Would YOU buy the successor of Diablo 3 if it will be an MMO?

no, the game franchise would land in another genre bracket.
-one i don’t like.


I would not play it if it is a chore quest system. Also if the combat is not as the creators of PoE describe diablo esque combat: “visceral combat”. I will probably give diablo immortal a shot. I would love an open world 3d diablo 4. It would be nice to see actual healer/tank relationship finally emerge in diablo.

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Yes if its wow replica, if they make it with instances like gw it would be garbage i doubt anyone will take it seriously. The open world of hell on earth would be amazing to explore.

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I would play a World of StarCraft for sure.

Yes, I would buy the next Diablo game if it is an MMO. I like the Diablo lore, and I have nothing against MMO style games.


I very rarely comment in the forums, but i feel i have to on this one. I have been playing blizzard games since rpm racing, the lost vikings and the first warcraft on pc up to the present. I dont really feel an MMO version of the game would be successful unless it was a F2P game but then it will get little support or be littered with microtransactions essentially killing it. A subscription wont cure it either as people want value for their money. The people that can afford the subs cant put in the time to feel they get the value for their money. You might as well make it a 2d/3d side scroller beat em up. In a world where everything has basically been done and companies trying to capitalize on nostalgia it is tough to make a game that makes everyone happy, at a cost that is beneficial for the company. I love the franchise, i love the games, but if it has a sub i wont play it. If there isnt enough content, once the story is done it will sit on the shelf. Whatever they do, i hope it is worth it


This comes down to knowing your audience. If the Diablo: Immortal announcement taught Blizzard anything, its that you need to consider who you are making the game for.

Diablo has always been an isometric ARPG that offers single-player and multiplayer options. If the next generation Diablo is strictly a betrayal of that genre, then logic concludes that an MMORPG version of the game is not going to work.

The only way this may possibly work is if they followed the model Guild Wars exhibited with exploration and mission-based gameplay. That way you can still grind gear through reruns, etc…

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Absolutely, unequivocally NO.


MTX does not automatically make a game bad. Yes there are bad implementations but there are also good MTX implementations. No to “p2w” (gear, etc), yes to cosmetics/pets.

Subscription-based models can still work today, if the game is fun enough and has enough content to keep the players engaged for a long time. A lot of mistakes MMOs make is they have nothing for players to do at the end-game, or the end-game is too easy. Or…that the game is too boring/similar, and players don’t even make it that far.

The biggest problem I see however, is that MMOs are just not that popular right now. It has become a niche market in the gaming industry. And I don’t know how big the Diablo team is vs the WoW team, but I’d imagine they would need a much bigger team to support a full blown Diablo MMO. So it would probably be a huge cost and question marks for profit, which we all know is king around here.

Not saying I wouldn’t want to see a Diablo MMO, I think it would be awesome. Realistically, I just don’t see that happening. But I’d be just as happy with a solid Diablo 4 experience.

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World of Diablo would either:

A. Be the best thing ever


B. The worst thing ever.

I highly doubt there would be any middle ground. It could be totally awesome, or it could really suck.

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Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not ever.


If it’s a full-blown, WoW type MMO, no I wouldn’t play. The MMO just isn’t the genre I find enjoyable. I’ve tried a few, but I just don’t find the enjoyment in the that I do with D3, or any of my FPS games.

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I would be ecstatic. Put in when nehalem started encountering their powers and it would have so much lore. As for why I would, arpg is fun but gets stale quicky. Diablo 3 has been done so every season u get buffed and feel likenyour making progress. It needs major changes.

If MMO aspects are added to a arpg thatbwould also be fun. Add in raid type bosses. Actual dungeons with more thinking and less just click this and just repeat despite who your fighting.

with every individual company having a streaming service, ur time for this has come and gone, itll be a waste of time and resources and possibly ful of mx so this is a hard as trash no, the way ur company handles mx just shows us ur game would be trash

Nope… Not at all.


Yes I would give it a try

Not sure how many of you have played Rift, but I was into that for a good 6 years. Much prettier than WoW – I really like the character models. Anyways, what’s an ARPG? Action Role Playing game. I do not understand why everyone is raging on if D4 is an MMO. I was never forced to play with others in Rift. I could do my own thing. There’s questing, there’s leveling up your toon, there’s assigning skill points, etc. How is that not an ARPG? Yes, there’s raids and group content too, but that’s icing on the cake if you want it.

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Well for starter, most mmos that I know of, you are required to party up if in order to particpate in certain events or contents, for example raids. That’s not the case for games like Diablo, where partying up is a choice, not a requirement.

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I would not. One of things I like the most about Diablo games is that you can complete all of the content solo. Sure, groups make things go faster, but they aren’t required for anything other than some of the achivements.

Also, MMOs are terrible about having content available for only a limited time and then retiring it in an attempt to keep people subbed and playing without significant breaks. I like the Diablo games, but I’m not paying a monthly sub to play one, and I don’t want them to ditch the isometric view for something like WoW’s variable camera.


Automatic no. Played d1-3 would never play a diablo mmo, because at that point its not diablo anymore.