5 stages of grief - I'm at depression / acceptance - what about you other eternals

  1. Disbelief
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Where do you stand at this point?



I went through 1/2 at end of season 4 / beginning of season 5 because of the redo unique and mythics.

Did my bargaining posts this week.



PTR 2.0 cured me of my Diablo 4 addiction. I simply feel no more motivation to play a game, where looting and crafting will be destroyed.


Id say im still at a 4 but moving to a 5.

Although I will say - based on the PTR , I am excited for POE2 lol


I am at 5 now. Ready to accept since blizz lost their touch 10 yr ago.

Plenty of time to get through


Before you do anything call 911 for help.


Now does your acceptance come in the form of continuing to play or moving onto greener pastures?


Savior Poe2 riding in on a silver horse.

That’s a good question, I was running torms last night and since all gear is useless I sell everything but mythics.

I was so into the process, I sold a doombringer and autozoned to grig…

so, I’m playing.

But after last night, I realized that the game is going to be so bad for me for next 1 month. argh and so mindless. 15 players active in ETERNAL daily, now down to 1-3.


Where’s macroninja,


I on non of these cause it’s a game not real life also I don’t have a problem with the game

I’m at pity. I pity people who are depressed about changes in a video game. I can’t imagine how you deal with actual hardships.


I’m at 5 now and finally taking a break after putting in 1,600 hours of D4. I’ve got a backlog of games to play before the expansion drops!


what about you

I am so confused, I do not know which merc’s to use next month. :confounded:


If that’s your savior more power to you. Just as I’m skeptical about the expansion, I’m also skeptical about PoE2. I’ll still play it mind you, but I consider PoE and any Diablo game to be two completely different experiences, even if the goal is relatively the same.

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Here we go again . You just look to come into these forums and start issues.

You know NOTHING about any of the people in this forum, and have no basis to judge any of them. Pleas please please do us all a favor and get off your high horse.

Good Grief the absolute gall of people

I wouldnt call POE a savior - but yea its nice to have options.

Agree on the different experiences as well - but I will just post my observation:

POE’s dev team seems at least a little bit more hmmmm "passionate " about their work. For whatever thats worth - I just know ill be looking for other games to play come s6

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Oh no would you be judging me and yet you know nothing about me? What gall!

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You’re a turd.


If that makes you feel better then sure I’m a turd. But s turd that can handle changes in a video game. Imagine being less than a turd.

Generally, speaking if you aren’t an eternal player, you are probably just stirring the pot and just pouring salt.

In others words, be a bit more mature please and step off.

We would like privacy in our item funeral.

“Bye my GA’s weapon mythics…”

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I’ve been at acceptance for a long time, but every time they do something or talk about their ideas, I return to disbelief.