Why wont they fix Barb

Just to be clear here so I understand?

Free, Rage and the Barbarian community petitioned Blizzard for a long time, with Free and Rage as the faces of this petition? :heavy_check_mark:

Only T3’s can create a Wiki, but anyone with knowledge and access can edit it? :heavy_check_mark:
Some people that have questionable motives might edit it for the wrong reasons? :heavy_check_mark:

Has the Barbarian community been listened to? :heavy_check_mark:

The last is the only important one, In the scheme of things, there will always be haters and people who will tear down the work of others. The positive end result is the only thing anyone needs concern themselves with.

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Find pop post, Use mouse macro scroll up and down. You will gain reads much faster. This is probably the easiest way. But it still take hours to get tl3.

I’m sorry I can’t tell if you’re any serious or not, but you don’t know the game better than its own developers and coders. None of us do. You tried to lecture them a thing in a heated discussion? Consider that mechanic changed next patch. Your boasting can be easily used against you.

Is this really true? Do the ends justify the means? As long as the trains run on time…

Your point is valid except only valid in one condition. Was anyone hospitalized, severely traumatized or killed? No?
Then if nobody was hurt - yes, the ends do justify the means.

I firmly disagree. I do not want to comment on specifics/discuss forum moderation but look through Nevs posts that included a strong admonishment in response to what some were advocating.

I am fine with that. You are a smart guy who posts some valuable things for the community. I’d be disappointed if every time we communicated we agreed. Life would be incredibly boring if we all agreed with each other.
In saying that, I know none of us all agree with the owners, moderators, PR or others all of the time.

As for admonishment, if it hurts anyone, it should be admonished. In context, history is full of leaders and countries that did not care if anyone was hurt to achieve their goals. I do care that nobody gets hurt and you obviously do, so the only thing we are disagreeing on is the semantics and we’re both too intelligent to continue on that path. :wink:

Hey at least this season and next season there were new things for barbs, they trying man lol.

Damn guys it is game. What Free and the barb community did was a good thing for people that enjoy playing the “GAME” as a barb. Why the personal attacks and hate posts? If you don’t approve/like the changes/buffs fine but there are bigger problems in this world to worry about. This is about leaping slamming whirl winding and most in importantly IMHO Hammering the living SH*T on the enemies!!!