1st week beta is over! What do you guys think?

im sold to this devil!!! lets hope this devilopers can hold my soul in, for years to come!!! i want moar, gief moar!! is it friday already!? fml i really wanna try that necro bruh!!!


yeh because doing same all over again with almost no diference every season and just powercreep that gear and highlvl grift is so much better!!! then what we already have on d4!!! sarcastic laff. you sure dont remenber what d3 was at beta/launch!! how big of a fail it was and why it is what it is now a days. so im damn happy they trying to do a better version of d3. i just hope they keep theyre honest word of what they going to try achiv in it. bad stuff happens sometimes yeh, i just got my fingers cross for the game to work out well for them and for us! thats all

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I thought it was fun for a beta, really excited to try the Druid, Necro, and see what updates will come out of the beta feedback/testing.

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The overall appearance of the game is stunning and monsters can be challenging when they attack in mass. The rewards are decent but not over the top by any means. Do I enjoy it as much as the other Diablo games, not yet, but it is early so it very well could change. I give the developers 2 thumbs up for the buy in beta and look forward to next weekend.

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Iā€™m a little worried about the quiet silence and lack of hype of YouTubeā€¦ itā€™s been really quiet on every game channel I follow that nobody is talking about D4

I thought that at this point we were going to be swimming in build videos and hypeā€¦

They are probably just carefull how things turns out to keep the right audience :stuck_out_tongue:

I got $70 worth of game compared to whatā€™s out there. Sorry you didnā€™t.

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Thumbs up for me, looking forward to the full release. I hoping to get some more time in during the next open beta, hopefully things go well.

And it is just a small fracation of content, compare to what we will receive on full release :stuck_out_tongue: And I am already happy with my decision to buy it :slight_smile:

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I think they need to add some things inā€¦

I think they need bonuses for environment breakingā€¦ chains for killing groups of mobsā€¦
I also think they need more environmental atmosphere with stuff crashing and stuff interacting with the backgroundā€¦

Art design is 9/10. Thereā€™s some definite HR Geiger type horror stuff going on, and the way a number of the backgrounds move is unsettling (in a good way). I only took a point off here because they reuse art asset A TON.

Theme is 10/10ā€¦ The first cutscene with the church and Lilith sets the tone for the game. This is a bleak, dark, macabre, and likely doomed world, almost bordering on the horror genre.

Story is 5/10 (so far)ā€¦ We only have act 1 to go off, but I was a bit let down with the overall narrative for the story not really getting much done. It makes up lame excuses to send you back and forth and then the ending quests didnā€™t really have a narrative conclusion that was worth an entire zone being built around it. You also pretty quickly go from ā€œsome random guyā€ to interacting with key lore characters within the first 30 minutes of game play, which felt off. At least they didnā€™t call you nephalem.

Class design: 6/10 Everything here, Lost Ark did MUCH MUCH betterā€¦ Most of the game involves around your right click button, then 5buttons supporting your right click button. Some of the skills are bad copy/pastes of each other too (rogue flurry and rogue barrage are the same ability but melee and range). Lost ark had double the keybinds, and skills could be comboā€™d together almost like a fighting game performing an air juggle. LA also had a separate button for your ultimate ability if your class had one and frankly more unique and inventive ability usage in general.

Replayability: 2/10 This is where I think D4 is gonna have itā€™s largest problem. The dungeons all felt incredibly similar, often with some annoying mechanics required to complete them (go get 2 stones from opposite sides of the instance to open the final door)ā€¦ To my knowledge, dungeons are also the intended end game of this installment. Not a good startā€¦ Then you start talking legendary effects being pretty rapidly collectable and I feel like most players are basically going to have their character 50+ and completely setup with near bis within 3 days /played of launch, and the only thing keeping them online will either be PvP (historically something blizzard has always sucked at), or chasing tiny incremental gear upgrades. I just canā€™t see this being a game that has more than a 2week timer on it every season, with the information we currently have. Obviously thatā€™s subject to change as we learn more. Iā€™d add, after having done it twice already, Iā€™m already pretty tired of the campaign and feel like the large amount of ā€œbusy workā€ people are goiong to be asked to do every season (campaign on at least first toon, unlock alters of lilith, zone renown farm for all zones, collect all legendary affixes, clear the strongholds) is going to turn people off from the subsequent seasons. If PvP isnā€™t good, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll personally be able to play this any more than I did d3 (which is to say for about a week or two per season)

the bowels and pinkish purpleish growth thingies with spine patterns on them are very similar to whats seen in early BG3. im almost wondering if its a free asset in some engine or something heh

Interesting but needs a lot of work. I can see there being some busted OP builds and would not be surprised to see someone completely break the game. I never got the feeling of powering up why leveling. Itemization surprised me. Hoping the boards will do a hell of a lot more than the skill trees do. Felt skills were lack luster. Seemed to be D3.5 skills. UI not a fan of for many reasons not just art style. Binding certain keys was a problem. Sometimes it comes across as a console game ported to PC. Agree with Kripps take on it. Has promise but got some glaring big issues.

I agree 100 percent. Backtracking seemed menotionous, unrewarding and a waste of time, plus paired with the same repetitve senario of aquiring objects to open boss room. If this remains in the game, at least put a more chest somewhere or objects to destroy when roaming around searching to complete the objective. These dungeons feel very copy-pasta and lack randomness. Also, why canā€™t we carry more than one object to place on the boss-room requirement?

Enjoyed the game that I was able to play, not looking forward to all the server issues that this game will be experiencing for the first couple months. It was a good thing for me to be reminded of that, that is why I refunded and I am going to wait for people to quit the game so that the servers will be more stable and can play uninterrupted most of the time.

only thing that i found really bad in this beta was that it was too short! should have been a full week!!1 joking ofc! but gief moar!! i cant wait friday to try out necro and druid

I think I need the game released right meow!

I really enjoyed the game. This will make me uninstall D2R for sure.

Liked it other than it being clearly designed for controllers in things like the maps and menus, not having a mount to run around the huge area, the mom boss fight and act end boss fight being excessively anti-melee, and dungeons using the same 4 mechanics every single time.

I avoided as many story quests as I could. Only explored the dungeons. and strongholds. Cleared out the entire map of the most part.

I only have some concerns with level scaling and boss fights.