2.0 Drop rate of useful items is crazy bad

ya the new paragon boards are pretty nice. also a huge fan of the new glyph Eliminator. great for boosting your stats


thats bs, early game you find nothing but blues and some yellows. I had to use my resources to buy the leveling gear caches because i was getting bored out of my mind.
Progression and difficulty changes are fine but they messed up part of the itemization again. It was fine, you were able to find a functional end game build and after that you were doing your min max and chasing for perfect rolls. Now i feel like im going to chase for trash gear that im going to replace within a week.
Personally, im not willing to waste weeks of playtime farming for garbage easily replaced gear, i prefer having a functional endgame build and then start the real chase.


thats how it should be yes, the new system is a bad idea, especially after one year

If the way they make people play longer is by giving less items then thatā€™s just an artificial lengthening of the season and doesnā€™t fix the core issue with why the game takes 3 days to complete.

I didnā€™t play season 2 or 3 but both 4 and 5 have been kill monsters to get x resource to turn in for cache reward then once you collect enough thatā€™s the entire mechanic.

Itā€™s boring and poorly thought out.


Uh everything but generic stat nodes I did with the first 225, now I just plug them in randomly because it doesnā€™t matter, have you tried it yet?

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The droprates are so bad that itā€™s actually killing the fun to be honest.
Some people donā€™t understand this, but there are multiple reasons that FAR more items with GA have to drop:

  • many items drop with wrong affixes
  • the bad tempering system bricking items
    This is only viable when you drop 100 GA items in 30 minutes and not with 1 GA item in 30 minutes.

yeah its poor, lazy gamedesign- coverd up by unneeded, boring itemchasing


Iā€™m just curious what you find awesome about it lol, itā€™s the exact same just capped nowā€¦


this hard capping is almost every time a bad idea and lazy game design.
paragon board cap at 5 must go


I like the drop rate. I would even like it being more rare, so that 750 means even more and feels worthwhile upgrading and it still feels good to find a good one. Iā€™d like for the tempering scroll to then be consumed on use, sure, but we need to be able to use further scrolls on the same item when we finally do find the ancestral we want.


Same. I think the progression system now is way better. And I agree that it would be better to make IP 750+ even rarer. Tormented bosses are fine the way they are now.


Well I ran around in blue items and when I got my first rare (yellow) drop I actually got exited. But not sure how good it feels on second char in a season. Kinda feels like being stuck in WT3. Its silly ppl cant just try next level and see if they can make it. And I dread teh pit runs as i hate it as monster dont drop things and its on a timer and its not a playstyle i enjoy.

The balance between different activities is way off.

Two days of open world exploration:
-I found one useful item with 0GA (edit: Iā€™m fine with this)

Meanwhile trade chat is filled with players who are linking multiple GA mythic uniques. When I inspect other players they are decked out with godly gear.

i did 10 tormented duriel on torment IV got no uber all the uniques are normal aswel its not even more exiting when unique drops

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bosses in general. would incentivize doing pits, NM dungeons, World bosses as well.


Completely agree, doing t50+ pits and my rewards include mostly magic and what ever yellow is labeled garbage. The one ancestral item I received so far that was useful bricked so hating the new loot system so far.

Great that our bags are filling up in two minutes, but less drops that are mostly garbage is not a solution. My bags donā€™t fill because I donā€™t even bother picking up most of the dropsā€¦

Maybe this is their idea of a loot filter? It is blue or yellow so you know it is trash?

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Perhaps Iā€™m not understanding, but if drops are less frequent and ancestrals are the new chase items, then it just sounds like good drops are more meaningful (i.e. felt) and people wonā€™t have near-bis in after a few days anymore.

If anything I think they should just open up when people can start pushing pits, so they can push for better drop rates in higher difficulties earlier. And maybe have bosses drop an extra item or so as we cross tiers.

Are the new re-temper scrolls super rare or just not in the PTR?

the scroll of retempering is only available in dark citadell in the Voh area and only for groups not in the ptr.
next big fail

and the low droprate will only lead to less people playing the game.
D4 is casual based and thats good
farming weeks and weeks without getting usefull stuff is not a chase, its not fun, its waste of lifetime.
it also will limit the number of chars players use or start leveling cause noone likes to get thru this waste of lifetime for multiple chars, so this low droprate actaully contradicts their initial idea of season and that players should try out different chars and builds within the season.
Noone will do that with such a low droprate.
these DEVs have no clue about gamedesignā€¦


Diablo is a game about loot. Monster Hunter is about killing monsters, Elden Ring is about testing your ability, Skyrim is about exploration and character creation, Diablo is about loot. Making the good loot all but non-existent is mind-bogglingly silly.


May i add theres still not a single unique x-bow in this game and we are close to Season 6.