Yah i think im quitting s25 now. Can't catch the exploiters

you’re so weird, dude. everyone learns about binary in their first elementary computer class. you think it’s some extremely difficult math course? weird.

come on, you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point. it’s getting ugly.

So why don’t you understand the difference between (A AND B) and (A OR B)?

No, it’s such basic stuff that I’m pointing out someone that actually had a Master’s degree in Mathematics would absolutely, 100% know this information. By demonstrating that you do not know the difference, it aptly shows how unlikely your claim to hold the degree is.


imagine trying this hard and failing.

this is how obsessed this guy is with me.

two years of this.

people are starting to see that it’s you who trolls, not me.

You made it personal for him a few months back by creating an account using his name and posting your same lame twaddle AS him. Wasn’t long though before legitimate forum users outed you like a cockroach, and now, true to your form, you’re scrambling from the light and trying to deflect it.


I am not starting to see that.


If MB was trolling we would let him know. Reality is you are a confused attention seeker and somehow continue to succeed at finding new levels of trolling. So the only one succeeding is you at trolling.


Except for that aforementioned “Only Jesseth set” assertion that you so boldly made, and I proved you wrong in the first response to that thread, well before the season even started. Remind me again how you were right about Jesseth set being the “only viable” build that season? How many of the top 1000 used Jesseth set that season? I’ll wait…

You’ve been proven wrong numerous times throughout your history on the forum, maybe if you “actually” played the game instead of the forums, you’d learn a thing or two about the game mechanics and also some humility wouldn’t be a bad thing to work on. No one like a bragger who constantly needs to puff out their chest to demonstrate how “alpha,” they are

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I’m wrong all the time. It’s generally my best opportunity to learn something new.

If you believe you’re never wrong, you will never learn a thing. You’ll just keep milling around in the echo chamber of your mind.

It’s also been proven through studies that people with minds open to being wrong and learning new things and perspectives tend to be highly intelligent while those who are certain of their own knowledge indicate towards lower IQ’s.


it was rank 1 and then the dev’s nerfed bone spear and Voracious. I was literally 100% right until they changed the mechanics, so i was right.

haha “being wrong all the time means you have a higher iq then someone who’s right all the time.”

ok, guy. lol

Might want to reread Dooks post. It says someone who beleives they are always right. Not someone who is always right.


Bravata has spent the last week or so complaining over people misquoting him, so clearly he has to take any opportunity to prove himself a hypocrite.

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pretty sure a blind man could see i quoted him in full. lol

This would be the misquote, or are you unfamiliar with the point of “”?

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Sure can. And hence a blind person can see that you failed to comprehend what I wrote.
Reading comprehension also being another sign of intelligence or lack there of.

This is not what I said, you took my words and moved them around to fit your agenda. That or you flat out where unable to understand what I was saying.


yah, you were repeating what you read on a motivational poster meant to encourage failures. It doesnt apply to winners.

His problem isn’t people misquoting him.
His problem is that when people quote him exactly, his own words disagree with him.


I see.

I mean, not that you care or will acknowledge what I am about to write as true, but my information does not come from a poster.
It comes from multiple studies that I have read up on and watched video’s about.

My new knowledge gathering goes as such:
Find a topic I am interested in or fills a gap in my current knowledge/understanding.

Look for a reputable source of that knowledge.

Stop, check for confirmation bias. If what I am reading/hearing is so in line with what I already believe or want to believe, I acknowledge the risk I run of losing objectivity.

Research the same topic from another source.
Then research the opposing view. Find something that disagree’s with what I have learned and check it for veracity.

Once all that is complete I allow myself for form an opinion.

In the case I stated above about indicators or behaviors consistent with high/low intelligence, this is the process I followed. Multiple studies from multiple angles written by people not just referencing other people’s work but having performed their own.

What I learned from that for myself is that I do have a number of high IQ indicators but there are one or two other behaviors I could adapt that would allow me to grow in my intelligence, understanding and critical thinking.

Hence, I was ‘wrong’ about several things but having learned where my weaknesses are and can now work to overcome them.

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well im sorry but the good lord would disagree, he only ask that you always be strong and never give in to weakness.

also, IQ is a joke, ask anyone with a “high IQ”.

I doubt you’re ready to go rounds with me about scripture or the good lords will.

But at least at this point you’re misquoting God instead of Meteor, so that’s an improvement.


To be in the 1% you have to do what the 99% won’t.