I said before the PTR even dropped, we need the crucibles to be permanent. Wudi even agrees. Yank the affix off and make them permanent!
The affix is amazing though. Literally made this season the best season of all time. The new spells were so good, we literally need more of them.
i honestly dont think i will play again if they remove things like magic missile and piranha pulling and especially crusader fist of the heavens and GarGangtuan build and so many others. i’d literally quit, those additions were soooooo fun.
but i’d also love if they added what you ask for in non-seasons. i’d still quit if they did and ripped the powers from me in seasons though.
Simp alert…
7 characters required
People said the same thing about making Echoing Nightmare a permanent feature and guess what? It got nerfed to the ground.
If they made Crucible a permanent feature, it will get nerfed to the ground as well.
This is not the first time. And even that doesn’t approves that they should keep it permanent. Easy things like 4th cube slot, eteherals, souls stones, these could all easily stay. But then there should be no more item theme, because these layers of power, would allow you to do a GR 150 solo with a 0paragon character. They should add layers if difficulty not layers of power creep.
I could aggree to make them perma, if they lose.the ability to turn an item primal, and keep the +legendary power.
What game are you playing where 0 paragon can solo GR150??? Just because you can nerd out to the game and min/max like nobody’s business, doesn’t mean it should be withheld from others. You want difficulty - go play the witch doctor or the terrible inna monk. Good luck! Please post a video of your GR150 solo with 0 paragon. I’ll be waiting.
Sorry i added an allready where it shouldn’t belong. I wanted to say if you add togeather the powers of 4th cube, eth, souls stone, and the angelics, you’d be easily beat the highest difficulty, with the IQ of a carrot.
Also don’t take everything literally.
I got news for you buddy, words have meaning and if you spew this kind of crap and nobody provides a rebuttal, then it becomes the gospel. I’m here to call you on your shenanigans and ask that you reconsider your wording on forums that can affect the development of the game.
Wow. Some one got out on the wrong side of the bed.
…because you can’t create a worthwhile response other than nonsensical gatekeeping?
Okay, give all the past seson powers permanently into tha game. Let’s see how long people will play it.
Lol, you are trolling to the max. I don’t think anybody has seriously suggested that all season themes be added.
I do believe people seriously want to see AC’s added permanently to the game because of how they have revolutionized the game.
I saw a lot if people wanting them, because instant primal item, and not because of the most fun aspect of them, the alternative legendary affixes.
Also every seson we are stormed with people begging for the themes to be permanent. Now what would happen if blizz listens and actually add all powers permanently to the game?
Except during every season it was asked to made permanent. If Blizz would have listened we would be able to do gr 150 in 2 min avg. And maybe cant do literal gr 150 with 0 para, because gearing up, opening higher and higher grifts will give you a certain amount of xp and para. But you would surely be able to do it with no augs and take out all para in the para menu once geared.
You folks need to stop with this hyperbole. Please, if you are so skilled, surely you can run this GR 150 with basic gear and no para points. Can you live stream it?
What is so hard to understand about the word “IF”?
IF blizz listened every season to add {insert theme at the time} THEN 150s would be doable with 0 para in para menu or augs, THEN i will stream it.
If they were to add crucibles as permanent then it would need a nerf. Im fine if they solely give the special power but it shouldnt make a item primal and obv only 1 equipped. Maybe rotate the special powers aswell so we get something new every season.
Oops, maybe the poor sentence construction and bad grammar caused me to miss the “if”.
Maybe the rush of getting your point across made it harder for you to comprehend the short hand used. Even though Chris was echoing the same point Indian made.
While it would be amazing if they kept this seasonal theme it’s not likely to happen. If they DID keep the theme it would be nerfed. Depending on that nerf it might not be the fun addition to the game that the theme as a whole was during the season. See if they keep something that adds -too- much power from a season (like keeping Angelic Crucibles though their power creep is mildly debatable) it makes it harder to scale what they could add for the next seasons (which honestly does suck both for them and us.) They gotta maintain a balance between challenge/fun for players AND between programming/developing/testing/implementation for themselves.
I’ll be honest with you though, I will be slap-assed surprised if for one upcoming season they don’t throw the entire toy box of fun seasonal upgrades at us and just lift the GR to 200-300 for that season alone.
To be fair, the XP nerf was needed. That was an obscene amount for the time required. Coming out of one EN on a power level at 500 paragon was also laughable.