1st week beta is over! What do you guys think?

Hello guys!!

So, what are your thoughts on our 1st experience with D4? I must say I was suprised how much fun I have got in this beta.

I was worried about how far I will get since I was working on friday/saurday//sunday 12 hour shifts. But jeez the game is smooth. I picked up wizard on veteran difficulty and it was honestly so smooth and enjoyable, that I did not switch to other classes :stuck_out_tongue:

The atmosphere and audio was magnificent. I would rate it 9/10.

Graphic is amazing too. 9/10

Game mechanics are not oversimplified, yet easy to catch on. But since it is end game what really matters, I will not rate this one yet.

Crafting is my cup of tea for me too. It was nice change of pace to check on the rare drops. 8/10.

Dungeons was kind of, how to say it. Visualy amazing, but not very exciting. Nothing special. But it was not bad experience. 6.5/10

Open world was for me the weakest part of the game. Dont get me wrong, I spent a lot of time running around and enyoing the beuty of ACT 1. But in terms of rewards, it was lacking. 4/10

As I said I picked the wizard. Leveling was a breeze, yet I had to stayed focus. Once I twinked him a litle bit, he became quite strong. I was playing tthe frozen orb build and 2 variants of hydra build.

frozen orb: Daiblo 4 open beta Frozen Orb - Wizard gameplay - YouTube

crit hydra: Diablo 4 open beta Crit Hydra - Wizard gameplay - YouTube

burn hydra: I will link it below, since I am new user :stuck_out_tongue: (since 2004 :DDDD )

I loved the fact that you could just switch 1 or 2 legendary power and make different build. But yeah there was actualy no space for midmaxing anything in terms of stats. But thats even better, becouse you are not stuck at one skill set.

What I am wondirng about is how much expensive the rspect on talent tree will become. At lvl 25 it is nothing. 2800 gold is pathetic, becouse when you sell the drops from one dunegon run, you will get round 20-30k in 10 minutes.

Right now I am realyy happy howit goes and I hope blizzard will keep improving and listening to feedback.

Thanks boys and cya next weekend, it is Necromancer round. (and this time I will have day off :P)


To keep it short, the more I played it the more I liked it. Looking forward to next weekend.


Love to hear that!!! I have the same feel. Got draget in.

burn hydra: D4 open beta Burn Hydra - YouTube

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Characters - forgettable.

Story - mid. Some decent writing here and there, but mostly nothing to write home about.

Gameplay - boring. Played as sorc, game is way too easy. Skills & combat boring and uninspired. Loot uninteresting. Crafting unintersting. Multiplayer ridiculously shallow and uninteractive.

Imagine charging $70++ for people to buy the WORST game in the series that has almost no good innovation.


I pkayed sorc and barb to 25. rogue to 20. The art is amazing. Gameplay is fun. Story is alright. Overall an absolute blast.

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I think we have a long way to go, but Iā€™m interested in what the rest of the world feels like and the 2 other classes. Itā€™d be nice if in the future they have an open beta with higher level unlocked and more zones, or even all the zones.

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My thoughts after playing what I could over the weekend.

  1. I enjoyed the scaling for ā€œdungeonsā€ based on my level. I felt that aspect maintained the difficulty even with the massive player base.

  2. I did end up killing a few large monsters with the public crowd. I liked how that worked and went well. I did not yet get a chance to ā€œgroupā€ and try a dungeon. I donā€™t know if that will work well or not.

  3. I had once instance where my character went invisible after dying. That made it fun trying to stay alive (bad guys could see me, but I couldnā€™t see myself). After I townportaled back, I was fine.

  4. Lag is rough, but welcome to the stress test. I had several cases where I died due to lag, but I also know that is a problem and a priority.

  5. Guild creation was nice but also pointless so far. We will see how that pans out later.

Immediate impressions good. I didnā€™t get a chance to play with friends yet, they are a bit more hesitant, but I hope to get some of that in next weekend.

Edit: Needed to add one more thing. Butcher was brutal. Ran into him in a dungeon and got destroyed.

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Wrote a big summary here Feedback after 25+h of beta from ARPG veteran (gaming 30+ years)

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Facetanking world boss was good as well as your review of weekend. I was experimenting with more tanky build on wizard too. He have some great options for HC even with full rare gear.

Itā€™s 90% there and I loved my time with the beta, I can see myself playing it to death at release.


Yes absolutely. I found some more legendary traits on items just before the beta closed hours ago. So i cant wait to do way more builds next weekend!

10/10. Loved it! It great to see how fast they resolved the Que issues as well.

Itā€™s clear Blizz is invested in getting this game right!


I think itā€™s great. canā€™t wait to try the druid. looking forward to next weekend.


Same issue I had, I found double hydra trait 2 hours before end and if you check my last video posted from open world, I droped there interesting double socket staff I am planning to build around next weekend :smiley:

It seems they did not change the base game of every loot game. But i dont mind that at all. I will play it as i did d2 d3 and d2r

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man to put it simple if i compare this beta to d3 beta/launch d4 as been 100x times better not just in content/story but in terms of progresion. i belive they are on a good way to give us a bigger variety of content that d3 couldnt give us because of its faulty existence since launch, and how dull and powercreep it as become due to the lack of ā€œreal seasonal contentā€ so im hopeing they learned from mistakes and make d4 the best of them all diablos to date!
i seen alot of " old roots " aspects in the game that should have been in d3 in the first place but never were!

with that said nothing is perfect and blizz as alot of work ahead if thats theyre goal is to make this game awsome! one thing is for sure i already like it more then d3, and not wanting to comepletly say i dont like d3 its nice to log sometimes go for quick Grfit. but i think a true diablo game deserved alot better for a long time so im happy to see them " hard " tryingā€¦ gg

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i think it was a LOT of fun. i was sad when they kicked me out and i already miss playing lol

i just hope they polish/optimize more and more. there were some fluidity problems when switching zones or loading heavy assets

i got a neat txt file with notes i took along the way but ill just save it and consolidate with next weekā€™s notes i guess.

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i have a very bad pc and i was having some fps freeze drops, but then i set my graphics lower and i played arroudn with the fedility option and the sharpen option and i was able to cut down massevely on the drops and mainting a good pciture quality, so awsome on that alone so many nice options out of the box! and yeh ofc they will eventualy do some 2 performance 2 checks and improvements, like they did in d3.

I enjoyed it and Canā€™t wait until Next Friday and Releaseā€¦

My thoughts in more detail below in link.


D4 is a watered down version of D3. It takes all of the core systems from D3 but does everything worst in the process.

Itā€™s a mobile/console port to PC and the game is going to need significant work after release in order to retain players. Just like D3 required.