“We want to cut out 40% of the player base from t4”

Is one of the most elitest statements I’ve ever read in a modern Diablo forum and stinks of the crap people who enjoy arpgs have to deal with from the elitest view at grinding gear games.

I’m not mad I’m just super disappointed.


I’m in that top 10% they talked about. Not because I’m good. I copy meta builds and play way more than I should.

If the actual good players can speed farm T4 then I’ll be able to do it too, it’ll just take me a week longer to get there.

But for the people who don’t just copy paste meta builds, yeah not fun.


Is this the game for casuals or grinders? Because the 10% that grind to just grind have all left to play other games.


The grinders come back when a new season starts, then they leave about 3-4 playing days in when they’ve completed everything. Just not enough content in the game to be sinking hundreds of hours into, especially when it’s nothing but Pit runs to look forward to.


Devs are completely clueless. Want to get tier 4 aspirational and 10% of base only.

Boss change is bad too. Cant help friends now. Cant help noobs if rich like I would trade gold from selling on dtrade for 50 runs and gets noobies gear. Was fun. Now thats gone. This game is dead in the water.

You have to be in full party to get what we get now. You cant get free runs.

How much stuff drops out if chest? If its all in chest we are rekt.


I have heard some absolutely brainless and downright stupid comments from this games leadership but this one goes way beyond that. You would have to suspend common sense and rational thought to come up with this.
HOW does intentionally excluding 90% of a games players with “aspirational” even come to mind? This is mind boggling. “We don’t want YOU to enjoy this content” is exactly what they are saying. This has turned into an epic comedy show and I am laughed out.


Gamerdads everywhere are concerned!!! :hamster: :popcorn:



I see it this way. If only 10% is gonna be able to handle torment 4 I’m gonna try my hardest to get IN There.

That’s something to work for, that’s a goal, that’s an end game for me.

People for months saying how easy D 4 is. POE 2 comes out and people (lol not as Much anymore) loved the challenge and :poop: ON D4 for being too casual friendly.

Ohh now that torment 4 is gonna be even harder to get to people are upset.
They can play Torment 1, 2 or 3 if it’s too difficult for them.

Some of y’all acting like y’all broke a nail after leaving the nail salon :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


not true at all, i have played a homebrew summoner necro build every season since launch and actively avoided mendeln until it scaled with minion damage around season 5-6 (cant remember). I was able to do all content since season 3 (NMD100’s, all bosses +uber lilith) until today where, sure I cannot do Pit 150, but I can do everything else extremely easily.
I am not a skilled gamer, I do put the hours in, but I am doing that in the first 3~ weeks of a season. Since t4 is aspirational, this is absolutely obtainable by any player over the course of an entire season, unless you literally hardly play. In which case can you really complain?

I think this has more to do with people being scared content that they enjoy now, will be taken away from them. I guarantee this won’t happen, it will just feel more rewarding and be a bit slower to get to that point. Its a net positive imo.



sighs People scared of a challenge after being/getting to comfortable in torment 4 for the last, I don’t know 7 seasons?

Hell, despite " 10% " people will reach and Dominate torment 4 Regardless, as if nothing changed, especially with the Boss Powers. There is no telling how that is gonna change a persons play style/POWER.


Get into or BEAT T4 ?

I’ve always been able to get to T4, what I haven’t been able to do is beat it (TBs simply have way too much power to get beaten with a non A-Tier build or higher for ex.)

The problem isn’t in length, the problem is lack of substance… Add regional/leveling-specific mini-bosses and special events

  • A big Construct at the top right of FP snowlands
  • A big Vampire boss at the precipice between Hawezar and FP
  • A big Wolf boss somewhere in Scosglen
  • A big Snake or Wasp boss in Kurast

And then have them - NOT - always be there

In fact make them appear once by default for everyone and then let clues for players to figure out how to re-summon them later

The first time they’re beaten they give a nice “special” Temper manual (the Construct having all lightning-damage-based affixes, the Vampire having all vulnerable-damage-based affixes, the Wolf having all crit & bleeding based affixes, the Snake having all poison damage bonuses, the Wasp having all Projectile and Corruption based bonuses), stuff like that

Then add a big Succubus mini-boss (in fact rotate between 2) hidden somewhere as a continuation of a random event. When beaten it will drop Temper manuals with Fire or LHs exclusively. Then do the same with a Bear boss which will drop a manual with Physical hits and Overpower bonuses exclusively

Stuff like that. SPICE UP the journey. Without having things that “whoa, that feels nice and different, didn’t expect that” nothing will get better.

TLDR ? - they need to add some surprises and non-linearity of gameplay in order for it to feel right

They have to fix THAT (especially now that they’re slowing-down the early phases of the game once again :slight_smile: )

Before we all overreact…just ask yourself how many times has Blizzord said something that is attuned to what the players see it as? Yeah wait to see it. :rofl:


Torment 3 is the old torment 4. Why do people act as if someone is going to be purposedly excluded from something?
You don’t want to invest much time and resources and still be able to complete the season?
Sure, T3 makes everything possible. Who excluded anyone from T3?

I’d love to have the option of completing all of the seasonal content on easier difficulties in other games. You people complain about having an option between very easy, easy, hard, very hard.


heh, too late apparently



Lol… I’m gonna ‘‘pass’’ season 8 entirely. This game is very fickle with erratic changes is destroying it playerbase. My perception is they’re appeasing all the youtube streamers who play 24/7. It contradicts what they said last season, their playerbase is casual players. They’re not owning their playerbase, instead just driving it away.


Unless they make this t4 infinitely harder I don’t see this as a problem at all.

Maybe I need to read some patch notes. Where was this stated?

They said they’re increasing monster scaling by additional 2%, thus not 17% per Pit level but 19%, they said new lvl60 will feel like old Pit 75

But that’s not the problem, my issue is why just not nerf everything that’s overperforming (I guess they did that partially by capping Ult damage), but they still put themselves in a position where they have to take a good look at everything that was not able to beat Pit ~80 and re/adjust again

Oh 2% is that all? Doesn’t seem bad at all.

This is me right now! Thanks for putting it into words.

I’ll hold you to this guarantee! :joy:



100% this is the issue, there is no “Real” build diversity, if your not S Tier your going to be way off the mark. Sad really. 7 season and still cant balance 80% of the other possible builds outside of S Tier.