Yo NEV! Easy Fix, Dev's Broke the wrong item

I’ll make this very easy.

DON’T Touch/change/Nerf Bone Ringer ! (it is not the problem)

Crush/Break/Nerf the Necro Passive [Aberrant Animator]

Change it to something like “Your minions gain 30% of your Thorns.”

That will be more than enough to address your true concern.

Keep the Blighter Nerf, that’s fine and needed.

By capping Bone Ringer at 60, you inadvertently killed other VERY Normal/fun/viable builds like:
LoD Hybrid Corpse Lance/Command Skelly RGK - DEAD
Inarius Command Skellys - DEAD
Rathma Command Skellys - DEAD


KK, Thankz


It is a problem if item gives you infinite damage


Many items have infinite damage such as Spear of Jairo. Non is as broken as AA. This passive provides 200% thorns reflected PER pet you own. So 7 skeletons = 1400% thorns reflected. Ofc, it subjects how well you recognize thorns damage and position ALL your skeletons within the radius. Which passive gives you a 1400% multiplier?

As Benny stated which is absolutely logical, the intention is to kill solo thorns, the best candidate for solo 150 clears given the right paragon and maps. Nerf 1 - 2 builds via changing the passive > kill 6 builds while reaching the same goal.

Dragging the 1 elite across entire festering trying to NOT it and fishing for blighter, rip keys with 11 min left on clock on 150 is cancer. Nerfing 6 builds, forcing necro rgk to go bone spirit, the most difficult build to execute well is too big a cost.

You can argue other rgk builds will arise. But nothing will kill 99% of 150 RG in 2 mins given the same paragon / gear level.

Nerf AA, Cap spear of jairo if have to. Uncap / put a more logical cap on Bone Ringer.

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Keep the bone ringer at max 60 stacks, buff each stack to give 60-90% damage.
After one minute, you’ll have the damage of currently 2-3min of stacking, but won’t be able to go above that value.
Will help for bad boss kills in 150s, won’t do much against good boss kills (maybe 30s less on a bloodmaw or iron maiden).
Still nerfs solo thorns (>5 min stacking usually).


Is there proof that the passive functions like that? If true, that definitely is broken. The description of the passive says the pets gain 200% of thorns in total, not 200% per pet.

OR simply cap it at 180 stacks…easier on coding.

Crusader have infinite damage too,+30% for each hit but can’t use this because require strong resource reduction or need a free skill gear like dh impale.

Might be simpler but not the same. To build up that many stacks takes longer.

The whole point of the cap seems to stop people from leeching stacks by artificially trying to keep single enemy alive while everything else dies around.

I am not sure if anyone posted anything. We tested it in clan. You may want to dig up massaker’s post on necro section if any posts were done, it might be there.


Personally, i like what Kika suggested. That will keep hybrid skeleton rgk possibly consistent 2 shot the rg w/o pylons even at the cost of stricken. Not that healthy for other class rgk though.

Honest question here. What does it mean in the patch notes when it says:

you farm stacks for an egregious amount of time (5+ minutes) and then watch all their health disappear in less than a second.

How do you “farm stacks” when the power says “attacking the same target”.

I’m confused. Was there some kind of quasi-exploit?

Then that means you’ll stack it for longer as it has no hardcap anymore. What’s the point?

Basically, yes, it does

Yes it does what? That didn’t answer any of my questions. LOL

Well, sort of. The whole thing as it was explained to me revolves around picking an elite with suitable affixes, ordering skeletons to attack it and then dragging it around the rift, keeping it alive as long as possible while everything else dies when hitting the skeletons. If the main target stays alive long enough, the damage boost climbs to insane levels and enemies eventually start to oneshot themselves.

It’s a very idiotic way to play.

Ohhh. Makes sense now. It’s the thorns damage. Got it - thank you!

we don’t want that experience to be the best way to play the Necromancer.
= they intended to kill br builds. In certain cases, sk thorn can hit gr 150 solo. That’s all because of the broken mechanics.

I hope they can buff nova builds in the future. People are tired of skeletons and corpse lance.

They did, they altered the Iron Rose phylactery to be 100% proc rate.

bone ringer was ridiculous, it makes sense to provide a cap on it. We will figure out other ways to kill the RG.

No it doesnt don’t act like you know how it works …

AA = pets thorns proc dam = [ 2.00 x Thorns ] * (rest)

Theres only one other infinitely stacking item in game and its not spear of jairo … That depends on mob density and that is always finite tho, it can very well be exploited quicker than an infinite stacking item like bone ringer when you have characters like Wizard who have multiple seperate multipliers for mobs hit…

other is shield of fury btw

I agree why even make bone ringer a thing if youre going to cap it… builds done

damn they didnt transfer our post count