Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

  1. If you show D2R ama to people - many of them will say it is a man.
  2. If you dress D2R ama in men’s cloth and remove the pony tail - 99% will say it is a man.
  3. If you show any other D2R male char to people - 99% will correctly identify his gender.
  4. If you dress any other male D2R char in woman’s cloth - some people will fail to identify him as male too, just like with ama.

So the only thing that makes D2R ama a female - is his cloth, haircut and makeup (around the eyes).

Just think about it! :laughing:


Just to expand on this - I have been in the fitness industry for 20 years now which should not have to be a factor for what I am about to say as people should know simple basic biology.
Training your body does not reap the same result for both genders as what dictates where females and males gain muscle mass and which part of the body is weaker/stronger is their dominant hormone.

-Men gain muscle mass in the upper body easier as testosterone and body structure (again dictated by it) allow for heavier weight lifting. The result is big and wide shoulders + back. Big arms and chest and overall a few dozen kilogrammes of muscle mass in the upper body while some going in the legs. This is mostly perceived as sexy by women, which is normal.
-Women gain muscle mass easier in the lower body due to estrogen. When they train they can get slightly cut muscle in the upper body but all their effort will pay in the lower body. That said they will have a big gluteus and big thighs/legs overall. Their calfs are never equal in size or bigger than the legs (as is the case with the ugly legs of the sorceress). This is mostly perceived as sexy by men and this is normal.
Why both genders perceive a trained individual from the opposite gender as sexy? Simple, their dominant hormone amplifies their own body features that each one of us perceives as sexy by default.
Amazon and Assassin have the bodies of weak male individuals with breasts. Their faces are also manly and that makes them ugly for the opposite gender. Overall we got old, weak ugly men with breasts + a sorceress with manly legs. Men hardly fit as men as well, idk what the devs are thinking…

As a final note I am going to say one simple and important thing - the faces of both men and women are shaped throughout the first 20 years again by the dominant hormone and the training cannot affect it at all.

P.S Women and men have different skeleton structures and a different center of gravity. While men are a straight line, women are a curve that goes from their shoulders to their gluteus. Not only that but they also have a wide pelvic bone and it doesn’t matter how much they train, their shoulders cannot get wider than it by default. Why the difference? The curve helps them to carry babies aka walking normally while having an additional weight in their bellies and the pelvic bone allows for easier child birth. Simple biology.


Even Antiope looks younger and more feminine. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Antiope is actually younger and prettier…


In order to write in the forums you must own the game. Several people already refunded for even smaller things, so yeah. An angry mob threating to refund is a lot of lost sales for a company that wants money first and foremost. There is no reason why they shouldn’t listen to feedback when this feedback is the overwhelming majority of surveys, forum posts and complains.

If they want to flush money down the drain, then not making changes is the way to go.


They asked for feedback and we have given them feedback based on what we have seen.

From what I have seen, I am 95% happy with what they have done with the remaster. The 5% that I am unhappy about is the look of the characters. Unlike some, that is a big deal for me and I have been outspoken about it because of that. And it has become a bigger deal because of two of the features they added, that I love, which is the ability to preview your character’s look up close on the selected character screen and zoom in on your character in game.

So, they have given us the ability to really see the new graphics on our characters. Yeah!! All the majority of us are asking for now is that the characters are something that we WANT to see. Just soften the facial features a bit to make them look the proper age. It really is not a big ask!


It is definitely a big deal, I agree with you. Especially since we can now see our characters in the game menu.

They really have to listen to the community and fix the characters, they owe that to us after the slaughter of Warcraft 3 Reforged.


A threat is considered hostile. It’s like hate mail.

Yup… The amount of cry about the characters… I really do hope they improve them.


I was wondering the same thing, man…
Blizz, at least keep their faces normal if not the whole bodies :slight_smile:


Bump. When are we going to get update from D2R developers on this? The radio silence on this topic after the initial “may consider change” is deafening consider it is a 1-2 day(s) work for any decent artist.

  1. Open Scupting software like Zbrush to smooth the face/body , reduce nose size, soften chin, remove wrinkles. (1/2 day max)

  2. Open texturing app (like painter) to update the normal map from zbrush. make minor correction to the face & body in texture (1/2 day max)

  3. Replace the 3D model & textures with new one. (20mins work)
    Update character rig (if needed, probably not, since face is not animated) 1/2 day work max.

  4. Import final files to game, & do some verification checks. 10-20mins


Yeah dno, ah well at least we’re going to get good looking characters when modders get their hands on the models…

Not sure If blizzard Is going to change them anymore, with all the uglyass renders released for the characters for promo purposes dno, It’s a mess lol

The game looks so good otherwise…


As a 3D artist myself, I confirm that statement.

Maximum two days work.


What worries me is that they are redoing all the cinematics. If they have used any of the characters in those then the faces could be locked in because of that.

Yes, I know that none of the player characters appeared in them before but…


They said they would re-create the old cinematics from frame to frame. So no, there won’t be any ingame characters in them


I really doubt they will change anything quite frankly. “We will look into it” often means “We don’t give a buck”, especially when there is a Politically Correct reason behind it.

In the latest interview, they justified the new characters with the 30% rule and other shallow reasons.

Think about what helmet you’ll go for to hide that ugly mug, I doubt it’s going anywhere.


This thread seems like a set up. It’s a bafflingly stupid question from an account that has one post and one response.

Or someone as offended as can be about the massacre of his/her favorite character(s).


No, because the topic is so broad as to include commentary on culture in general.

I get it. I want the underboob back on the sorceress, but this is intentionally mindless.

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Just don’t put underboob on that Herman Munster amazon.