Why play Ladder now if i don't want 99 racing?

yea it’s among tonight news , there’s a blue post pinned on the forum if you want to check.
SP also get ubers , runesword , ladders unique , uber diablo etc…

also : killing cow king no longer make you unable to open cow level portal.

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Absolutely awesome!!!

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yea here’s the link if you haven’t checked yet
(for the cows it was on twitter / reddit)


I’ll take a look. I appreciate it.

I watched the clip of Llama completing his grail by finding Tyrael’s Might. Dude got pretty excited.

I want to do it too :ok_hand:


Arreat Summit page with recpies needs to be updated with this great news!

The purpose of seasons in D3 are fresh starts. The purpose of ladder in D2 is already found in non-ladder, by having to create new characters. That is, until they move from 3 respecs to infinite respecs. The only thing that gives ladder meaning are the runewords unique to ladder that are supposed to act as an incentive to play there.


Rune upgrades are very very different in ladder and after ladder. Look at Arreat Summit.

EDIT. I was wrong. Arreat Summit needs to be updated!

not anymore. The runewords as well as those rune recipes are now in NL. Read the post, it says all the ladder cube recipes are now also in NL.

I would have been fine with them leaving the cube recipes ladder only, but still happy to see them ungated too!

Because its only temporary. The lllader stuff on nl.

Sorry but now I have to post…

Then what is the reason to play Ladder? Just this simple question. Yes because there are Items NL cannot access. And the prices for these Items are higher in NL because of it. Now if NL people can build them, there is no reason anymore to play Ladder. I just dont understand. explain me?

Without ladder and fresh start, there is nothing todo :slight_smile:

Ladder is what makes you allways have something new to hunt for :slight_smile:

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it’s not sure i think.
(i kind of hope not)

You’re wrong; it’s not temporary.


Source of this information? Link please.

if game launch without ladder, players will not have access to ladder only runewords. to those players, it will feel like a delayed launch.

there are also players who are unfamiliar with ladder runewords and waste the runes trying to build ladder-only runeswords on non-ladder games

by ungating ladder only runewords, the purpose of ladder now is only a race to 99, hence ladder.

if ladder runewords still existed, most of the community who dont have 6+ hrs a day to grind will unlikely achieve the more popular runewords. every ladder reset will be like a climb again to reach at least act 3 and farm LK for more chance for the runeword. also the discussions to shorten ladder seasons will mean even lesser time for farming high level runes.

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Well, it’s simple. Now, if you just played it for the items, then you can play a regular character casually and collect those items slowly. If you don’t want the race or fresh start, then just stick with your regular character :slight_smile:

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Okay if you see no reason to play ladder then play non ladder.

There is still a reason to play ladder if you like the challenge of starting from nothing and seeing how far you can get during a single ladder.

Opening up non ladder like this is a really good idea.

It devalues the d2jsp forum gold trading scene.
It make’s it less appealing to the botting, item shop people to run their sht too since the casuals can slowly farm up whatever they want on non ladder with no time pressure of any sort.

They have given the game back to normal people with this change it might even calm down the personal loot debate.

I think this is the best decision they have made so far.

Go check out the d2jsp forums :smiley: