2.0 Drop rate of useful items is crazy bad

The drop rate of the useful items is very bad, before 1,000 dropped gloves in season 5 only one was useful and without GA but you could do double tempering and masterworking level 12, now in the PTR all items are trash if it is not ancestral since you can only make it a single tempering and only masterworking level 4, plus you need luck to be ancestral now you need twice as much luck to get useful affixes, so it is even less likely to get something useful, the feeling is much worse.

I dont understand why in Torment 4 the drop rate of normal items is very high Omg, the Uber bosses in Torment 4 drop a bunch of trash they should only drop ancestrals, now you kill 10 times a Uber boss in Torment 4 and drop a pure normal items is very bad.


Also the luck on the tempering, tripple luck


As a parallel, tempering manuals were tinkered with againā€¦ a lot of the good options were removed (again) forcing us into other optionsā€¦

Issue is that 90%+ of the other options are horrible. Why would I want +30%[+ ] Core when I could get +85%[+ ] Crit Damā€¦ ?

Attack Speed is nice option for weapons for those that want it though. So there are a few ā€˜okayā€™ options out of the base mechanic options.


I love that we donā€™t fill the inventory in 5mins anymore, they just need to fix tempering now


Yea is much worse with bricking, is less hard make Enigma in D2 resurected than drop a useful ancestral and not brick in D4 2.0


The legendaries donā€™t have 2/2 tempering unless itā€™s ancestral? Couldā€™ve sworn itā€™s been rare =1 Legendary =2

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you only feel this way because you are playing with a character that has gear with 2 tempers on it. try leveling a new char from scratch. you find gear useful the entire journey


Why I would be worried about having an incomplete item that is only for temporary use, I feel that the amount of junk items is more huge with the change, the amount of dropped items vs useful items is worse than season 5 and I am not counting the chance of bricking


if you level from the beginning you will get yourself decked out in 750 gear and be doing just fine, then hunting for those ilvl 800 ancestrals to replace the gear. as it is, you are sticking yourself with the 540 gear because you feel you cant go without the 2 tempers. even though the difference in stats on the squished gear and a 750 piece of gear is huge. my char currently has 1800hp but thats because squished gear has like +50hp. when 750 gear with no masterworking has over +500. i think if you level from scratch and not use squished or old bis gear you would have a different viewpoint


I agree completely, it was a difficult pill for me at firstā€¦ then I ā€˜went with itā€™ and things got better.


Yes; With 2.0 in the end game are only 2 types of item, normal and ancestral, normal only can 1 tempering and Masterworking only level 4, and ancestral can 2 tempering and full Masterworking, the problem was that normal items drop so much even in the Torment 4 and are very rare the ancestrals Ones

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i think what is hard for people to understand is the change in progression.

this is no longer a week long game. with the new progression of paragon points, glyph leveling and then finding your ancestral gear, this is a full season progression game. the 750 gear isnt temporary for a few hours. it is part of the progression. i can see myself playing for the better part of the 3month season now because there will be progression i can make the entire time. as it is now i get a toon fully geared in a matter of days.


I undestand you say, for me is nice make more hard level up the new paragon system, but i think the feeling of drop Thousand of obselete Ć­tems every day is Horrendus, i Think is more easy make a Enigma in D2 R than drop a useful ancestral item righ now in PTR with the bonus of bricking

Actually you do fill the inventory in 5 minutes now, just with totally TRASH gear.


I dont understand why in Torment 4 the drop rate of normal items is very high Omg, the Uber bosses in Torment 4 drop a bunch of trash they should only drop ancestrals, now you kill 10 times a Uber boss in Torment 4 and drop a pure normal items is very bad

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What need is there to level the Xtra Paragon levels when I already have the boards filled out before that? This is a filler content that worked on alot of yā€™all.

Wtf thatā€™s terrible! Too big of a shift of power for sure. Rare is supposed to allow 1 temper, legendaries 2 as they are currently. Is this supposed to artificially make it ā€œfeelā€ like weā€™re getting better temper rolls?

Couldā€™ve made the tempers selectable and the %'s rerollable or have added a no change option like enchanting but Ig that was too easy.

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guess you havent touched the ptr or even looked at anything. you dont have boards filled out without the extra paragon levels

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For me is very awesome the new paragon system

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they should increase droprate for ancestral items for sure, especially from tormented bosses