Would they balance some skills?

you can balance any thing you want right now by hero editing.

hopefully as I said before you cannot hack the game this way in d2r

Im here to make sure simply minded people dont turn the game in to a dead game in first 6 months and be taken over by bots and rmt and hackers when every one quits once they made a few characters, honestly you #nochanges crew will destroy the online portion of this game.

the game was patched all the way up to devs stop working on it, 9 years of patches, i dont see why they stop now tbh

If you dont like change just download a mod to remove the changes, right?

I’ve used solar creep all the way to hell and yes its useless eventually base mana regen is just way faster then the amount you gain. But I haven’t a clue what they could do with it, other then just making it a % mana and health restore like rejuv potions or something.

Spirit barbs is even more awkward of a change either you rename it and give a new aura or you make it a full a golem like pet.

Immolation Arrow , Freezing Arrow, Fend, Mind Blast, Venom, Shadow Warrior(needs resistances), Fist of the Heavens,Blade Fury( all blade trap skills need a bit more), Hydra, Armageddon,Volcano, Maul, Fire Claws, Double Throw, Dragon Claw, Poison Dagger/ Poison Nova, Skeletal Mage. These are most of the skills I’d like to see some buffs to.

They could make new skill instead. I will be home in like two hours so i will create topic with some skill suggestions just for fun :slight_smile: and we can discuss it there.

Btw fist of heavens is used for pvp. It should stay.

Yes but giving it say a bit of physical damage or making holy bolts hit for nerfed damage demons too wouldn’t Overpower it in PVP.

I made a suggestion of removing some skills cooldowns on a different thread like they use to be in previous patches

ill post some of the key comments instead of repeating it:

you mentioned hydra, if you remove hydra CD like it used to be, it might be somewhat viable without too much tinkering

It’s also one of the best support chars early season, and a terrific solo MFer.

I don’t know why everyone wants to change skills, just learn the basics of the game first.

There is nothing wrong with changing skills as a lot of them is useless or have terrible design so there is not even reason to level up to have different build.

Some doesnt even work properly so they are unused.


The problem is it seems many players cannot differentiate good skills vs useless ones.

I will agree some are less desired than others, but FOH? BERSERK? so many skills used all the time and people want them changed.

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I know I had a cleric paladin , heals every were. It was mostly only good versus undead tbh. I just want minor changes to FOH. Like allowing holy bolts from FOH to hit demons for minor damage, blessed hammer would still be better in AOE.

I don’t think the changes to skills like that are worth the cost in nostalgic value of a remaster, but to each their own. I do increasingly hope there are two realms so people who prefer more changes than less can have them.

Well yeah i do agree with this, deep knowledge of game is required for skill changes.

Since necy is my area of discussion today…

PNova is a great skill PNova necy’s do great, there is a pit farming Nova necy you can check out on youtube if your curious.

PDagger on the other hand is ‘weaker’. PNova/PExplosion get 1K damage per second while Pdagger is at 500 damage per second (they probably assumed the physical damage/other mods in it.) If dagger were to change I’d up the damage per second and lower duration.

Mages - could use a slight damage boost but you can’t go too far…A big reason people don’t consider the mages is because they always amp, which helps the base skellys leaving the mages to ‘not do much’. Most are not LR’ing.

Lower resists works great for all the skills listed above. If you boost the damage on all the listed skills too much they get OP when you start LR’ing with poison/mages.

Poison necro is the #1 rune pitfarmer and the #2 pit MFer.

Has anyone even used the skills in this game?

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Oh I know, poison nova certainly isn’t the most terrible skill on the list, I just want some more gear related to poison damage to help it.

I agree with Pdagger change lower the duration for sure.

I was just talking minor buffs for mages.

Lower resists does certainly help, and should be taken into account for any change.

maybe just fixing poison in general would be better mind you, take assassin for example, you can’t wear any poison charm on her while using venom because they way the calculation works makes it useless to use

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Venom for sure needs this though the way poison stacks has always been odd, I just want a few more lower level rune-words or unique items to help running say poison dagger+ poison nova earlier levels.

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only seeing this happening with additional content though

since when was Hydra not viable? next time try hydra/orb works wonders

joining with a troll account sounds expensive :), had to pre purchase the game to write in the forum because i wanted to voice an idea.
i only wish for the skills remain as they are, as someone pointed out not all skills are supposed to be hell viable

Throwing myself on this topic…

It’s apparent that Diablo 2 was ment as a RogueLike, where your struggle ends when killing Baal in Hell, and begins again in the expansion second expansion that never came with content for level 85-95 – before retiring your character’s journey.

Playing self found, most of the classes and builds are not actually hard to play, just tedious.
They’re hard because you deal low damage and have low defenses, but mostly because you overextend, and try to run past mobs in order to reach the next waypoint or kill the boss or find the stairs.

…some classes and builds suffer more and less than others.

In Diablo 4, I really recommend the devs take the D&D approach of having skills increase with character level as a secondary passive increase, because in Diablo 2, level 1 skills are for the most part just laughable, and serve absolutely zero purpose, again with the exception of a select few skills that are one point wonders.

Back in Diablo 2 – not all skills have linear progression.
One way to fix absolutely useless skills could be to improve their level 30 synergies.
If Ice Bolt gains 4% chance to pierce from each level of Frozen Orb, AND only has Glacial Spike as a synergy, with higher synergy bonus, it could become a viable skill that needs a total of 70 skillpoints invested into cold to be effective.
And being ice it could become 50% physical damage, with one synergy boosting physical damage, and another cold damage.

Playing a Hydra sorceress, I had a lot of fun. But my Frozen Orb was weak, and Hydra wasn’t all that great with decent gear, and it doesn’t add to fire damage from fireball.
Fair enough.
But I realized that by just dropping Hydra, my sorceress improved very much.
Which was a sad discovery; My Hydra sorceress’ weakest link was Hydra.
But Hydra falls into the “Good enough. Some skills can be mediocre” category.
It’s extremely useful in Hardcore.

…bow damage penalty to bosses should just get tossed out of the window like the hot garbage it is.
The devs should TRY all the different skills in the game and try to make them work in hell in their own playthroughs – and not change the skills, but evaluate if the skills actually work like intended, in solo and duo same level playthroughs.

Try playing an Blades of Ice assassin, while another player plays a Zealot alongside them.
Try playing a Magezon, alongside a sorceress.
Try playing a bone necromancer, alongside a Fire elemental druid.
Try playing a werewolf alongside a whirlwind barbarian.

In short, there’s a lot of discrepancies in solo and group outputs:
Druid and Assassin skills seem balanced for a game where they have a paladin aura or necromancer cursing enemies – but the paladin has those auras when playing alone, and the necromancer has curses.
The sorceress and barbarian have masteries.
…thus druid and assassin elemental and physical skills and defenses are at about 1/5th of the effectiveness level of Sorceress and Paladin in terms of damage, don’t reach half of that of the barb, while their defenses can’t match the paladin nor barbarian.
They can barely kill, and die easily.

It’s fine to leave some skills challenging.
It’s fine if some skills absolutely require a really rare item or a complete set or a hellfire torch and some very specific gear to start working.
Sure, some skills can make your character a one trick pony, with few ways to deal with immunes, okay.

But when I have an inventory FULL of skillers, the absolute best gear that can be squeezed out of Baal running him 1000 times, have reached level 90, and the character still cannot kill Baal as comfortably as a level 74 budget zealot or hammerdin…

Hang the fruit high. Have skills you have little hope of getting to use if you speedrun or play the game rogue-like… But try to find a way to have most offensive skills have a path to viability by character level 90.

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