Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

That’s the point, she looks good in comparison to other models, which doesn’t says much given what other models looks like. If others were done right, she wouldn’t look good.


If the models were at least on par with the Sorc one I don’t think most people would be this upset.


Well, the devs did say the game would be fully moddable. Hopefully the modders will be able to fix the characters’ appearances. Might only be compatible with off-line play, but that is how I intend to play D2R anyway…


they better let us mod that **** on bnet too -.-


Yeah it is a crazy thing about this game. Everything looks great for the most part until you get to the models. Then you look at it and you look at the art for D2 and in game models for D2 and it doesn’t even come close. It is like they purposely are trying to make this game about politics and inject BS that has no place in it in the first place. Listen you want to do politics go join a club or group and march or do whatever they do. But to make a product design for millions of people and try to force a personal ideology down their throats comes across as weak minded and probably someone who has trouble in their own lives to be honest.


The sorc is fat and her clothing is all wrong, what do you even mean?


How is she fat?


Ya I don’t really see any fat, in the first pic she looks like a swift backhand will ruin her day, but the second one she looks like worst comes to worst she will jam that staff up them, wide end first, without blinking an eye.

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your comparing an image of a clothed person to one more unclothed. You can clearly see there is a Physique change. Shes fat dude, maybe thats the norm for you idk, have you never seen a thin woman before?

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I think those are called hips :slight_smile: but I dunno I don’t see fat.


the torso is chunky, she is thicker overall


I agree she might be a little more muscular, but she’s clearly a very fit woman.
She isn’t fat, lol. The amazon is objectively old, and masculine. The sorc is not fat.


I think you are trying to compare it to the pixel art camp fire model which was looking objectively anorexic. She doesn’t even look like that thin in the official art.

I think all models were super thin in the original D2 (minus the barb obv). The Druid is the biggest eyesore if you compare his model to the old one thin wise.


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Just wondering how do the new models force an ideology down your throat? Lolz.

Lolol. The sorc is not fat. She looks amazing.


They are on par with sorc, sorc is old and ugly just as the rest of them, just slightly better.


Underrated comment. rolf


I guess we’ll have to say that this is an argument similar to the famous blue and black or white and gold dress. I can’t convince you otherwise. But I do agree about the rest of the models, they are terrible and some more than others (Amazon, Assassin etc.)

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I mean, d2r sorc clearly looks a 40+ y.o. tired of life lady, while d2 sorc is a 20-ish y.o. “young sorceress”. She’s old(er, than she should be, like at least twice), not “ugly” but not beautiful either.


Also, it always seemed to me that the barbarian of D3 seemed too old and flabby … nothing to do with the real barbarian of d2 I used to tell myself …

This barbarian reminds me more of the D3 than the real barbarian.

I dont wanna say any comment of the model in-game of Paladin seen in some videos of youtube… but it sucks… seems that the boy just eaten an elephant. Reminds me the model of male crusader of D3 more than de orignal one. It just has to be more thinner just like the original one.