It is so expensive that it should come with a free dozen eggs.
It isn’t like you have to pay either $60 or $70 for games regardless. In general games get price cuts pretty fast. A year later you might easily be able to get these games for $30-40, depending on platform.
Heck, there is still some possibility that the people who have MS Game Pass subscriptions might get the game at no additional cost shortly after release.
Yeah but the cost of games in the 90’s included the physical manufacturing and distribution + retail cost of the cartridges (and the games were not expected to sell nearly as many copies as today’s digital games are), buying a game was pretty much buying hardware + software together, many of those cartridges even had things like extra RAM expansions in them (it’s why PS1 games were a lot cheaper than N64 games, for example, CDS were cheaper to make). One of the big arguments for digital distribution of games back when it started being a thing was that it lowered the final cost of the games. So if we’re going back to retail prices on digital games, then yeah, it is a bit pricey.
Yeah, the retailers took a big cut of the sale price too, and that certainly is a significant factor here.
In any case, the topic of whether a game is cheap or expensive today vs. 30 years ago, is both somewhat complex, and tbh also feels a bit meaningless imo. Games are in a very different place than 30 years ago, there is not much reason to expect them to cost either the same, more, or less*. The concept of inflation is also often being misused in these discussions imo.
In the end, games today cover the whole spectrum. Some cost more, some cost the same, some cost less. Much more diversity in the pricing. Since there is both much more diversity in what is being produced, and in the customers.
If $70 feels like too much, and I can understand why people would feel that way, as I am currently waiting on a price cut on God of War Ragnarok, because I sure dont want to give Sony $70 for it, then the gaming market is also one where games usually goes on sale frequently and fast.
Unless the game is made by Nintendo…
It will become easy to get Diablo 4 for anywhere between $30-60 soon enough.
If you have enough WoW gold, you can get D4 for free.
I spent 1.4 million WoW gold on 8 WoW tokens, converted them to $15 each Bnet balance, and got the D4 UE for $0 cash.
There was only one legitimate scare in all of the Diablo games and that wasn’t even scary content, just a jump scare.
Also there is nothing wrong with a powerful sorceress who decided to take up the buterfly as her familiar. Just seems pretty insecure of people getting upset over it.
That comes with the massive compromise of having to play that garbage
I like WoW and Diablo games.
It’s win win for me.
I saved over $100 cash.
I guess the whole “scary” thing can be subjective. There are people who watched The Exorcist back in the day and had nightmares while others were like “pfft…”
If people want to waste their money on things like that… go ahead. I only have a problem when they loiter in the public area, causing lag and frame rate drops because they think others are standing around going “ooooo! or aaaahhh!”
Not sure if that’s the best comparison. FF14 players (for the most part, I’m sure there are exceptions) want that stuff. Diablo players (even the ones who like D3) are probably gonna agree that the darker and grittier the game is, the better. What matters is that each game does what is best for it’s intended purpose and target audience.
They want that stuff because it’s there. The same went with WoW. We were just fine without it. If you make “show off” things available for money, foolish folk will always take the bait.
And a game’s intended purpose can mutate over time. At one point, a Diablo dev said that Diablo was about killing monsters and getting loot yet we’ve had auctions and trading which are neither. And the target audience can mutate too. What was once gamers who enjoyed demonic hack/slash become people who like to dance around in sparkle dresses.
I mean, half of my FC only plays the game because of the dress up elements, housing, RP, etc. The game has had that stuff from the start (or at least from 2.0 onwards) and cultivated a fanbase that likes it. Hell, I play a dolled up bunny girl myself. It’s great.
Not every game has to be super dark and serious. I wouldn’t want Elden Ring to be all bright and colorful, and I also wouldn’t want a Kirby game full of dissaturated colors.
Which explains why you’re willing to try and defend it. And I do not mean that to sound offensive or adversarial.
Not every game does but when those added elements actually cause problems… it’s a problem.
Obviously. I love that stuff. Wouldn’t find it great if it was added to Diablo though, because it’s a game with a strong identity on dark fantasy. The game does seem to have a lot of character customization in the form of cool gear designs and I’m all for that. As long as it’s consistent with the theme of the game. You should be able to create your dream dark fantasy character that fits the setting.
I’d gladly pay $70 if I know the game is good.
Sadly, most Blizzard games since 2010 and after are of poor quality. Wait till the game comes out, then make up your mind.
Why is Diablo 4 base game $70?
Because they need to pay investors, employees, utilities, taxes, insurance, advertisement, new equipment, severance packages, fines from lawsuits, upper-level management incentives and bonuses. Do you understand now?
D4 will eventually be 1/2 off.
In the meantime, I highly suggest that you put that $70 into Bitcoin and do so every week until whole-coin status is achieved.
And when D4 goes on sale, to 1/2 of release price, then commit to buyage for it.
Some are upon release. D2R may not count since it was already debugged for a long time and then just coded with a “dress” over top.
Define average.
Playing the campaign once with each class and doing most side quests at least once should easily get anyone above 100. Even without touching any season.
I am skeptical about average people wanting to do grindy “end game” stuff though, yeah. Especially when they have other games in their backlog.
It is certainly a tempting approach.
I would never farm gold to do it, but if I had (which I might very well do, I dont know) have that gold on my WoW account, it becomes relevant.
Tokens cost 50% more in EU though Seems like I would need 1.8 million gold.
Guess that explains it!
If they does that, they will probably never be able to afford Diablo 4