Will D4 have mmo stuff?

This is a layer of depth. Rolls on gear can affect gems. Getting those links is part of progressing the skill. Removing them from the items is not what I would consider a proper solution to the progression of linking sockets being wildly inconsistent.

Why with the same gear, an paragon 500 can play in the same party of a paragon 600 but if only one of then have an full set, they can’t play otherwise only one of then will be able to defeat the enemy? Because paragon grow up in a linear way, set based progression in a exponential way.

I agree that is something that a LOT of people enjoy, makes gear more unique, i only said that i prefer when the power is more on char than on gear. MAinly supernatural ones(note : supernatural is not only “magic”, an monk on D1 has an supernatural strength for eg), is just my preference, not something objectively better.

One reason that i think that Blizzard is reluctant to launch an new diablo game is simple. When D3 got announced, there wasn’t much concurrency, now, how many similar games? PoE? Last Epoch? Grim Dawn? TL? <…>

D3 ended up selling over 30 million units… before the Switch port.

I don’t know what PoE’s downloads are, but I bet it ain’t that. Nor have they had 30 million different people spend $60 or more on it.

Grim Dawn is a fantastic game… but last I checked they hadn’t sold more than 2 million copies.

The point here is that Blizzard is a giant in the industry, and plenty of people will buy whatever they make just because of that. They have the potential to sell millions of copies of a D4 game. If D4 launched tomorrow, it might not break sales records like D3 did… but I guarantee you it would sell enough to dwarf the rest of the isometric ARPG industry.

Again, see the marketing budged and the game’s name. The second expansion got canceled. Not everybody who purchased D3 liked D3… As for PoE, PoE always is on top most played games on steam.

Is hard to compare how much active players D3 has since blizzard stopped releasing this numbers. Grim Dawn, i agree that is a fantastic game, but doesn’t have the same marketing and resources.

How many times do you need to be told that doesn’t mean anything before you realize it doesn’t mean anything? Steam doesn’t track anything outside of Steam.

Which is the point I was making, thanks for agreeing.

Which means absolutely nothing because that only applies to people who got the game via steam and Diablo 3 isn’t purchasable through steam so you have no numbers

First blizzard has never released those numbers and
second look it up on steam, that is your go to to make a point with no meaning, as far as steam is concerned no one has bought or played the game

Sorry for repeating Orion didn’t see yours till after I replyed to victor

The only point to be made from this statement is that the plot of Idiocracy may be playing out in reality. Sadly, what is popular in today’s world is not necessarily quality. Even worse it’s not always that consumers have been misled but rather have been brainwashed into acceptance.

I do believe that there was a very short stint (about one year) where Blizz did release numbers. It was the statistics of the first year of D3’s launch. There might’ve been a few other times that they reported on how many people play D3 but it hasn’t be much if more than the launch.

They released the sub number for wow long time ago. And you can see how much active players D2 had on battle net now… I agree that steam isn’t perfect, but lets be honest. Was an small team, making an game who is more played than a lot of AAA games on an platform. I know that the platform doesn’t reflect the game world or even the PC game world, but is the information that i have access.

And Diablo 1 for eg, is being sold well on GOG. Sorting by popularity, at least here, Diablo 1 + hellfire is the third most sold game on the platform. Despite the high price for an old game. You can buy four Temple of Elemental Evil licenses, an game released 7 years after D1 ( 2003 vs 1996 ) for the same price. At least here in my country.

So, IMO yes, Diablo 4 will probably sell well even if end up being an bad game just by the “diablo” name…

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We are talking about D3 as per

So why are you going of on a WoW numbers tangent which has nothing to do with D3

and IMO won’t sell well because they lost their core base after turning D3 into a circus with the GR R Us that D3 is now and has made the base game worthless
Besides the newer players that are here purely for the GR and LB, the core players won’t buy it because it will just be turned into another GR LB circus and the newer players won’t buy it until their phone game of GR LB is in it

The price people are willing to play to play a favorite without all the hassles of getting it to run on newer machines
Diablo 1 is a classic and an antique and not junk so can command a high price, if you call $14 Aus expensive and you get Hellfire free
On the other hand Temple of Elemental Evil is trash and wouldn’t play it even if it was given to me, and yes I have bought and played Temple of elemental evil when it was released
But the point is I still play D1 but not Temple of elemental evil and D1 is the older game
newer isn’t always better
You sound like the type of person when given the price of a Stradivarius and say but it’s just a violin

D4’s quality depends on the team that makes the game. If the team is a good one then we will have a high quality game that will win many awards. If it is more akin to Jay and company it will suck.

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So, even you who is a D3 fan, din’t liked what JAy Wilson did with Diablo. Right?

See Children’s Online Daycare. Each year is the same game with less and less stuff, more P2W mechanics, more lootbox and still sell well.

Trash? The most faithful adaptation from 3.5e and unique turn based 3/3.5e game is trash? Anyway, the price of D1 + hellfire is at least here the same of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, i an mentioning W2 because looks like you don’t like crpg’s and Diablo 1 is selling well in a store with a lot of good games. That is my point

There are many things that Jay did wrong with D3. But still there are things that they did right such as the combat of the game. I have seen many others that love this game for its combat. To them it is smooth and flows really well. I do agree there but there are many other things wrong with the game that Jay decided to do. Yes I understand why he done what he done. But that still doesn’t make them the right thing to do.

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I agree but IMO this is much more thanks to the good Blizzard talented animators than to Jay Wilson… And not only Diablo, blizzard always had amazing animators. I know because i tried to learn a little of modeling and animation and know a little about how hard is to be an good “game artist”

Well considering 3.5e is trash too yes
and what you getting bent all out of shape because I don’t automatically bow down and agree with you
When 3.5e came out that’s when I stopped playing because it’s trash
Strange that it’s alright for you to bag D3 because it isn’t D2 but it isn’t alright for me to not like 3.5e because it isn’t 2e
hypocrite much?

I just know what games I like, I don’t know what sub-sub-sub genre they belong to like you like to compartmentlize everything into and I take a game on their own merits and I don’t want to have everything changed in 1 game because I prefer the way things are done in another like you do
One of your favourites is D3 should be turned into Dark souls because you like dark souls better
I don’t go into dark souls and troll them and demand that the game be turned into Diablo 3 because I like Diablo 3 better than Dark souls

Wrong. 4e are trash.
In the 4e times, the most played RPG was pathfinder and the second most played was 3.5e, nobody liked 3.5e. D&D was the most popular tabletop game for almost a half century, then they decided to copy a lot of mmo ““stuff”” and … failed miserably on 4e. The unique good thing that 4e brought is pathfinder.

3.0e din’t brought a lot of mmo ““stuff””(to use an forum appropriated word), 4e brought.

Wrong, Diablo should be like D2. I an not demanding turn based combat like ToEE, not demanding complex dialog system with heavy consequences like Troika games or reputation system like old school RPG’s, i an asking if Diablo will lose his “wow elements” and become more like Diablo 1/2 that i like.

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Yeah I know you are wrong
Just because you like something doesn’t mean everyone has to like it
Just like you think D3 is trash because it isn’t D2
Yet I’m not allowed to think 3.5e is trash because it isn’t 2e

Why? It’s not like I’m allowed to think that 3.5e should be like 2e. Like you think D3 should be like D2

You say all that and say you don’t like D3 because it isn’t D2 that you like, Yet I am not allowed to not like 3.5, because you love it, Well the same is true with me I don’t like 3.5e because it isn’t 2e which I like

The reality is. 4e made D&D lost for the first time the title of most played and purchased tabletop game.

I can’t post links here, but you can google D&D 4e looks like wow and find 2,200,000 results explaining how many inspirations from modern mmos D&D 4e have. Is in that aspect, the same thing with Diablo 3. Rhykker if i remember correctly talked about it in a video.

I can’t find exactly the video, but you got the idea. Let the WoW “tropes” stay on WoW.

No, you din’t give me one reason to consider 3.5e trash. Sure, has SOME problems with multiclassing

Don’t need to and the bit you quoted is a reason for it being trash
or are you saying that you love D3 because now you are saying that you can’t not like D3 because it not being D2 isn’t a reason

That happened at 3.5 I didn’t like the way they did things. just like you don’t like D3 because it wasn’t D2 and things were changed to a way you didn’t like it

Wrong, the changes from 2e to 3e was mostly good changes. THAC0 is counter intuitive, AC too on 2e. The way that “saves” and SR works on 2e too. The best edition of D&D is 3.5e and Pathfinder is amazing because is extremely similar to 3.5e with few twists(new rules like swarm, for eg)

Diablo 2 is very different than D1, i miss some things on D2 like cursed gear, and more freedom on character building, but Diablo 2 is very Diabloish, like D1. Diablo 3 in other hands, has an artstyle similar to wow, mechanics and gameplay similar to wow, the unique difference is that is more fast phased. D1/D2 in other hands, are more similar to games such as Ultima that Brevic mentioned on his interviews, but much more simple and action focused.

4e is a **** because they tried to copy wow in many aspects, many people said that 4e is pnp generic mmo game. And yes, wow was so successful that a lot of RPG’s started to copy the wow. I don’t understand why. I mean, wow dominate the genre, making something similar will never make the population who have friends and guild members to leave wow. I have heard that ultima online(pre wow mmo) din’t have cooldowns nor your character muscle mass/iq linked towards gear, but NEVER played much of UO since i din’t had stable internet on 90s/earlier 00s. But in general, every mmo is the same for me. Even swtor. I loved KOTOR 1/2 but uninstalled SWTOR after 2 hours and really tried to enjoy the game.