • Lord of Anger
    Bonus: Increase damage dealt by 25% for a short duration after taking damage. Enemies hit by your attacks have a 10% chance to be burned with a fire effect that deals additional damage over time.
  • Lord of Bargaining
    Bonus: Gain 15% increased damage reduction and a 10% chance to reduce the cooldown of your abilities by 5 seconds whenever you use a defensive skill.
  • Lord of Depression
    Bonus: Receive a 20% reduction in damage taken while under negative effects. Your health regeneration rate increases by 10% while below 50% health.
  • Lord of Acceptance
    Bonus: Gain a 15% boost to all resistances and a 10% chance to automatically heal a small portion of your health when your health drops below 30%. Additionally, you have a 5% chance to avoid death once per encounter.

Probably better then you work with jokes

No kidding right, there’s a lot of tongue in cheek going on here.

“Gotta laugh, or I’m gonna cry”

sniff snff.

Uff! Lots of liars in here!

Most of you are still at Stage 2! Stop lying! :face_with_peeking_eye:

But i went through these stages playing my barb, before switching to LS sorc…

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All the pitiful and depressed morons are on already? God damn

If it is not different then what is the point.

Kinda the problem with d4 now. So much similarity with d3. If I wanna play that I play that. Did not buy d4 to play d3 in a different visual style


It’s a reskin for some time IMHO.

Slightly different but all the basic elements crossover.

Grifts / pits
Bounties /whispers
Kadala / obols
Kanai / Occultist.
Glyphs /leg gems

D4’s team though…


‘Yes milord? What is it? Right-o’

Sorry, I was busy shopping for robot lawn mowers to automate my future grass touching activities.

I chose to be a Vessel of Hatred instead of settling for anger. Hence the active lobbying. :rofl:

Check your DM for the serious message though.

I get ya, and I don’t blame anyone who feels the same way. Here’s to hoping you can find a game that you better enjoy. Cheers mate. :beers:

anger and lost all hope that D4 devs lnows what they do. is too much…
POE2, looking forward to get onboard!

Its just so weird. Its a video game. Smh.

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I need to triple crit my lawn but it’s turning brown will need a full rework in fall.

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Sounds like your lawn is facing a S6 overhaul moment. Sorry to hear.

Edit: Wow, Mrak should just stay in eternal as a feature. Best uber farming expierence I’ve ever had.

I got enough better games to play. Just yesterday I bought astro bot. :ok_hand:

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Kind of crazy I paid money to go through this game experience.

Here’s 70 bucks, and my ancillary purchases - please abuse me.

“Shades of gray” turns into “Shades of play”

@urza :wink:

Here’s another 90 dollars for the ultimate experience.

Vessel of Hatred - sounds very appropriate now in the context of 50 shades…lol.


This is the only game that I would like to play and pay more for but where the devs make everything possible to make me change my mind… You play some days until you discover that all what you have done is useless and you will be in a limbo for weeks waiting for the next disappointment


One does not play Diablo Games to have fun anymore. You play to hurt yourself. And its doing a great job.