Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

Gonna copy paste here what I wrote on reddit:

I’m sorry but, most the characters look hideous. (Maybe with the exception of sorceress).

Was watching the blizzcon panel and they were yammering about how they wanted to make everything as close as possible as the source material.

Literally all news about D2:R have been overwhelmingly positive, but they really need to completely change the look of the characters.

I don’t want to see the characters changed to something that fits someones agenda etc. I just want the old characters 1:1 remastered with the exact same armor looks etc, why start with artistic choices when the final outcome should look as close to the original.

So ye:

Amazon is definitely the worst of the lot. Looks way too manly, the femininity is not there. If you research the original D2 amazon art, you can’t turn It to what they came up with…

Assassin: Apparently changed from eastern european to asian, why? So ATVI can tick a box I guess.

Necromancer: actually doesn’t look bad, but I dont understand why he needed to age 20-30 years…

Barbarian: needs to be way more bulkier/more muscles. Like a shadow compared
to the original BABA

Paladin: looks ok, but again whats up with changing the hairstyle etc…

Sorceress: Actually looks the best from the sorry lot, kinda like the fact she looks more mature(in a good way than the rest of the lot). But again these are changes that were not needed.

Druid: looks like he’s seen some sh*t, apparently homeless looks are in for him now.

I tried to be as polite I could, but man am I happy If they allow modding so ppl can modelchange the characters, If they don’t get improved.

Nothing against the works artist behind the artworks, clearly talented bunch.
But these to change. 100%


I understand you point and agree with you, she is a fierce warrior but here, she actually looks like a man. I think they could improve her a bit to look more like a woman, at least :slight_smile:


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Yeah I suppose you’re right. I think what is happening here, is the old designs had a more cartoony / fantasy appearance about them, like in an animated movie. The new ones are going for more realism.

I think they need to strike a balance between realism and hyper idealist fantasy. The barb is pretty good, but he needs to get his pony tail back, and he needs to be a bit thicker.

Pretty sure I saw the Barb ponytail in gameplay footage. Don’t think you have to worry there. The rest though is pretty nasty lol


Ah cool I’ll have to take a closer look at the footage, that’s good if so.

The current new faces of D2:R

They are all RESURRECTED! That’s why they are looking how they are looking))


Why also has the Druid gained 100lbs , yeah I could go on they all look like crap to me. Thought this was a remaster not someone’s personal remake for political purposes.


I agree, make amazons hot again. I think it falls under a quality of life change.


Some more speculation but the 3 thinner characters Sorceress / Necro / Druid from D2 original are the ones who get 2 HP per vitality point (compared to 3 and 4 for barb). That could go against the idea of weight gain.


I absolutely agree with you 100% :+1:. Her face needs to be fixed because she deserves to be a beautiful one. :smile: :two_hearts:


Is it just me, or does the Amazon look like she could be the Necromancer’s sister?  

(Or even his brother.   )


And Trapassin became literal -_- :rainbow_flag:


I believe it’s spelled: Trapasian.  

(That’s not anti-PC is it?   )


All the models are a lot thicker. Amazon is like a female orc with human skin.

Assassin has a very circular face, like an obese woman who eats 20 oz butter for breakfast every day.

Necromancer is not that bad, but I think it should be a guy with white/gray hair in his 40s, not an old fart.

Barbarian model rather resembles a pro power lifter, they have huge muscles and a lot of bodyfat, I suppose it is more realistic, nobody looked like a bodybuilder in medieval era.

Paladin face and armour is okay, but he appears to be way to thick, his body should be about 50% thinner.

Sorceress is too thick, the original looked like a magician scholar, this one is rather like a housewife that spends 8 hours a day sitting on the couch.

Druid is right off a homeless guy in his 40s who has been on heavy drugs for at least 2 decades nonstop.

I don’t think any of this will matter when we play, it will be just a small models on screen and we won’t see the details.


He made push ups everyday for 20 years than smoking herbs.

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Yeah, closer to Geralt of Rivia thematically. The man who was aged because of necromancy practices in case of Necro.


I always envisioned the amazon to have a bit more testosterone in her veins than the rest of the broads.

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Insert… creature from the black lagoon

another hideous slap in the face change most everyone can agree on
we don’t want to look like the enemy/monsters