Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

Guys, there is a very useful function on this forum: just open troll’s profile and change “Normal” to “Ignored”. Very easy to do! I had some person with a green title stalking me and posting nonsense on different forums so I just muted her/him and problem solved! Just do the same when someone is trying to derail the conversation. :wink:

These lonely and sad people just want your attention. They don’t care about the game, about OG D2 or anything. It is completely useless to talk to them.

Also, I wanted to say: the amazon is old and ugly. VV must fix this.


But nothing actually needs to be fixed.

It’s an issue with being vain and shallow.

Yet it is you “MVP” making those claims here, not blizzard.


Not understanding the point in that. I know you can’t speak for why one might do that, but it’s not like it’s going to offend me if one, or all of my posts are removed. I’m just here to discuss and I don’t tend to take discussions personally.

I could very easily be wrong. It happens a lot. I just ask that you explain it to me in a manner that isn’t a logical fallacy. Bullying says more about the bullies than anyone else.

Blizzard tends to dump all conversations after a few years anyways, so it’s not like they’re robbing me in even a worst-case scenario.

Just check out how this looks: https://i.imgur.com/5TOif8N.png

You can save your time by NOT reading and replying to these troll/irrelevant posts. :wink:

UPDATE: https://i.imgur.com/Nqo1IgR.png :laughing:


So the “irrelevant” sections are the parts you don’t like?

Hate to break facts to you, but sometimes, certain points of views that you might not enjoy may still be valid components of a conversation.

He has me on Ignore because he came into threads where I was posting first and did not like what I had to say. He got especially upset when I gave him the refund link.

All good. That is what Ignore is for. I have no problem with that - which is why I told him how to do it.

I do not care about clothing or weight or race. I do care about the aged look of the characters which does not fit with the lore of the game or previous art examples.

And that does affect my enjoyment of the game because it breaks immersion for me. To me this is an action ROLE PLAYING GAME. It is not just a hack and slash. I relate to the characters I build and experience the game world through them.

The aging needs to be reverted. It DOES need to be fixed.

I do not have an alt account on the forum. I am not part of a coordinated group. I “like” post that I agree with. I do not report anyone. This is a discussion forum. To belittle my opinion on a topic through false allegations about the validity of mine or anyone’s post is insulting.


If only there was just a single controversy when it comes to woke journalists getting uppity. I think you and I both know your comment isn’t genuine there have been quite a few for basically every game that doesn’t bend to their demands.

I’d love to post a full list but I’d rather not get banned for speaking truths. Everyone here knows that cancel culture is very much a thing, and I can only imagine the journo/Twitteratti outcry if Blizzard actually does go back to original art on characters.

“Why game studios need to stop trying to define beauty, Blizzard I’m looking at you”
“How Diablo II: Resurrected reinforces a male dominated industry”
“Yet another game that shows the patriarchy is still alive: Diablo II: Resurrected”

Sick of it yet? I know I am. There is no appeasing these people.


Players: “We want D2R characters to resemble original D2 characters because it is a remaster, not a remake.”

Opposition #1: “I don’t care how D2R characters look, but I want to force you guys play with totally different characters. Why? Because I can.”

Opposition #2: “You are lying, all you really want is more boobs/butts/naked woman. Shame on you! Now you are gonna play as 50 year old man instead of original ama! Haha!”

Opposition #3: “How can someone care about character models? Lol, kek, rofl! You are insane! I’m gonna laugh and make fun of you now! LOLOLO”

Opposition #4: “I just want to talk. Please. I’m so lonely and sad. Just talk to me. I need your attention.”

Devs: “But China market is so big…”


Well, after 700 replies, this thread turned out exactly how I thought it would.


In the end, we all have full bellies and legalized recreational substances, which is way less likely to inspire the willingness to resort to the kinds of blood frenzy that make the history books.

Totally agree, but I also find that those people who are least afraid to speak their mind inspire the most fear in others. Unfortunately, unless we also learn how to adopt the perspective of “I’m looking for flaws in my own logic” and not “I’m right and everyone else is wrong,” it’ll be sheep vs. wolves in every argument.

Absolutely. There are young women out there who are bigger freaks than I have ever been. There are women who would have the same question for the Cyberpunk 2077 dev team as that meme kid… with all seriousness.

If I had control of the reins of the world, I’d be steering us all in a very different direction. Well, we could all say the same. Someone has control of it and until we have the motivation to take it, we’re all just moving with the flow and complaining when convenient.

Or The Ugly Duchess, or the new Amazon face, really, but to be clear, it’s not a defacement unless Diablo2 also becomes unavailable like classic WoW was before they re-released it.

Again, if you’re right, there’s a very large open door for you to not only make a very rewarding career for yourself, but also show Blizzard the error in their ways.

It’s one thing to make any very specific claim, but the facts to back them up are extremely hard to verify.

Assuming you’re right, who’s going to prove it? That’s really what it boils down to. I honestly would be fine with not only having sorceress underboob, but have a cheat code where she’s completely nude.

Unfortunately, in the evolution of species, it’s not necessarily the coolest critters that make it. In companies, it’s exactly the same. As long as there’s no direct correlation between sexuality and revenue, it won’t always be factored into design choices.

My perspective counts for very little when I actually buy the game. My voice is in the crowd along with everybody who said “this was the only thing they ever wanted in life. Sold.”

Rust is a game where you can start out as either a nude male, or nude female and my impression is that, while it was an interesting novelty, it didn’t affect gameplay in the slightest… but that’s from a game studio small enough to take risks.

I found a page on the wayback machine where a guy was deriding Blizzard for announcing a $9/mo charge for WoW, stating something like “Blizzard will cease to exist if they treat their customers like this.” That was before release.

Now, I haven’t been paying attention every moment since then, but I assume that to say this was not a prophetic statement is probably the understatement of a lifetime.

I think that the goal they’re trying to reach is not to be as inoffensive as possible, but to appeal to the greatest audience, which doesn’t have to be a very delicate rope to walk on and it doesn’t necessarily run in tandem with making the best game.

People throw $20 to a game frequently. That’s the only mark they need to reach. They need to be the game everybody can throw $20 at. On release, sure, it’s $50 for the hype crowd, but afterward, it’s cheap code. If they made sex-kitten characters for the fan service crowd, it could be rewarding, but it has a bigger likelihood of blowing up in their faces and the reality is that this isn’t exactly a valuable service.

They’ve done an overall great job on D2:R so while I belabor my view on the awful character redesigns, I too will be purchasing it. It’s not a WC3 Reforged disaster, but still makes me sigh because it’s pretty much textbook these days.

The reason it bothers myself and others is because it’s just yet another example of a needless shoehorning of political mantra into entertainment. The same reason modern movies and shows are trash. The same reason it’s cringe when a music artist decides to go on a political rant during a live performance. It’s not what we’re paying to see/hear.

Especially so when it has zero to do with the core of the game (like why does X character need to be made into token Y), and is a departure from the original whereas that was the primary goal to begin with.

If I were a professional artist/developer and asked with remaking a beloved classic… you’d bet your bottom dollar I would be rebuilding it pixel for pixel, byte by byte where I could.

Imagine if I was porting Final Fantasy VII as a HD remake on PC. And I decided to make Tifa more clothed in jeans and thicker. Then take Aeris’ eyes and make them brown instead because “brown eyes are beautiful too, quite fetishizing green eyes”. Or whatever random reasoning I had.

Do you not think it would garner a lot of backlash? It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out why and begs the question – why did I think I had some creative liberty like that when the expectation was a remastering of the original?

We’ve seen this countless times in remasters/remakes and reboots. Look at the Sonic movie, remember how awful the initial character designs were? Who the hell signed off on that? Thankfully they fixed it, but I don’t think Blizzard will do the same justice unfortunately.

And to your point about people, I view it like I would misguided petulant children who think they are right. First step is parenting, telling them no and not catering to their insatiable demands (here being that D2 should have some woke cast instead of the original aesthetic). So the first step is for people to stop going along with stuff and remaining silent, have the courage to say no.

A child that gets their way the first time will expect that the next time. Key is nipping that in the bud, and in this context meaning the D2:R has the artwork it should instead of some woke rendition. Teach by precedent.


Thankfully, though, there are alternatives and in the grand scheme of time, whether or not D2R becomes a classic will be in no way related to the decision discussed here.

Ironically, those actually do inescapably sell sexuality. Not one main character is ever a 6.

My understanding is that that character was definitely resized, but I think the real bottom line is how to retell a story in a manner that offends the fewest people, but lets them successfully expand the audience.

As a person in the industry (not videogames, but related), the experience of a client is always defined by incompetence. Either we design around our team’s weaknesses with layers upon layers of fixes to broken stuff that shouldn’t have been broken, or we strictly adhere to best practices and end up selling a product with some cracks.

The reality is that there’s almost no likelihood that anybody working on D2R had ever played the game except to figure out how it works. They weren’t there for 1.09 and they didn’t experience the change to 1.10 and they never had to spend days looking for the Harlequin Crest… so there’s no real attachment to an outcome either from the design perspective, or a gameplay perspective. It’s a product they own and it’s a story they have liberties to retell. This was never more apparent than when someone found an item duplication bug from hitting alt+f4.

Obviously not one of them were there for the item duplication drama. We’ll probably find the old ways of bugging trade windows, killing players in town, and bringing in modified items just like the old days.

What does that have to do with the amazon? – complete lack of motivation to make Diablo2. That’s it.

So beyond the actual office discussion about anatomy, there’s now a lack of motivation to leave personal opinions out of D2R, a detachment from the end result, and an outcome defined by incompetence. That’s a lot of red tape to cut through.

I think my focus is starting to waver a bit, so I think my message is starting to muddle. I’ll call it here.

Actually China do not have a problem with showing fresh. Have you seen chinese MMOs? Also, notice Asian MMOs do not have ugly charcters for selections. Its human nature to want to play with acttracive character like people prefer prettier clothes, better looking cars, nicer looking houses. People who love to play ugly characters are the exception rather than the norm. Most People do not neccessary wanted supermodel/Zoolander looks, but certainly want chracters easy on eyes.

Many devs/hollywood are out of touch & base their world views on twitter which often the fringe rather than norm.

Just look at Ching chi (or whatever the name) new marvel movie. Suppose to attact chinese market. They think having an Asian hero with Martial art will attract chinese market!!! Because Chinese did not made 100s of martial art movies starring chinese characters already?
It was rightfully attacked by chinese online.

Same with Assassin, have they asked if the chinese/Asians wanted a chinese/Asian Assassin? I don’t think they give a fk, & add insult, make her looks like a man with Kim Jung Un hair.

Most people are not so shallow to need to have characters “looking like them” for them to enjoy. People prefer charcters that looks badass/easy on eyes.

It just some fringe twitter user that probably do not play games that insist on “divisity quota”.

Thats why Ghost of Tsushima was so “confusing” to “game Journalists”. No way can a game with a Japanese character be popular in the west make of mostly “toxic white male” gamers right?

Turned out, “shocking” most people do not give an S the skin color of chracters. They just like to play a badass, Period. What many do care, is their charcters looks good & badass.

Each time I see Trump/David Bowie face on Amazon, my heart sink a little, asking myself, WHY Blizzard, why!!!


Well, We Want “Young-uns” Characters!!!

I don’t want to play my character as an old Paladin with the death stare that only happens when “he” found out that Diablo asked his daughter out to prom! :joy:!

Oh wait a minute, is this how Diablo 3 happened??? Hope not!!!


If this was a sequel, that took place 20 years after the events of D2, with the same heroes, then the models make sense.

Since this is not what D2R is going to be, the models are poorly designed. Either deliberately for the SJW times we live in, or by accident because of terrible work by the current team.

Either way, that Amazon is painful to look at. They could 've at least made her look as good as Bea Arthur.


Trolls did well to promote this thread. No matter what you say, no matter what you do - manazon is ugly, D2R chars are old. Must be fixed!


Don’t you think you are exaggerating ?
If you play then you look at the characters but anyway hardly so closely. so I at least not. its hard to play zoomed in :slight_smile:

I don’t recall where that one comes from?