Why play Ladder now if i don't want 99 racing?

Why do you want to play Ladder now if you dont want to race? Just for the feeling of a fresh start?


Lots of people like trading. Eventually, when enough items are on the server, trading slows down. Ladder is a reset for those that get the thrill of the kill by wheeling and dealing trade, as well as a fresh start where everyone is wiped.


for fresh starts. that is why I play ladder.


I hope they add a chat announcement when a top 100 HC ladder character dies like in PoE


I never wanted to play actual ladder. I just wanted the cool items.


there is also an increased difficulty (which i sure hope will come to non ladder too)

but yea, it’s for the race and the fresh start.
doing fresh start , especially with friends is awesome :slight_smile:


I also really dont like the idea of remove ladder only stuffz, but i kinda have to agree to this argument tho again i really dont like this change :man_shrugging:


As long as you can mute it, sure.

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I hope your comment is based upon curiosity and not a sarcastic point of view. Ladder is for fresh startrs, you can lvl a character to 70 in a couple days if you are good enough, if you are newer, one week if you are in Group Run games. Ladder is all about a fresh start and a new open wilderness. Its also fun to see your name on the leader board. Even if its only temporary


I`m curious, because i used to play ladder mostly for the ladder items.

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I dont wanna play Ladder, I just want those ladder items… Nothing more.
The ladder, im pretty sure im insignificant compared to usually the same insane guy who does it every ladder season…
The race is just for a bunch of speedfarmer on youtube and discord.
Some people even had a team to do that.
The only reason normal people care about the score board is when they look whos the fastest in this server.
Its usually the same crazy person again and again each seasons that somehow has a complete set of monstrous XP Guidelines that they rigidly follows.


My goal is to complete a personal grail in 10+ years, believe me. It’s a hard one. So now i’ll play mostly non-ladder.


Same, this makes L/NL decision easy for me as I was concerned about time on ladder to find all the items but now… I know it is there and possible.

My only question is… will we get the difficulty changes to NL games? I hope so personally as it was never that hard outside of some immunity blocks if you didn’t have the resources to work around it.


Probably not.

What are the difficulties changes? I don’t remember it

Monsters are faster and have greater AI. I believe there is also an HP difference as well, where monsters have higher HP in ladder. However, never could find an official source for this, but have seen something like non ladder only has 85% hp of the ladder, or ladder is 30% more hp from Act 5 NM-All of Hell.

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they also have lower defense stat (bit a lot)
i sure hope it’ll get ported to non ladder aswell :confused:


Fresh start and runewords.

runesword are no longer gated behind ladders, there’s no more ladder only items.
But still , fresh start is always fun in my opinion

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Oh, I actually like that. So SP will have them too? Then the only reason is fresh start. I can’t see myself being competitive with the level ranking. I suspect you would have to bot to be competitive.

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Well, the original implementation of the Ladder system was supposed to be a mode where players could play in a fresh economy that wasn’t flooded by hacked/duped items. They added all the ladder only stuff to pretty much force players into that mode. Since everyone is starting D2R fresh (online), there is no reason for such a gating mechanic. If they are starting the season “soon” after launch as in Blizzard Soon, probably won’t be for 1-3 months post launch, if it is regular soon, like less than a month, then I have a strong feeling for seasonal themes that don’t gate content.

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