🔥 Diablo 4's Devilish Dilemmas: My 400h+ Improvement Wishlist

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(Wall of text warning: 8k~ characters, 1.4k~ words)

In this post, I want to list issues that I felt could be improved and are most likely the result of them having a rushed release.

I also want to preface this and say that these are just my opinions and ideas that I have after spending a lot of time in the game.

So before a lot of comments along the line of:

“I am level 72 and don’t understand how you have an issue with XYZ, I never had that problem ever! :rage::rage::rage:”

are posted, I want to say this:

Many of these problems/issues won’t be noticed nearly as much if you haven’t had the time, are currently still enjoying the campaign, or haven’t yet spent a lot of time at max level and thus didn’t have the chance to encounter them at all or not frequent enough to notice them yet but eventually will if you continue playing.
I will also not spend time talking about things like current class balance, ultra-rares, etc as I expect them to receive changes already.

I overall enjoyed my time in Diablo 4 and think it has a lot of potential.
After asking around in my social circle the overall rating of Diablo 4 at its current state was 6.5~/10, but fixing a lot of the issues that, for example, had already been solved in D3 or similar games could easily push it to an 8-9, and I think the best way to improve not only yourself but also games is acknowledging problems and fixing them so we all have the best experience that hell has to offer!

Most of them are bullet points to not make this post longer than it needs to be, but I can further elaborate if any questions come up.

I want this post to mainly be a civil discussion thread so feel free to respectfully voice your opinion about your current issues with the game!

  1. With how important stats on items and especially rares are a loot-filter is direly needed
  2. You can’t mass sell items without marking them as trash first, which means it is actually slower than instantly selling them while a “don’t sell/scrap” would be more needed
  3. Many materials are feast or famine
  4. 90%+ of our gold comes from selling items as very little gold is dropped, leading to a lot of downtime of looting and selling after/during each dungeon
  5. +Gold affixes in NM dungeons are borderline useless because the base gold drops from enemies are extremely small
  6. Greed shrines are too weak because of how little gold drops same as the +Gold NM affixes, especially in comparison to selling items as already mentioned
  7. Goblins don’t provide enough value and have no variations anymore
  8. Goblins should be heard before they can be seen like their laugh in D3 which was amazing and exciting
  9. Legendary items are currently mostly aspect taxis
  10. Uniques should have significantly more distinct visuals and sounds when dropped
  11. Non-ultra-rare unique items have significantly different drop rates for no apparent reason
  12. No stat reroll preview or ranges when using the occultist like in D3
  13. No lesser versions of a rerolled stat should appear as they are never an option and feel extra bad because of the large pool of affixes and overall cost
  14. Buying/Selling items on 3rd party platforms is basically mandatory unless you are very lucky or rich
  15. Aspects should be stashed in the Occultist UI
  16. Aspects should retain the gold value of the item it was taken from or people will keep hoarding most of the items instead to not potentially lose gold
  17. Gems need a high enough sell price to not feel like a mistake to loot
  18. Sacred items shouldn’t drop after a certain NM level
  19. Monster parts should be able to be converted/traded for others at some exchange rate
  20. All currently lootable elixirs should be craftable
  21. Sigils should have their own UI and bigger stash space
  22. Sigils should either cost constant linearly or exponentially more instead of their currently weird varying jumps
  23. Scrapping items shouldn’t become useless after a short amount of time because you loot so many materials from normal gameplay, it also incentivizes selling them even more
  24. The maximum amount of convertible items should be uncapped instead of 20
  25. Stash space should just cost additional gold per stash slot instead of being limited to 4
  26. There should be no level requirement for account-bound items or ways to do that for alts
  27. The current % based elemental resist on gear is extremely misleading, especially for new players.
  28. Many neutral legendaries are currently flat-out better than many class legendaries which makes builds too similar
  29. Uniques should be gambleable
  30. Skippable dialog of certain events is needed as you essentially just have to afk for ages
  31. There should be progressively more powerful event spawns after the 5th wave instead of 10+ waves of 5 white mobs
  32. Transition events should drop items and reward experience, especially if they are timed
  33. Removal of most backtracking and dead-ends in nightmare dungeons
  34. There should be an increased pickup radius or ways to increase it as it happens too often that you accidentally don’t collect anima orbs etc
  35. Removal of most conditional affixes (close/distant dmg/reduction) as they are uninteresting and inflate the pool of affixes
  36. We need clear observable damage buckets on the stat page and introductions to new players that these systems exist
  37. The UI should be fully customizable in terms of at least placement instead of just everything being together
  38. Procs of effects/durations need to be easier to track and customizable instead of a tiny square at the bottom of the screen
  39. Customizable damage number visibility, size, duration, positioning, and color to reduce visual clutter and help visually impaired players
  40. NM dungeon teleports should tp you and your group into the dungeon and be useable in the same dungeon instead of having to wait through up to 3 loading screens
  41. Stat squish needed, as the current numbers of enemy health/our damage are already way too high, we don’t need multi-millions of damage in season 0
  42. Monster density needs to be greatly increased across the board or dungeons downsized as you too often walk for ages through empty corridors
  43. Hard CC needs diminishing returns and or significant nerf to not make unstoppable effects mandatory/too powerful and unfun to play against as a class without it
  44. Very melee unfriendly overall gameplay without reward for higher risk (especially explosions)
  45. NM dungeon affixes both positive or negative can either be ignored or are too impactful (reduced shadow damage vs reduced crit dmg as a barb for example)
  46. Bosses are too weak and white mobs are too powerful
  47. Elixirs should be stackable to increase their duration to at least 60min so we don’t waste remaining time on an already active remaining same elixir
  48. Paragon boards should be at least individually resettable
  49. Paragon board and talent tree layouts should be saveable and sharable
  50. Paragon boards should be able to be rearranged in placement and order (rare node cost/requirements)
  51. Cursor position affecting ride speed and pathing should be toggled on/off
  52. Remount/dismount CD should be significantly reduced, maybe with purchasable upgrades at the stable?
  53. Helltides should provide more targetable ways to go for either items/forgotten souls/obols etc
  54. Whispers are currently too weak as they are immediately outclassed as soon as they are available
  55. If someone decides to do whispers then running two dungeons is far better than anything else unless they just happen to wander in an area that has one up
  56. Whispers should stack beyond 10 instead of having to tp back and forth each time
  57. +80 max obols as a renown reward feels out of place
  58. Most cellars are currently not powerful enough and thus sadly skipped
  59. When spamming normal/NM dungeon, Butchers are too common and the loot is not good enough as legendaries are currently just aspect taxis
  60. World boss timers should rotate to give people with unlucky fixed schedules a chance to do them at least sometimes
  61. World bosses and Helltides should be trackable without having to check the map
  62. Appearance should be fully customizable like in the character creator when using the wardrobe
  63. The color of armor pieces and weapons should be fully customizable in addition to the presets
  64. We need several search functions for various systems like the stash, talent tree, paragon board, etc as the current filters are too broad or miss a lot
  65. We need better multiplayer systems like group finder, bigger chats, communities like in D3, and adjustable social settings for playing with fewer/more people on the same shard
  66. A shared map progress/revealed areas etc for alts of the same season would be really cool as re-discovering all areas on every character doesn’t feel good

Well done and totally agree with. While there are no blueposts anymore (in german forums there was one yesterday), we will never know if this will ever get any attention from Blizz.

Aaand btw daily “fix rupture and barb in general” comment. :rofl:

Now let some white knights complain about all that. :smile:


Thanks for the kind words!

Even if the chances are small, I wanted to make a list for quite some time to get my thoughts and feelings out and if it could potentially improve the game then that’s even better!

I know most of the players want Diablo to be great so let’s hope for a healthy discussion! :smiley:


Please add to the list (if you haven’t yet):
Option to disable/hide debuff names (vulnerable, fortify, absorb, etc) that flood the screen during fights. We already can hide damage numbers.


I think it would be included under point 39. :smiley:

Customizable damage number visibility, size, duration, positioning, and color to reduce visual clutter and help visually impaired players


Excellent post. If even a quarter of your list was implemented the game would be significantly improved.

As to the quote, this is my first Diablo game and still learning alot…why do people say “gamble” for using obols? You don’t lose anything by spending them do you (other than the obols)? I don’t see any other use for them…unless I am missing something.


How exactly would you go about doing this? The problem isn’t that stats are too high, the problem is just that you get too many multipliers on the paragon board. Hard to imagine this happening any time soon.

Why? I feel like if you flipped renown rewards 4 and 5, it would feel completely fine - most people don’t want to have to grind side quests every season. Obols are a reward that is worthwhile but in no way mandatory for your build. If you flipped 4 and 5, you could simply grind to 4 with Renown and allow yourself to stop.

I do worry that we will see purchasable dyes or dye combinations on the season pass. We’ll have to see how that unfolds.]

Read all your comments, these are the only ones I had anything to say about. Otherwise I actually agree - I enjoy the game but I can’t disagree with your individual points of criticism.

D2 nomenclature. In D2 you had an NPC where you could gamble your gold for items of unknown quality. Obols/curiosity are obviously a spiritual successor to that mechanic, so people call it gambling even though that’s the only use for the obols as you mentioned (other than whisper keys).


Thank you so much!

I think that a decent amount of the points that I raised are already on their radar to some extent, so let’s hope for at least a quarter haha!

As to the quote, this is my first Diablo game and still learning alot…why do people say “gamble” for using obols? You don’t lose anything by spending them do you (other than the obols)? I don’t see any other use for them…unless I am missing something.

As to your question, systems like the obol vendor are usually referred to as “gambling” because you buy a random item and have to be lucky to get the one you need.
This is why people say that you are “gambling” for those items as it’s not a direct purchase of a specific item like the normal vendors! :grin:

I hope that made it more clear!
If you have anything else you would like me to clarify, shoot! :blush:


Well done! I agree with almost everything but goblins are OK imho now.
And it’s kinda questionable that gameplay is melee unfriendly.


This is a good idea and should definitely be implemented, I think in that case the complaints about having to grind renown would mostly disappear.

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I would add this to the list:

  1. A way to create random legendary or unique from rares so we can spend our mats in other ways. I have thousands of forgotten souls and the only current that actually matters is gold. Sad.
  2. Extracting legendary powers should upgrade our codex and we should always be able to replace gear at a legendary shard cost.
  • Sad story: I had to replace my boots with coldbringer’s aspect at level 85. I have not found another coldbringer’s, I am now level 100 + 40 hrs played. I am spamming boots obol, everything. Helltides.
  1. Increase the gold rewards from all activities massively. Even if I had 1 billion gold, I would be able to sink it in 30 sec rerolling. Don’t be shy, millions can be rewarded with NM dungeons. Again, I have thousands of mats, no gold.

  2. Dead monsters are more deadly than alive. What is going on?? Stop with this none sense.


Good Question!

How exactly would you go about doing this? The problem isn’t that stats are too high, the problem is just that you get too many multipliers on the paragon board. Hard to imagine this happening any time soon.

Ways that I could see would be reduction of weapon damage, % multiplier values, general stat values, etc that impact purely the numbers on the screen instead of actual gameplay feel.

Why? I feel like if you flipped renown rewards 4 and 5, it would feel completely fine - most people don’t want to have to grind side quests every season. Obols are a reward that is worthwhile but in no way mandatory for your build. If you flipped 4 and 5, you could simply grind to 4 with Renown and allow yourself to stop.

The way I meant it was that I don’t think that the +80 max should be a renown reward in general as it doesn’t feel like a gameplay-impacting upgrade compared to skill points, paragon points, or potion capacity that you instantly feel, basically exactly like you also explained which is why it feels extra weird to be the step away from extremely impactful 4 paragon points.

I do worry that we will see purchasable dyes or dye combinations on the season pass. We’ll have to see how that unfolds.

Yeah, that will most likely happen, tho I think everyone would benefit from being able to customize their look more, no matter if you purchase the dyes or not as I guess they would be fixed presets like the ones that are already in the game.

Read all your comments, these are the only ones I had anything to say about. Otherwise I actually agree - I enjoy the game but I can’t disagree with your individual points of criticism.

Thanks for taking your time and sharing your points of disagreement!
I too enjoy the game and hope for a bright future!

Thank you for taking so much time to repeat what everyone has said already.

Well done! I agree with almost everything but goblins are OK imho now.

Thanks for the kind comment and shared feeling about most of it & I’m glad to hear that you enjoy the current goblins! :blush:

And it’s kinda questionable that gameplay is melee unfriendly.

I am unsure if you have played a melee class in higher NMs yet, usual points of criticism are how things like poison fields, frost orbs, melee damage, and on-death effects make playing close combat pretty stressful or unfun as you are restricted from interacting with the enemies for extended amounts of time and don’t have a ranged option in these situations.

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Thanks for bumping the thread to the top with your even more useless comment.

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No problem. I’m here to help. Like the report faults and bugs option in the beta… LOL.

Thanks for your additions! :grin:

I think I have most of these covered like having too much of certain materials, lacking gold sources, or exploding enemies like most on-death effects, just phrased in another way, but your solutions sound interesting!

Also, sorry to hear your current Coldbringer issue, I always try to keep one version of everything in the stash for such moments & hope you will find yours soon! :blush:

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The fat has been trimmed. No needless whining about how the game isn’t D2 or how we need runewords, just actual pointed feedback.


Mostly well thought out!

1)I think loot filters are a band-aid, and got to be better solution.

11)variance of uniques that are dropped is odd for sure. Seems more than just standard rng.

17)a new gem sink needs to be thought up all together. It’s bad design for the game that gems are actively avoided to pick up already.

26)can’t have no level requirements on all account bound gear but I do think if a class unique drops that isn’t your class then that should have a chance at not having a level requirement to keep in the spirit of encouraging leveling a different class. I’m far more likely to consider it vendor junk if it has a high level requirement.

33)Don’t fully agree. Dungeons shouldn’t always be on rails. It gets monotonous. Can’t always design to min-max’rs at the expense of those who like a little exploration.


Thanks for bumping the thread to the top with your even more useless comment.

I guess everyone communicates their frustrations in a different way :sweat_smile: