Why would you nerf crusaders?

That’s exactly the thinking back few years, and now look how many (useless) difficulty level we have, and power creep.
They HAD to hit the break, otherwise we end up with 200 torment levels… 2000GR levels, which does not make any sense.

They should have done that since the start, maybe we had half torment levels or less we have now…

The guy with the stronger set on the game is complaining about his set not being strong?
Stop whining please…

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yeah they nerf fantastic builds only to boost weak builds up to the level of the builds they nerf but never un-nerf those builds. they’re just dead forever. makes absolutely zero sense.

Barbs have been meta literally since season 1, I think. First they did the Raekors charge thing, then support.

It’s a one trick pony. Crusaders have one build that can kill one mob at a time and do nothing else. The more they nerf that single target damage the less room it has for area damage. If it loses it’s top spot as RGK they bring nothing to the party. The game as it is now favors over tuned specialists above all else. Builds are the best ever or useless. There’s no in between. Increasing difficulty (mob health and damage not actual difficulty) just makes the problem worse.

Right, and monks., but I was referring to non-supports (last 3 words of my sentence).
However, Barb and Monk have rarely been the trash or RGK.

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I get it. I’m agreeing with you. Barbs literally have been meta forever. I don’t remember when they nerfed Raekor. Was it season 2 or 3?

Raekor got nerfed in 2.1.2 but it was still the best Barb build for a long time after. The game just outgrew it and then the WWRend buff finally put it to rest.

The reason of the current amount of the torment levels is the ridiculous mobs 17% HP per rift increase. That’s why we see stupid high numbers on trash mobs like in hundrets of millions or billions on highier GRs…

I was NEVER in favour of nerfing any TOP builds, nor the archon, or any other crusader, barb and recently the WD from last season or Necro nor any other classes builds.

For me intruducing a new set just to nerf it after ONE season (WD) seems like showing players the middle finger, just because boohoo WD got too OP, so it had to be nerfed. What an insanely dumb argument. You’re a supposed to be a freakin Nephalem, so stop turning us to gawd damn P*ssylems, just because:

Oh noes he’s SOLOing GR 150, he’s too OP, Nerf him, he/she’s breaking our fundamental rule of having too much FUN. We can’t let this happen or it will destabilize the Earths core, Wulcanos start erupt, earthquakes appear all over the world and floods or we even gonna get striked by a devastating Meteor Shower from space…

Dear Lord have mercy…

There wouldn’t be so many Torments if the scalling of mobs HP wasn’t so messed up high.

Honestly they could just go with 10 Torment levels and scale the difficulty per 10 greater rifts like this:

T1 - GR10
T2 - GR20
T3 - GR30
T4 - GR40
T5 - GR50
T6 - GR60
T7 - GR70
T8 - GR80
T9 - GR90
T10 - GR100

…and at least DOUBLE or even QUADRUPLE the amount of crafting materials (Inculding the Horadric Caches from bounties) and GR keys dropped by normal Rift Guardians same with Elites and Death Breaths and Forgotten Souls drops.

This change doesn’t require a whole team of people to do nor is rocket science, so I don’t get why they couldn’t do it…

Lowering the ridiculous 17% to at least 8% could help to and just keep the amount of damage they deal to you or maybe “slightly” increase it if you suddenly became too OP

One of the reasons why the crusader shield nerf happened was probably because they were pretty much the RGK that every meta group was running with.

I dont think so. It looks like it may still be the top RGK. I’m expecting to see this build get another nerf again sometime in the near future, just my guess.

Frenzy Barb is probably the 2nd best RGK and id make a strong argument that the class is far more versatile than any other class.

if you’ve been around like most of have then you’d know they have had MP10 and that was max. don’t ask me why they changed it.

I’ve been playing D3 since launch day, but this is my second account that I got much later and I’m playing on EU server only and yeah I remember MP10, AH and the incredible monster density from that days which was great, although I wouldn’t mind if they actually lower the Torment difficulty levels to max 10 and change to what I proposed. They (or he if there’s only ONE person in the “Dev Team”) could also adjust season journey to it too… I’ve also supported barbs with the lamentation belt and wanted not only revert the nerf back to 150-200%, but actually even a highier buff (https://i.ibb.co/Xbgzk9b/Lamentation-New.jpg). If you don’t believe me just check this thread:

From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

There’s a lot of things that could still be changed or improved and if the person can create new sets for each classes then changing some numbers or adjusting other things should be a piece of cake for him or her, but I guess it’s easier to find excuses to not do it…