WSG Explained, and why it needs attention

I Dueled all the time and Didn’t use WSG Nore did I use the Attack speed bug for the main hand wep, Glitches aren’t intended to be in the game this will bring some revived energy to duels. I’m happy to Know that others wont be able to use an Exploit I wont be using.

are you dense? they didnt change the skills they just corrected the text to match what the skill actually do.

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Like a Neutron star.

Your comments are fun to read.

no offence, but you would get completely wasted by anyone who knows how to abuse stuns. you beeing a casual is a pretty bad argument to destroy pvp balance.

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Nah I Don’t needa Exploit glitches to win, Maybe you do Not me.
they Did Balance Pvp LOL that’s why they took out Eth bug and WSGlitch and probably attack speed bug.
P.s. Why even have FHR if ppl just WSG outa stuns, That defeats the point of FHR

again you need to stop thinking “the original formula” was perfect, the “orginal forumla” didn’t see the duel arena’s added. the “orginal forumla” hads it so you could nk someone twice to then pop thier body and steel their loot before body count was increased to 16.

stop pretending the game is “perfect” its NOT perfect… its amazing… yes… but its NOT perfect… and u people need to stop assuming that your way to fix an issue is the “only” way it can be done. yes it will change dueling, but will it be worse? i never knew about WSG in over 15 years of playing. you think its “that” gamebreaking to have it removed?
the videos i saw posted… he still managed to walk away… just not at full walk speed. if thats all it does i really dont see the problem.

dueling has ALWAYS been honor based, and now that i know about wsg i would use it myself… but its not the ideal… its a solution that very few people other than hardcore duelists knew, and i feel a better solution could be implemented. especially because i get stunlocked in pvm with fury with the minions of destruction because fury is Erroneously interruptible when its not supposed to be.

i feeling yes adding WSG back should be on the table… but it shouldn’t be the FIRST thing considered

What if “damage reduced by XX” would counter stuns? Based on how much you would have, stuns would be more or less effective on you.

Those were the days lol. There are no “arenas” only scrapped ideas.

just not at full walk speed. if thats all it does i really dont see the problem.

Clearly you didn’t even watch the video… He doesn’t walk away, you get rubberbanded back to your original spot. Maybe by some rng miracle you have a chance to walk away, but usually you’re stuck. Watch it again.

i feeling yes adding WSG back should be on the table… but it shouldn’t be the FIRST thing considered

It should be, cause we’re a month out. It should be added first, maybe rebalancing later.

your’s arn’t.

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

you don’t know everything, strive to learn and become a better person… and u may come across less of a jerk.
( it hasn’t worked for me yet, but at least I’m trying)

Its a substantial balance change. It would completely change how people play with and against assassins. It wouldn’t be the same as the original LoD. Right now, Assassins and their opponents have a decision tree to work through in duels- if a sin gets a lock on someone, that person’s only options are to WSG out, or charge/whirlwind or lay in wait with uninterruptible melee attacks. When someone WSGs out, it is going to usually leave them with 1/3 blocking and no defense (if they run, not walk), but will almost immediately make all traps start missing and avoid that damage. That makes them vulnerable to the assassin telestomping them with whirlwind, dragon claw or dragon talon- but WSG can make that teleport whiff, and the instant a sin lets up mind blast to switch to teleport, it creates an opening for the opponent to turn around and cast unimpeded, which in turn can punish the assassin. The sin player has to try to reset her lock as someone escapes beyond namelock range, while being wary of the opponent’s ability to turn and punish. The opponent can choose between trying to escape the lock at max range, or close the distance with the sin and try to get up against her for a melee spell, or just boxcast missiles from a range to hose her down and force her to budge up, or try to punish the sin’s attempt to reset/stomp by laying area denial in advance.

Right now that’s a skill-based, dynamic matchup. Players have a lot of options and a lot of counterplay. What happens when you start tinkering with that formula? Can we know for sure that any new mechanics we throw into the game ‘just to mitigate stun’ aren’t going to warp the game for the worse?


Telling people “you don’t know everything” in response to everything that is said is pointless.

You’re being very hypocritical lmao. Stop telling people that, no one cares what you think other people know or don’t know.

fhr is not sufficient to get out of correctly applied stun locks thats the whole point.

look its fine. play in your public duel games with other randoms, there is no reason to discuss this further its like convincing a anti vaccer from vaccination its just not happening.

it worked for me, You’re not good enough to walk outa a stun lock ?
Half my time in Closed & Open Beta was spent Pvp.
this is a Change for the better.

Guilty as charged.,

i know people like you. you sit in public duelling games casually duelling other randoms with your crap build. you would get smoked day in and out from the most bottom tier pvpers on jsp. “iT WoRKeD fOr mE”

no buddy, it doesnt work for you. if you get pinned down by a semi decent 174 fcr trap sin without wsg you are done for. dont get me wrong thats not a discussion thats a simple fact of holding a single button down on you.

you are bad, thats fine, people can be bad. just when the argument is “remove pvp mechanics so everyone has to be a little more like you” is when there is a problem. im done wasting time on you though. enjoy your public duelling games against other casuals that dont know their mechanics.

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no telling someone who is 32 and has played d2 for literally over half his life that he will be “gone in 2 months” and acting like an elitist jerk… therefore… telling you “you don’t know everything is VERY appropriate”.

You get “mostly stuck”
Its dependent on how many frames you are spending in hit recovery vs how frequently you’re put into it. If you’ve got an 11 frame hit recovery and get put into it every 10 frames, you can’t move at all, you’re just being pushed around by knockback on mind blast. But if you’ve got a 6 frame hit recovery animation and get put into it every 10 frames, you can run at effectively 40% of your normal speed- but you won’t be able to cast a single spell. In order to cast/attack, you need your action frame + hit recovery to be equal to or lesser than the frequency of the stuns. In general, even the most obscenely high FHR builds with the highest cast rate breakpoints can’t cast under an assassin spamming mind blast alone (a 125 fcr / 152 fhr necro just barely manages to cast under a 102 fcr mind blast, but can’t cast under a 174 fcr mind blast). When you account for assassins stacking traps, blade shield, fireblast, whirlwind, shadow master, dragon claw, dragon talon, etc- its extremely easy for sins to make people completely unable to move, let alone cast.

PvP in Diablo 2 is painful to watch, not to mention playing it, no idea how bored people need to be to consider that kind of PvP any good or playable.

Cool story bro… I’m in my 30’s as well, and have also played Diablo 2 over half of my life and still play to this day… Not PoD not Median XL… D2.

Telling people to stop being an elitist jerk while being an elitist jerk is counter productive lmao.

LOl you don’t know anything about me kid,

I’m Bad Because I Don’t Use a Glitch and Exploit a Glitch to get an Edge on Others, EXCUSE YOU, you’re the Baddie here Brother. You want an Exploit so you can get an Edge on others. LAME

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