2.0 Drop rate of useful items is crazy bad

No Mythic bows period.

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Im not even in ptr, and more i read these topics, more i dislike it…

Btw i will give a shot this weekend, if i get some free time.

There are a bunch of good changes, but nothing makes sense. The game is slightly more enjoyable, but it’s still the same game. That pretty much sums it up.

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Only being in voh sucks, but it’s available outside of the citadel: https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1826325323920933245

I don’t agree with this, but I can see why some people would dislike low drops. Currently, most of the drops are useless and end up getting sold or salvaged, things we currently have to do manually. I’d rather have lower drop frequency, more useful items, and get resources more often, so I can spend more time actually playing the game and less time doing inventory management. Obviously there’s some room for flex, but I prefer this general direction.

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This update just looks like its going back to the slog that launch was. Boring forever grind. No loot drops.

Sure while some die hard sweats that play 10 hours a day may play longer in the season, everyone else will just do season journey and quit just like they did at launch.

I can only do a happy dance when I finally get that ancestral drop with +GA life per sec so many times before I go F this. Its bad enough I had crap luck with mythic uniques all this time. Now the uniques and ancestrals will be almost this way. No thanks. Not grinding 100 years just to play a build I want to play. S5 was great. I played more alts than ever before. Why? Because I was finally able to get my first character in a place that I enjoyed him… then the next one and the next one etc.

Then the progression tier changes the devs spent so much time on. Watch how many people don’t “challenge” themselves and just spend eternity in tier 1 gearing up and then do tier 4.

Nobody liked this grindfest at launch and nobody is going to like it now. Expect another year of campfire chats changing direction for the 5th time trying to win people back.


We heard you like RNG so we put more RNG in your RNG and topped it off with RNG so you can have RNG.

Did D4 mysteriously get taken over by D3’s development team?

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Nobody even knows how long it will take to get the 200 paragon points. You may have started on the PTR with them but if you play seasonal, you are starting from scratch with just the 25 from renown. It looks to me like paragon points are pretty slow leveling.

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Why they did it has nothing to do with tempers. They want to make it feel like its gear progression. The problem is that most people have already been playing with this gear for a long time. Can’t just suddenly lock the same gear behind uber mythic like RNG and make it feel good.

This is alpha like content changes, not live game like.


Obols gambling is seriously the most ridiculous state it have ever been in PTR. Its completely useless. Not only do you only get a few legendaries per 2500 obols, but you need many stacks just to get 1 useless Unique. Ive never even seen a Ancestral Unique from it, but Ancestral Legendary is also something you see maybe 1 item per 10k Obols.

Bruh, who makes these decisions? It makes Obols gambling completely worthless for anything other than getting a few Aspects.

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T4 should just drop ancestrals. Or make it like this:

T1 - current drop rate of T1
T2 - 30%
T3 - 50%
T4 - 100%

With these rates:

If you’re casual, I don’t think you’d need much ancestral anyway and you are probably gonna stick with T1 or T2.

T3 allows you to progress to T4.

At T4 all you want is min maxing your stuff.


You gotta hand it to Blizzard, they really went out of their way for you not to “need a loot fliter”


The thing is, if the ancestral nice to have and you could easily do all the stuff without them then it’s fine.

but if they are build requiring like shako in the LS build or Grandfather in the WW Barb then this will become a problem and players will (in my opinion correctly) complain.

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This is an improvement. This lets people play the difficulty they enjoy. Personally, I don’t care to be challenged in the game except every now and then against a boss. I want to chill and relax when I play, and not have to be on full alert.

That’s fun for me. This new system lets us all play at the challenge level they most enjoy.

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I dunno about easily, but it should def be possible or at least plausible.

People will complain regardless. They’re complaining now even though it doesn’t seem like we need full 12mw 4GA ancestrals and lvl100 glyphs. It’s the idea that they won’t have the best.

That would feel like progression. Right now they only have half the progression side of things.

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Its not really letting people do the difficulty they enjoy. Some people yes but thats maybe a fraction of 1% of people. The other people will play efficient which means doing the easiest content possible till geared to the teeth, then doing the hard content when the gear makes said content easy as tier 1.

That is what is going to happen. Greyghost, a couple posts ago, has it right. True progression. Do content A for gear to get to content B for gear that gets you to content C. Min max in content C. Tune that content around the gear for each tier.

That would give meaningful progression while also allowing people to stay in whatever tier they want for difficulty. A player like yourself that would only stay in tier one to chill and rofl stomp anything they want would still be able to do so. Might be a tiny bit rough at first but as soon as you start getting some normal 750 gear, some paragon and some glyph levels it will be insanely easy.

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Lmao ‘they cant be unhappy with it if we take it away’

Diablo 4 is about the shareholders.
It should be about loot tho you right

Yes, and that sounds like fun to me. You seem to be saying that if you don’t force people to play in higher difficulties, they won’t. I’m very glad you’re not a dev.

I’d quit the game if they gated all the best loot behind challenging content. It’s why I quit MMOs.

Its not gating the best loot behind higher difficulties. Its just giving them higher drop chance. Giving reason to actually push into those tiers early or take it easy and still have meaningful progress either way. You must not have read his post.


Isn’t that exactly what Blizz just did?