Why play Ladder now if i don't want 99 racing?

That’s a ridiculous statement. I like ladder for the fresh economy and trading, if I want stagnant economy I might as well SP.

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You should vet your sources better.

Fresh Economy

The reset usually leads to some inflated prices.
Higher value gives us more currency.

More currency allows us to build / trade for unique or complete chars

IDC about the race… just the econ reset

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My game plan is to have my softcore players as non-ladder and I’ll be using ladder for my hardcore characters. I like both play styles and the hardcore / temporary character aspect seems to fit with the temporary nature of the ladder system. I wasn’t sure what to make of this news at first, but I actually really like it after having some time to reflect on it.

I think if there was no ladder the game would have died long ago.
Ladder seasons are great and I will do every second season if the time is too short.
Now with kids do not have the time to play 8 hours a day.
I want to have endgame items which is impossible in a 3 month ladder season for me. Hell even lvl 99 is cause i like to play 2 or 3 chars /season it also depends if i lose a char or not cause only HC here for the trill. The heartrate rise is special on a close call specially if you are high lvl.
That said it is me.
Fresh start is good as well, restart is good.
Can not wait for lunch at the 23-rd will be great im sure.

Did you play 1.09d? Just asking.

i dont like ladder.
on original d2 i go to school and had many time. now this had changed.
i dont get why so many want start a new char over and over again all few months?
in 3month i maybe get 2-3 chars to lvl 80+ with medicore stuff. that cant be the endgame for working ppl with 1-2h gaming a day

I have always played classic hardcore exclusively since the original D2 came out. This is by far the smallest community in all of D2.

Decent items are incredibly hard to come by. Classic has never been affected by ladder/non ladder items, and level 99 is pretty much impossible to achieve. Items and characters purge themselves regularly (by dying) so the economy can stay “fresh” for much longer. So there’s absolutely no need for short ladder seasons in this “mode”.

I don’t care about the actual ladder, and would only play NL, but there’s simply not enough players in classic HC to be split up into NL and L.

I’ve been re-reading this post for a while now and I think i understand that this is correct.

This post is only about the vanilla / non-ladder content in D2R. It is saying that everything in D2 that was restricted will not be. So D2R includes the ladder uniques, ubers, etc.in all modes.

What it doesnt actually say anything about is the ladder season in D2R. It seems unlikely for season one, but possible still, that there will be unique content for the ladder season that may (or probably will not imo) be included elsewhere. I think they need this as a content hook for player retention and encouragement into the online. That is speculation though still.

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One of the funnest parts of the game is starting over brand new fresh with nothing.

If someone create a char in day 1 this char will be non-ladder or all new chars will be ladder but they cant see the ladder rankings?

non ladder, season 1 wont launch for a bit.

Well thats awkward.
Alpha test,close beta,another close beta,open beta and still on the release we are not sure about the stability of the servers.
Playing in the day of release and the next days for no reason as non-ladder chars.
It would be better to delay the release or open a final beta test than a pointless new start before a new start.

apparently you never played diablo 2 before, every patch there is a question of stability even if that patch was tested on a ptr/beta server.

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