Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

I’m pretty sure this thread will never stay over 700 with comments like this.


Comparisons of images to real life people? Okay.


Didn’t say you were wrong, but 40+ comments just ‘disappeared’ the other day lol.


That’s fine. The PC police can have their fun, but in the end, they can only divert what people want to discuss here so much.

If they want to completely control the narrative, participation drops and interest in this game goes with it.

It’s a fine line they are walking between civility and censorship.


Agree. And they can’t police reddit and twitter like they can here. This meme is only going to get bigger if they double down for release.

This ‘amazon’ needs to change. They don’t fit for a number of reasons.


Agreed. If you look at the two images posted above, there was something lost in the translation from artwork to game graphics. If you stare at the cheek bones, the jaw line, and the eyes, you can see the loss of feminine qualities for masculine ones.

I would never mistake the top image for a guy, but the bottom image would make me ponder whether or not that person was male or female.


They should just rework all 7. Not a bunch, just enough for plausible deniability about ‘caving’ to a meme.

I’m calling it now. Nearly every amazon on bnet is going to be male-related, and 20 percent are going to be named Caitlyn.

People who don’t even like playing amazons are going to make one because of the meme.

Nip it in the bud, Blizzard.


Yeah, you’ll see a lot of Amazon characters named Bruce, Steve, etc.


The most stupid thing is, the people they try to pander to, probably do not want these looks on their OG characters. I think (IMO) worse than pandering, is giving people characters they try to pander to with stereotype features like wide nose (African), big nose (middle eastern) or slant eyes (Asian).


Hey, guys, i found a more ugly female faces with censored:

Charsi, Kashya, even Flavie (she really looks like man…) - they all got scary, old and ugly, especially the archer merc.

Blizzard or VV, why you doing this with my favorite childhood game? I loved this characters when i was little boy, but now you destroy they image and beauty! With this censorship you look so ridiculous! Don’t touch Jamella and Asheara!

Flavie looks like a man (another maness face, like of Amazon’s face), and of course, all archer merc will be looks similarly. Deckard Cain looks too angry and madness (I never, never imagined him like that. For me, he has always been like a kind grandfather, whose stories you can listen to endlessly. Designers of Diablo 3 understood this ( Actually, Diablo 3 did a great job on the face art. Everything looks great). Charsi - does not match his voice and dialogues, i always imagined her as a strong funny plump with pretty face. Kashia looks not so bad, but her hair was foxy, even red. Gheed - never imagined him with a mustache. Warriv looks different, not worse. And again with him voice and dialogues, I imagined Warriv completely differently. Akara is fine, but I imagined her much older.

I think Blizzard needs to change the character designer, he absolutely don’t understand what he is doing. Amazon, Assassin, Blood Raven, The Countess, Flavie (archers merc), Charsi, and i’m sure, Jamella, Asheara, Anya, Natalia differ from their original images too much. I think that someone in the company doesn’t like womens very much. Even in a fantasy unreal game about demons and angels)))

P.S. About characters in D2R - it reminds me of situation with Sonic the hedgehog movie. First design of Sonic looks so bad and worse. But second iteration turned out great thanks to the fans of Sonic. Hopefully the same thing will happen with D2R and the characters will be brought closer to their original images from D2LOD with smart design and good detalization.


Did the artist just recycle male faces for all the female models? Or used 80s East German Athletics faces as Inspiration?

Except Akara, every female literally looks like men.


I think, Blizzard just don’t love Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction, they don’t like this artdesign, blood, darkness, eroticism, mature. They don’t like popularity of this game. They don’t like the fact that normal Diablo fans still play it, and would never play in Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4. And for now, they taunt the game by adding ugly masculine women. Then they will add in D2R seasons without any changes. Then they will add the 2.0 loot system and turn 95% of D2 items to trash. And everyone will finally forget about Diablo 2 and start playing mobile Diablo and Diablo 5 with cartoon graphics.

Blizzard don’t like own badass awesome past (Lost Vikings, Rock & Roll Racing, WarCraft 1,2,3, StarCraft 1, BW, Diablo 1,2) thanks to which this company became popular. And this is very strange.

Blizzard wants to make cartoony games for little children, but they are forced to add darkness in Diablo 4 and create a remaster for Diablo 2.


It seems they want you to play as old characters in D2R so you are always reminded that it is an OLD game. I don’t see any other reason. :man_facepalming:


Yeah, it’s like in Star Wars Episode 8, (the worst and most pointless movie I’ve ever seen), when Kylo Ren say: “Let the past die. Kill it, if you had to”… And this was said in new SW trilogy, which each time copied something from old films and made it a hundred times worse…


I never even considered this.

I can finally name my D2:R Sniperzon PERUSOE !  

I actually don’t think those look so bad…   with the following exceptions. (Obviously, only my personal opinion):


Looks too old for D2. He was approximately 63 years old at the beginning of D2. He looks to be in his 80s in the image below. (He’s in his 80s in D3. If they’re making D2:R Characters 20 years older, Cain would be dead before he made it to D3’s New Tristram).


She pretty much looks like I would expect. Even though her cheekbones may border between masculine and feminine, her chin is clearly feminine. (Nice cleavage too. That kind of blows the “censorship” theory with the Sorceress’s “under-boob”). She doesn’t look old. She looks mature, which is to be expected since she’s the High Priestess of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye.


I’m okay with Charsi as well. She is the daughter of a blacksmith, spent her life learning the trade and is herself the blacksmith for the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. I would expect her to have the look of a female barbarian: Big, somewhat muscular and hardened facial features.


I don’t have a problem with Gheed either. (He looks like a pirate who brings his loot to a place where he can sell it for as much as he can get for it).


She also looks like I would expect. Not old, but mature. A hardened warrior. She is, after all, Field Captain for the Sisters of the Sightless Eye.


Now, this one I’m not fond of. (I don’t think I have to explain why).

This is how I always envisioned Flavie (or any of the Rogues):


I’m okay with Warriv too. He looks like a mature, street-wise (desert-wise?) Caravan Master.

In any event, thanks for sharing the link!  


This… IMO the 3d artist completely missed the point, didnt know any game lore and made the chars just according to his own ideology/preference.


The only real problem I see with the NPCs is Kashya. She is very obviously a redhead in D2 just like the Amazon is very obviously a yellow blonde. Why have both of them had their hair color muted?

Just like the older and more masculine look of the Amazon it seems like they have taken artistic liberty for no good reason and made changes for the sake of change where they should have minimized change.

I would love it if Chris Amaral would post here and address our concerns. The improved graphics in D2R is essentially the only reason for the remaster to exist. It is the whole selling point. Therefore, nailing that aspect should be paramount. There should be a logical or technical reason for diverging so drastically from the art that came before. Maybe there is. It would be wonderful for us to know what it is.


You know what the issue is with the models? Just read your text and I am sure you can find out the problem.

The problem is that they got the “mature” models all right. The ones that should be above 30-40 and have wrinkles and more defined facial features are on point. But the problem is that they have done that for ALL the models, including young characters. They all look very old and mature which should not be the case… I don’t know if it’s the engine that makes them look so old, but this is not ok.

btw Perusoe what is your trust level to post embeded pictures? Do you get that on level 2 ?


Good point. I agree 100%.  

I believe you misunderstand what I wrote.

There’s a difference between “old and mature” (two different age groups) and “old and elderly” (essentially the same age group using different terms). At least, that’s how  I  meant it.

And, as I said at the beginning of the reply:

I’m currently Trust Level 3.

Good info here:


Is there a SINGLE character that does not look at least middle age in the entire D2R?

Is there a rule at VV that young & good looking people are not allow in the game.