WSG Explained, and why it needs attention

I want to explain what “WSG” is to people who don’t duel enough to use it all the time

WSG stands for “Weapon Switch Glitch”. This is two different effects that both happen when you switch weapons, and can be used in dueling in particular by rapidly pressing the weapon switch button.

First, each time you switch weapons, it interrupts the current animation you are in. You’re set back to an ‘idle’ animation, even if you were halfway through an animation like hit recovery. This means that when your character is locked up in animations like hit recovery, blocking, dodge/evade/avoid, you can interrupt those animations and restore your free movement/action by using weapon switching. Those disabling animations are so fast, and only lock you up when triggered many times in a row rapidly, so WSG is used by spamming weapon switch to run away or break free to get a cast/attack off. You cannot, however, use WSG to speed up your own cast/attack animations by animation canceling the backswings. Even though a character like a trangs necro can have a very short foreswing and very long backswing, the game disallows you from switching weapons while in casting or attack animations.

Second, each time you switch weapons, the game shows your movement as having stopped to other players, even if you are able to continue running unimpeded both on your client and the server. This causes desync: Other players see you at a location you aren’t actually at. This desync can create large gaps that have important PvP applications- not just making projectiles aimed at you miss, but even melee attacks trying to hit you like charge will send the attacker to the wrong location and make them attack air, when they see themselves hitting the WSG’ing opponent. But this isn’t an unlimited effect. Your position resets to its ‘true’ location quite frequently and is also reset instantly every time you get hit, which other players can exploit to re-sync you, like with frost nova, FoH, blaze, etc.

Now why does WSG exist? Its not really a glitch, its just a consequence of a limitation of how Diablo 2 displays animations. There are different animations for different equipped weapons in attacking, casting, hit recovery, even blocking. A druid wielding a 1 hand swinging weapon has different FHR tables than other weapons. These animations couldn’t just swap between each other freely, so the original developers just made your animation state reset when you swap weapons. But as above, to prevent this from being abused, they stopped you from switching weapons while in attack/cast animations. Otherwise if you had a 20 frame animation with 5 action frame (the whole cast takes 0.8 seconds, but the spell is fired at 0.2s), you’d be able to animation cancel on frame #5 and restart the animation, rapid firing a spell at 5 fpa instead of 20 fpa. This is actually possible to a very limited degree in-game, if your cast/attack foreswings are interrupted by a hostile monster/player putting you into block/hit recovery/evade, and then you wsg out and restart it (or just go through a faster hit recovery animation than your backswing)

Now why is WSG important? The dueling metagame is heavily dependent on it. Both aspects of WSG- animation canceling and desync- are used by duelers to give a defensive edge against aggressive builds, making them harder to lock down, and giving openings to turn around and punish offensive stomps. WSG serves as the natural counter to stunning effects that can lock players down indefinitely otherwise, but also as the natural complement to amazons with dodge/evade/avoid that would lock themselves up indefinitely by taking rapid damage. Spells like mind blast, shockwave, war cry, smite and twister apply a stun debuff that doesn’t directly disable players like it does monsters, but instead eliminates the % max hp threshold and random chance for damage to put you into a hit recovery animation- all damage you take while ‘stunned’ puts you into hit recovery. When a trap assassin can be pounding someone with mind blast cast every 9-10 frames, and traps that can hit up to every 5 frames, and blade shield and shadow master on top of that, the result is a very large number of rapidly striking damage instances that lock someone in place. Without WSG, this is inescapable. Assassins can trivially win duels by just holding down mind blast and going afk, let alone their power with traps and whirlwind. It is completely gamebreaking and imbalanced. However, with WSG, this is a fair matchup for many builds and there is a great deal of counterplay, and a lot of top tier duelers believe assassins are disadvantaged against many casters who can just WSG around punishing them. It goes from a completely broken game, to dynamic skill-based dueling.

But this isn’t limited to an issue with a single character, or even the stun mechanic alone. WSG provides a safeguard against overlapping hit recovery, blocking and dodge animations for all characters. Even in a matchup as mundane as a fireball sorceress teleporting on top of someone and spamming fireball at point blank range, WSG makes them both hard to target, and keeps them from getting chained by each fireball interrupting them and letting the next hit. WSG is even useful in some PvM situations, when you’re getting blocklocked on a slow animation or rammed by charging vipers/zombies with their unblockable, autohit knockback charge.

WSG isn’t some obscure mechanic or exploited glitch that ruins game balance. Its quite the opposite. The vast majority of active duelers use it frequently, and it helps buff otherwise underpowered PvP characters (anything melee, bowazons, javazons, etc) while keeping in check some of the overpowered PvP characters (all assassin builds, and helping against paladins to a considerable extent). Without WSG, the game balance that existed in LoD is ruined.

And lastly, what’s the history of WSG?: It has been in the game since LoD first launched and added a weapon swap. It was briefly removed from the game with a silent serverside patch in 2018, only to be re-added after player outcry a month later. Now in D2r, WSG is conspicuously absent. Its missing, doesn’t work. And the PvP scene has been trying to bring attention to it and get it restored again.

Here are some videos detailing what WSG looks like when its working, and when its not.
Here’s WSG working in LoD:

Here’s WSG not working in D2r:

Here’s what WSG looks like with user view side-by-side with an opponent:

Here’s what WSG looked like in the month that it was removed in 2018:


Look I get it, without WSG assassins would be able to crush almost every other character and keep them infinitely stunned until they’re dead. So, why not solve the core issue at hand and add a special pvp nerf to the stun debuff? If one character is able to infinitely stun all the other characters in pvp and win for free that sounds broken, and like the mechanic needs nerfs.

It could be something very simple like diminishing returns on stun in pvp, where after a certain amount of time with the stun debuff the character overcomes it and cannot be stun debuffed again for a certain period of time. Easy.


honestly the more i see and hear about this glitch the happier i am they fixed it


Because this is supposed to be a remaster not a remake, recreating the game 1:1 as it was with only quality of life changes, not substantial reworks of game mechanics. There is a hypothetical scenario where the game could be better designed and give you some counterplay options against stunlock effects, or better ways to move around defensively for non/limited teleporting builds. It could be done. But it also could be screwed up in the attempt. The Diablo II PvP metagame was honed by players over decades, and any attempts by developers to change it will be more likely to botch the job and leave things worse than they started.

It flies against the intent of the D2r developers, and creates an unnecessary amount of risk to try to fix something that isn’t broken. Its not that it couldn’t be done right, its that there’s no reason to try.


Very detailed and knowledgeable explanation. Clearly explains why d2r needs wsg. Appreciate this.


i applaude your time investment here and its probably the single most important thing for them to bring back in order to save D2r balancing.

but at the same time, if you read the responses of the new players in this forum they just dont care. they hear the word “glitch” and it needs fixing. I also feel many casual players in here feel threatened that they need to learn a mechanic like wsg in order to compete so they would rather have it removed so everyone suffers their fate even if its just pressing a button.

you are just talking against a wall of players that are so used to QoL simple mechanics and instant gratification there is no way to get through to them. they stopped reading after the third sentence because they dont have the attention span or the will to cromprehend what this is about and what effect it has on balancing. To believe if wsg stays out blizzard will somehow rebalance skills is laughable thats not happening.


and the more posts i see of you the happier i am that you will be gone after 2 months.


Please watch this clip:

And tell me that you think its fine to do this. Just look how dumb it looks. How you have to break the FHR animation with just spamming W as maniac.Is this being good state of game? Honestly?


Yes, that’s how the game has worked for decades. That’s what Diablo II has always been like. And the alternative is a game that looks like;

I wasnt asking you how it worked, I know how it worked, thats why i am for fixing it. I was asking you if you think if thats fine what is in that clip, you dont think it looks totaly dumb at all?

Second clip for sure look just as dumb as the first one, but my point is why not fix the stuns?´isntead of dealing with all this BS?

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it is, because its either this and all classes are balanced or its not this and balance is completely broken.

they wont rework skills

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All this is just lame. We have to braak the game because stuns are broken…

They are already doing it. Already did it.

There is a reason to try though, this remaster represents the chance to do things right from the start. Old D2 was a broken mess, which was only balanced by the use of glitches and other weird mechanics. I like to think there’s not a game dev alive who would look at a clip of an assassin holding down mindblast till the opponent dies, and think “Oh that seems fine”. It’s not fine, stun needs diminishing returns in pvp or the dueling scene is gonna be broken from the start. I shouldn’t need to do weird crap like spam my weapon swap or die 100-0 without being able to move against assassins. I just want the BLATANTLY op stuff like mindblast to actually get fixed this time around.

ROFL, well chances i wont talk much on the forum past the 23rd unless there are issues that need to be address.

but its people like you who think your “purists”
who think d2 is perfect…
is is am amazing game… but it never was “perfect”
and truthfully i didnt know about the WSG until this year.
but i wasnt a hardcore duelist becuase that just wasnt my thing, i was more into pvm and making tons of different builds

but the mere fact you assume that if u didnt know how to do this you didnt play d2.

i knew how to get 8 annis a day in 2006, i was part of the dclone community, i played d2 since around 2003 to 2018 and from 2018 onwards i played path of diablo.

the game is filled with little things and no one is likely ever going to lern them all
u knew about the WSG i didn’t

i know about tons of things you dont about d2 …
so dont pretend that your “better” than me
we are better than each other in different areas

a brain surgeon isn’t necessarily smarted than a rocket scientist they are just experts of different fields.

you need to stop it with your “elitist” attitude. it’s unneeded.
like BMPK, i feel that the focus should be on fixing the issue that made WSG necessary, the stunlock, rather than trying to re-add WSG back… and if that cant be fixed appropriately and it ends up ruining dueling then ok we can add it back… its a workaround solution sure… but i think finding a better solution would be more ideal.

i am NOT saying that i think the game should go live without WSG and still having perm stunlock, i just think that perm stunlock should be addressed in a better way than WSG.
i just dont think re-adding WSG should be the FIRST option on the table.

i wont even ask because i can only imagine the brain acrobatics you will unpack to show they are “reworking skills”

The game already works in LoD just fine. If the game already has a way to stop assassins from just holding mind blast down until someone dies, and you take it away, that’s breaking the game. When you start tinkering with those glitches and other weird mechanics and insert new mechanics, you mess with the original formula. The odds that you wind up screwing up the game and making it worse, are far higher than the odds you come up with some clever solution. And VV have done a good job of recognizing that and not trying to overhaul core gameplay mechanics of Diablo II. And yet, this remains the single most important issue they have left unresolved now





They probably just repair texts sure, but they also made some changes to charge and leap attack so they work better.

What exactly could they screw up by adding DR to stun in pvp? The only other pvp builds that even have stun are smiters, wc barbs, and shockwave druids, and some of those aren’t super popular anyway. Smiters would be impacted, but usually they kill pretty quickly before the DR would set in. The DR would mainly impact sins because they take a long time whittling down the enemy.

As you identified, they only changed the skills tooltips to be more accurate. They did not change how the skills function. The original Diablo II had a whole bunch of incorrect skill descriptions and the infamous “lying char screen” which displayed more incorrect than correct data. VV have replaced it with far more detailed and accurate information and show far more attributes, without changing the underlying game.

Fireball always hit in a 2.6 yard / 4 tile radius, and firewall always has a length of ( 7 + 2 x ceiling( 9 x slvl/8 ) ) tiles, which was improperly displayed as if it was floor( (5 + 2 x slvl)