The Blizzcon announcement of Diablo Immortal where Wyatt Cheng said to the crowd “Don’t you guys have phones?” after they boo’ed.
I love my mom, but I do not want to play as my mom & dress her up in armors though.
But I can only speak for myself.
Character select screen alone Is making me frustrated lol
I feel your pain. Zon needs to look younger though.
Is it just me or there are now some posts missing here? I remember there was a very interesting conversation about “you know what” today…
Censorship protects everyone from themselves.
Cool trivia fact: If you violate the code of conduct, and then talk about your punishment to others, that too is a violation.
At this point they really need to consider providing optional looks/textures so they can appeal to everyone’s tastes vs force feeding ‘their truth’
Hey, why are about 40 comments missing? I saw 714 comments yesterday.
I think Blizzard is deleting messages on purpose. It’s a shame when the most popular topic on forum D2R is about ugly Amazon))
And they know about it…
Does anyone know which comments are being censored?
I did not recall any post particular being problematic or defamatory.
We only wanted Amazon (& other chracters) to looks like what they were in D2. That is all.
They deleted the whole conversation about similar censoring in the USSR. I talked from my experience how the communist party censored sex and everything related to it, but as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed people went berzerk and started to consume Western culture like crazy. Because censorship doesn’t work. You can’t force people to think/do/like what you want. This whole woke/cancel culture thing is just irrational and people are pretending to care about it only because other people are pretending too. Everyone knows it is a hoax.
Blizzard Is the modern censorship master and It shows lol
Be careful, posting things that look to cause unrest is also against the code of conduct.
Curiously, me responding to your post is off topic from the title of this thread, which is also against the code of conduct.
I don’t understand why people are upset that the Assassin is being given an appropriate asian face.
Regardless of the choices made in how to design the original face, I always assumed she was asian to begin with.
Come on boys, surely the ninja class that is throwing shurikens with its skill tree and kung fu kicking everything, should appropriately be asian.
Because she is not asian in original Diablo 2. That’s all.
It is a stereotype and a cliche. It is rediculous how blizz-activision is trying to “empower” woman by making them look like men, while also putting these offensive labels “asian = ninja/assasin”. It just doesn’t make sense. Totally crazy and irrational. They ended up offending even more people with this strange policy.
Many asian people might find that statement quite offensive tbh.
Most Asians do not know Kungfu. This is a sterotype, & can be considered wait for it racist.
Besides the fact that assassin is not an Asian origin. There are assassins all over the world.
If Blizz wanted an Asian assassin, they should have changed the name to the dictionary definition of an Asian assassin, Ninja.
It’s all in how you look at it man. You’re being too sensitive & touchy, which isn’t allowing you to see the forest through the trees.
I get your progressive stance, most people do. But taking an extreme stance in these kinds of matters is a double edged sword. Most people who take these kinds of modern stark progressive stance like this aren’t realizing that what you say applies full circle and not just in the one instance right now, talking to me about the assassin face.
For example: You said to me that “it is a stereotype and a cliche for me to assume she is asian”. By saying this, you suggest that she doesn’t need to have an asian face and it is ok that she doesn’t, and that it is a stereotype and cliche and somehow wrong that people might want her to look asian. But by saying this, you also encourage the idea that it would be ok in a movie if a white british guy were to play the role of an ancient Kung Fu master. I mean why should the Kung Fu master be asian when it’s just a stereotype right? Maybe it would be ok to cast a japanese man for the role of an ancient african shaman because ignore stereotypes right? Maybe stereotype is the wrong term to use. Maybe “historically/culturally accurate” is a better term.
You also said that “many asian people might find my statement quite offensive” but on the contrary, there are many people who find it very offensive when roles are cast based on their culture by faces that don’t even represent their cultural heritage at all.
Look man, people see a character dressed in shogun armor that is jump kicking and throwing shurikens, of course they assume it’s asian.
It’s cool if you vouch to keep her face european or make it asian, whatever. But be careful taking aggressive stances and telling other people they are racially stereotyping when some designer has given that person every reason to assume some cultural link. Not only is it a very rude thing to do to that person, but it often devolves the discussion or environment into something far more toxic than it is progressive. So be careful what you advocate.
At any rate, I like the assassin’s new face and I don’t want it changed.
This is a leap too far. No one is suggesting this. The original character is not Asian, and assassin is not an Asian specific field.
You are suggesting that what he is talking about is the same as miscasting the wrong race for a specific role. I don’t see how you drew that line of logic.
His point is that the assassin was not Asian, and this recasting is not appropriate here. You are saying that is the same as arguing to cast the wrong race for a specific role in a movie.
I hear a lot of 2021 styled crying about stereotypes in this thread, but I’m not hearing anything about blatant inarguable historical accuracy.
Careful with over-progression. It has a way of making things not make sense after awhile.
I see. So the original D2 developers didn’t have any idea what they were doing. Now VV is going to fix character gender, race, age, face and body features. Makes total sense. Anything else they should fix? Replace cows with unicorns maybe?