Let’s calculate it out and see how it turns out. (First, Jako is right that Slaughter is basically useless in this build, since the Wastes set doesn’t buff its damage).
So, with perfect gear, and BR + WOTB active, your WW barb is going to be running with 67% CHC and +610% CHD. That means that out of every 1000 hits:
330 are going to be regular hits, each of which does X damage, for 330X total.
670 are going to be critical hits, each of which does 7.1X damage, for 4757X total.
Grand total there is 5087X.
4757 / 5087 = 0.935, i.e. 93.5% of your total damage comes from your critical hits. And our average hit is going to do 5.087X damage. Let’s call this amount, the amount you do with an average hit to an enemy, “average damage”.
So your Bloodshed damage would be (average damage * .935 * 0.2 * 0.2 * # of targets hit), or more simply, (average damage * .0374 * # of targets hit).
At 27 enemies hit, your Bloodshed damage will be (1.01* average damage). At 100 enemies, Bloodshed would be (3.74 * average damage). So, an enemy standing next to you would be taking nearly 4 times the damage they would from your WW hits alone.
We’ve also got to account for area damage. When AD procs, it hits everything within a 10 yard radius. The number of enemies you can have within a 10 yard radius of a particular point varies on mob type, but it’s generally between 15 and 30, with some significant exceptions on either end (Demonic Tremors and Armaddons on the low end, Swarms + Maggot Brood on the high end).
You can run with up to 178% AD using WW (this is how much Wroboss used). Let’s say that on average, when you’ve assembled a big pile of mobs using spear, each enemy on the interior of that pile can proc AD onto about 23 other mobs. With each enemy within the AD range of 23 other mobs, they will take (average damage * .2 * 1.78 * 23), or 8.19X average damage, from AD.
So, when running Bloodshed, in a big pile of mobs where your direct WW and your DD’s can be scoring 100 hits, an enemy standing near you will be taking (1X average damage from WW hits + 3.74X average damage from Bloodshed + 8.19x average damage, from AD), for a total of 12.93x average damage.
Now let’s talk about Into the Fray. This ability raises your CHC by 1% for every enemy within 10 yards. Since we’re assuming 23 enemies within this radius for AD, let’s do the same for ITF. This will take you from 67% CHC to 90%. CHD is still +610%.
So out of 1000 hits:
100 will be non-critical, and deal X damage, for 100X total.
900 will be critical, and deal 7.1X damage, for 6390X total.
Grand total is 6490X damage.
6490 / 5087 = 1.276, or 27.6% more damage than we were dealing with our average hit using our Bloodshed setup.
So, the AD dealt to an enemy would be (average damage * 1.276 * .2 * 1.78 * 23), or 10.45x average damage.
An enemy standing near you would take (1.276X Average Damage from WW hits + 10.45X average damage from AD), for a total of 11.73X average damage.
So that’s 12.93X average damage for our Bloodshed setup, 11.73X average damage for our ITF setup.
You could assume certain mob types that would give you a tighter grouping and more CHC from ITF, but this is also going to mean more hits factored into Bloodshed, and besides, your CHC can’t get any higher than 100%, while the number of enemies you can hit to trigger Bloodshed has no real cap. How many mobs do you think Wroboss is hitting here?:
Bottom line, I’m pretty sure Bloodshed is better, particularly in a good rift, though ITF is certainly good too. Based on the numbers it looks like it’s going to give you about 10% less damage, or a bit less than 1 GR.