11 years later zero lessons were learned

Tldr; Wall of text complaining without even experiencing 10% of the full game.

Gotcha. See ya.


whackest counter-argument possible… flat earthers?? LOL… subjective opinions vs verifiable facts… either troll… or plain stupid…

see you on june 6th ROFL


i’m not gonna do this with ya, you played for a couple hours and made conclusions. I’m not gonna change your mind so you do you.

The guy in that video is much more qualified to speak on this, he has much more intrinsic and well thought out views and suggestions. (not asmon btw)


I hate to break it to you, I’ve read all the posts, annnnd you better get used to it. This game is only a beta and an old build of the beta at that. But the stuff you are complaining about will be the stuff every new Game in this combined genre copy. Your looking at the new gold standard. But remember you have the power to vote with your :money_with_wings: just don’t be upset when millions out vote you.


Are you sure about that?

Sure, saying something feels clunky might seem to be a subjective opinion to you, but if you use a certain equipment, it can easily turn into a verifiable fact… as in, you can quantify responsiveness.

I’m sure you’ll be waiting for me anywhere between one and up to four days earlier :stuck_out_tongue:


really trying twist the logic to win this one eh… you lost… no reason to die on the hill as they say…

I love D2 but it is definitely an old clunker. Leveled a 90 and 85 hardcore barb single player before I died.

D2 has a fantastic atmosphere, runewords are not only a cool gearing system but immersive from a world building standpoint (How many mindless hack and slash ARPGs have their own language? Seriously), interesting gearing decisions while leveling and defined what an ARPG is.

But holy hell does is it an old clunker with balance issues and an end game which basically amounts to kill Baal over and over again with maybe a few Ubers or chaos Sanctuary runs to spice things up.


Eh, see you (not) on June 32nd.
EZ to say that with the gifted game.
What people do for bread crumbs.

dunce posting… moving on LOL…

free weekends really bring out the goofballs


Actually your words apply to yourself…Why is it every time I turn around your spouting off some more :poop: in another thread? Give it up you have no words of wisdom to share!


because im always right, grab a legal pad and take some notes… thanks for playing


Not!..LolFixed that statement for you :laughing:


whack reply with whack formatting… again… didnt learn anything since last time i guess… LOL

Are we playing the same game?


And you’re not only wrong you’re completely wrong - This game feels amazing - it’s going to sell a bazillion copies just deal with it or go play PoE

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The fan base of this game is pathetic. Likely it’s a very small minority and most people will never even read this guy’s dumb comments

“Skills are Clearly designed to be crap on their own” Have you played Diablo IV before commenting? Seems not.

I’ve had no problem playing all 5 Classes, have enjoyed them all, as they’re all unique and I think their animations, abilities and graphics are great. With that being said, I do agree with you that the game is a bit black and white, not as colorful as D3 was.

“Stats and items are rubbish” Can you be a little more constructive, as this is a response, you’d expect from a 12-year-old.

“Swapping items constantly feels stupid beyond belief” How so? If you pick up an upgrade the entire point is to “swap it out”. How does swapping an item out feel “stupid”? Again, need more constructive criticism.

Honestly after reading your entire post, I can see only ranting like a child and not really any valid points, you have given zero examples of literally anything at all, just generalizing at this point which means most people probably have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re not giving any worthy points, just simply ranting like a child.

If you want anyone to listen to you, you need to be more constructive and less childlike.


you’re right, they’ll be playing the game and enjoying it. While you will be crying on various internet forums trying to tell people why the game they play is bad. But you do you.


I believe most of the team is different people if I recall reading.

Quite frankly… no. From where I’m standing, they’ve taken such approach, that leaves me no option, but to say “it’s bad, it’s rubbish, scrap and/or replace”, which I can clearly recognize it’s not very, or at all constructive… but at least I was honest.

What I believe is, that whatever effects they have in place, they’ve tried to make it, so that color is affected by light… and by the lack of such. You can see color if you stand on top of a brazier.
However, there don’t seem to be real light sources. As in the sun is always behind clouds, the brazier emits light merely half a meter from itself… things like that.

I’m glad.

Because it happens constantly due to the approach they’ve taken towards the itemization and the stats. Even in D3 I don’t swap items as often as in this game. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

If my points were in no way valid, why are you even engaging in a discussion?
And I agree, I haven’t given detailed explanations, because the post was already pretty long, longer than most people’s attention span anyways.

My main problem is with the game being clunky. Like Torchlight 1 kinda clunky.
If you’ve played that one, then you’d know what I mean.

Sure, but as game enthusiasts and developers, they should be aware of what transpired back then.