A really excellent video from Wudijo on GR maps and fishing. Definitely worth a watch.
And another good one on Pylon spawn mechanics:
A really excellent video from Wudijo on GR maps and fishing. Definitely worth a watch.
And another good one on Pylon spawn mechanics:
I remember Wud from back in the day!
These are great, thanks for sharing man.
Raxxanterax have a good Guide too.
Dont know If you guys like his videos but besides Wudijo is the only one I watch. Learned a lot with both.
Man, he’s had some really helpful videos this season.
I’ve been feeling for a while now that pylon spawns and manipulation limit by clear potential by at least a couple GRs. I’m pretty sure I miss a fair number of pylons when I finally get a good map.
I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to learn the pylon spawn locations on my farming runs. I think I’ve got Battlefields down, but Festering is still a bit of an enigma to me.
The data on spawn rates for different maps in GRs is neat to see. A handy reference.
What? No more Chainer?
Think he got kicked out for THud a year or so ago.
No he got banned for botting
Wow. Guess it has been a while.
Back on topic, it’s cool seeing Wudijo playing barb.
Another great one, this time on GR gains from fishing:
You might as well add his latest Barb Rend guide to this repository.
It’s a great video, noob-friendly and will really help educate people on the importance of Spear.
The fact that we are in season 20, and the list of maps to just straight up leave is so long is worrying, new sets are fine and all, but id guess, the main reason why most people don’t play an entire season, is because they don’t like the entire fishing aspect, balancing maps and mobs (the list of bad mob types is also long) would imo help keep people interested in the long run.
The “fishing” population represents a tiny minority (probably less than 1%) of overall players.
The reason why most people don’t play an entire season is they gear up after a week, plateau on GRs after another week and the end game is pointless… there is no satisfying reward for continuing to grind. Because the game sucks.
Another great one. This time discussing particular decisions he makes at various points in the rift, and the thought process behind those decisions.