4 skill slots impacts Necro extremely significantly

The only reason to limit ability usage is balancing.

Think about how much balancing they need to go through if they gave every class another 2 ability slots, let alone 4. This game has PvP end game content. If it was only demon slaying, balancing would be less relevant.

EDIT: I’m hinting at Blizzard doesn’t want to pay people to balance the game at that level of complexity. Blizzard has always been art-driven. They are not the sharpest tools.

Blizzard can’t balance things, just look at WoW. Their idea of balancing in that game now a days means pruning away skills or homogenise it to a point where they can make a template that works on all their classes and run with it. So in that perspective it might actually be good that they “only” have 4 skill slots to “balance”. Any more than that and you’d end up with a lot of D4 classes that played the same.

Just consoles ruining parts of games yet again and people will defend it so it wont go away. I think we should have at least 6 slots plus right and left click for a total of 8, but ideally we’d have at minimum at standard 12 slot hotbar.

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lol, what size of clownshoes are you wearing?

Necro is so brokenly OP right now that once you have everything summoned (That’s 2 buttons), you only need your mouse to play. No other skills needed, since your summons just decimate everything. I thought Sorc was OP after last weekend, but it looks weak compared to how you can basically AFK a room full of mobs with Necro.

If you wanna be a necro AND press buttons all the time, either learn to make choices, or go for a no-summon build (which is a choice. Scary, I know).


The golem is very strong. I’m ok with it taking up a skill slot but the skeletons could be a separate button.

I really don’t understand the problem here.

D2 gave you fewer active skills in combat than this game. I was pretty much teleport + damage skill/optional single target skill like static if you were a sorc or berserk if you were a barb. Lightning sorc and necro were maybe the only exceptions to that, but that still brings us to the number of actives we use in D4 (no change). D3 had more active skills per class than D2, but you were forced to slot defensives + buffs + debuffs and, often, movement.

So limit skill slots for pvp maps only, done, problem solved. The tree having limited skillpoint is enough to limit skills already for pve, If you eant to have ALL skills, you Lose in Power per skill.

Give the players the option to use as many skills as they want, If you wanna use a dumbed down strong 1 skill combo, sure, If you wanna use a piano stile game, your choice. Stop taking the choice aeay from gamers plz.

Choices you could give to players: separated servers, one for free trade, one for ssf or limited trade. Map over layout, choice between New map or old overlay with playable interaction. Dungeons where after the First time you finish It you can Boss rush or do the quests, where doing the quests give better rewards.

Give players choice, do not Just treat them like children.

I play a thorns build which is okay. I guess it’s not Sorceress level, but it gets me through the game well enough. Just thorns gear and emeralds in armor.

Then skellis, golem, blight, that primary skill which boost minion damage, iron maiden and blood mist.

Sure, some legendaries for blood mist to explode corpses and + skellies etc are nice. I have about 360 thorns without potion and defense skellies and golem dish out 50% of that.

Game play, just curse, blight, hemmorage and if monsters still are up just blood mist them. Explosions all over screen.

You can dismiss your Skeletons if you don’t have viable build for them. Take +15% Damage Reduction for example. They will get 1-shotted 30+ unless you give them Passives/Affixes.

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actually, it’s easier to balance if you have more slots.

If you have 1 ability slot, and 4 choices. All 4 choices have to be equally compelling or the players always picks the strongest one.

If you have 2 ability slots, and 3 choices. It doesn’t matter which one is slightly better; the player will use their favorites.

Right now, Diablo 4 has a case of the first example. There’s a million skills, but given the limited slots, we only ever pick the strongest options (EX: Hydra Sorc).


The game absolutely needs more skill slots, or at least a hotswapable bar/page. Its not just a Necro problem.

The bonuses for not using skeletons also does not feel nearly as impactfull as what having a small army with you does.

The skeleton skill slot makes sense and has a purpose. The golem one does not. It automatically respawns 20 seconds after you lose it and the ability it has could be a node on the skill tree to automatically happen if your Necro is stunned or reaches a certain health threshold or something.

playing necro feels like we have 2 buttons. Though, I’ll admit, most builds feel like they have 2 buttons

Sorry u can use both triggers to put umtimate like outriders does. U also can hold left trigger x and other 3 to have 4 extra and x and other 3 for 4 that alone is 8 add r trigger 9 got trigger l 1 and r 1 as well thats 11.

Well for 1, the golem has an active aoe taunt, it’s a spell in itself. 2 if you’re going summoning necro, why wouldn’t you have raise skeleton be on your bar? Skeletons die, you raise them. The game is about balancing your skill choices. I don’t really understand how this is a complainable issue. The limited skill slots are likely due to console gamers as it is a cross platform game…

To add to the chorus here…

D2R, ya know… Blizzard’s own game in this series… has 12

See above. It isn’y complicated or difficult to extend out to 12 easily. The designers (imo) were just pasting a D3 thing here and being lazy

In addition the more skill slots you have the more busted combinations can be, a balancing nightmare. Not saying it’s impossible, or that it shouldn’t be done. Just that people complaining about this are whiny children.

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That is fair on what it could unlock.

My only issue on the keybinds is that Ultimate uses a slot. Probably less of an issue at end game when CDR will begin stacking (I hate CDs… argh) but that is my main complaint on the layout/design. I’d love 12 but your point is fair

Necromancers had this design in D2 where if you wanted to play a summoner with lots of summoned minions, you only had enough skill points for the summoning skills. Your minions did everything. Lots of people liked the afk playstyle and that’s kind of what Necromancers embody.

While I wish for more buttons as in PoE and GD, I see the purposefulness here to implement opportunity cost for the purpose of balancing. It won’t change. For Necros, the question in pet builds will be “is the Golem(s) worth its spot, or should I trade it.”