Why is Laura an obscene name?

As title, EU zone. My friend who passed had this name.

Was able to rebirth an earlier toon. Leonie is also obscene apparently.

Cannot create a character at all. Cannot embed a link to the picture of the error, so please figure this out.

The name’s fine, it’s just that Blizzard broke something and any name you come up will be deemed to be inappropriate so you cannot currently create new heroes…

I have tested two computers running diablo 3, and the 316002 cannot create char because name is deemed inappropriate nomatter what, is a systemtic malfunction on the part of blizzard. Hope they fix it soon, some bug.


This is bug that is currently being investigated. Definitely keep an eye on the EU forums for any updates.

they accidentally rolled out the Chinese server censor on everyone

Try making a female toon called Karen.


I tried, but it said the only hero name I was allowed was “YourManager”

By the way, the issue with being unable to create new heroes due to everything being treated as a prohibited name was fixed yesterday…

The issue with Armoury saves saving as “—” still remains for EU and Asia though.