Why Personal Loot, Item Filters, and Charm Inventory will ruin Diablo 2

just because I may not know exactly how the personal loot system will be implemented in Diablo 2 resurrected does not mean that a personal loot system wouldn’t change or ruin the game in several ways. Taking the loot system from Diablo 3 (the last diablo game made) and applying the drop rates they had which would also change most likely is only an assumption but it is a fair one.

It doesn’t matter if there is the same amount of loot or double the amount of loot. Changing the loot system will change the experience for a lot of people who want to relive the game the way they may have always dreamed of.

I can think of why personal loot is a bad idea for several different ways. But the only reason I see people sharing why they don’t want shared loot is because they dont want to work hard for it.

Except no one to my knowledge has said that D2Rshould implement D3 drop rates. You are arguing against implementing something that no one has suggested. I and others have been extremely clear that a personal loot system if given as a second option would have identical total drop rates.

This also applies to global loot system. I am leeching in a global loot, 8 player game. I can ninja loot 1/2 of all item drops. In a personal loot game I will only get 1/8. Therefore, global loot is far worse to legitimate players as it rewards far more greatly those who do not want to work for their gear.

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Why this filter is not just QoL?

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I personally think it will bring new life into the online experience. Rather than players doing their mfing in private, you would see more of a variety in public games besides the same ole baal baal baal baal occasional trade baal baal and so on.

Also, they are keeping the game as close as possible. Sometimes changes have to be made. Not sweeping changes, like a balance pass to start, but you just don’t plug in controller support and console cross progression and expect the game to be exactly 100% the same. While they have taken effort to keep the controller functioning the same as mouse and keyboard down to how right click skills work, it is not a mouse and keyboard. I’m assuming a concession might be made.

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Loot filters should be an option. period. If you don’t want to play with them you can turn them off. Your right to play without them should not impact my right to play with them.


Loot filters are an work around solution for trash drops. If you dislike trash drops, why not go for the real problem and rebalance drops, instead of building around the problem?


Your right? … come on, you can do better than that

Trash drops are fine. Also what is and isn’t trash changes as your character becomes stronger or you find an item.

Early in my game I DO want a 4os poleaxe. As I progress I get much pickier about what that 4os pole arm needs to be to gain my interest

I’m no purist, but I would be against re balancing the qualities of drops. Part of the replay value of D2 is that you never know what you are going to get, and the insane drop rate on many of the items. You just messing with the quality balance to drop less trash, you upset that rng factor. Diablo 3 is currently like this, and as neat as it is to complete a rift for the first hundred or so times and have uniques and sets raining down, eventually you are just back to the same “Ehh…trash trash trash” feeling. They tried to mitigate it by adding primals and such, but it still it not as satisfying.

With that said, I wouldn’t be against them doing with launch LoD did in the future, and having more variety of affixes on rares, allowing them to be potentional BiS, which would make for less “trash” drops overall.

Thats why monsters get stronger and drop better items as you progress.

Read my linked post, it’s about the opposite.

So you’re telling me you’r fine with trash drops, but you want an loot filter to hide them??? Like an completly new system never been in D2 before, instead of an simple rebalance?

Just let the game like the original one. Otherwise it is no more diablo 2


Think you misunderstood what I meant there. There are situations I could be a Hell character who wants a 4os Poleaxe.

If its my first character early season I just want any 4os polearm. If I am level 90 or have 4 geared characters all with insights or better, I now want upgrades to those polearms.

I’m not the one advocating for loot filters. I just don’t want them to touch the actual quality based drop formulas.

I have no comment on other issues except the personal loot. Have you ever experienced the Windforce / Shako / Zod got stolen from someone because of the network or they simply pick up faster than you??

Personal loot can protect players to get the reward from the hard work. It does not cause more loot, what you need are the perfect rolled items. And the prob. of perfectly rolled items would still be at a low rate.

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You would really need to define “stolen” that person was in the game too. Also, these situations feel few and far inbetween.

With personal loot the same thing happens, you just dont see the winforce/zod/shako got given to that other person.

You can like personal loot, but stop thinking it solves problems it does not.

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You realize that without trash drops, the good ones mean nothing, right?

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You don’t have to choose between inventory space and charms if you S/E with the item. You break that constraint by doing it and rejoining the game in like 8 seconds. Valuable items dropping in diablo 2 are pretty rare - even things that aren’t valuable but could be rolled valuable are rare. You basically risk nothing by save and exiting with the item. If there was meant to be a choice between inventory convenience and charms - its a false one that’s broken by the above - and a means to do so IN THE GAME

If I dont run 4 GCs that YOU do, I can pick up two items on floor and keep playing. without opening inventory. when thats full I can put some items in the cube before I am actually full.

You cannot pick up one item without either putting it in your cube and opening inventory or do your weird exit game thing. That is choosing and your way sounds way less fund and cumbersome. Thats exactly why you are arguing it to eliminate it from the game.

I don’t run those charms you do and I can still clear hell… its a choice.

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I can quite literally rejoin the game in that amount of time and face like no reprecussions - there aren’t going to be TWO items for you to even pick up because diablo 2’s drop rates are generally sufficiently low enough to gaurantee it. That’s the point. There aren’t any. Your convenient way of mfing is just that - convenience - so if i can produce the same effects in result but more convenient but more charms - then … what’s the point of this so-called choice?

I can beat the game half naked in hell - its a choice to use gear.

you would not be getting 8x the loot, the group would be getting that and does not mean it is a bad thing x.x economy this economy that. If we are being honest all it sounds like is i am afraid my dupes wont be worth as much now.

Nothing wrong with personalized loot infact it is blessing upon blessing. Seasons are going to be based like d3 seasons and it would not surprise me if alot of things got based off of d3. People who dont understand d2 would only want to hate on personalized loot considering the fact that it would be more enjoyable and not pay to play people who paid d2 whate ver .com for items that are duped and /or botted. Personalized loot is actually the way to go.

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