Why is Diablo 4 base game $70?

because they targeted elder 40+ players…

The corporate/customer agreement has been broken. It was supposed to be you paid full price for a game and got the whole game. Or you paid a much lower price or the game was free and it was filled with microtransactions and subscriptions.
Now they are charging more than full price AND it’s filled with transactions and subs.

Secondly what people don’t tell you or think about “inflation” is that much of the costs of producing and selling a game has gone down over time and the profit to cost ratio has actually gone up. Think about it, almost everything is digital now. They don’t have to pay for physical discs except for a small amount of extremely over priced collectors editions. They don’t have to pay for mountains of boxes/plastic. They don’t have to pay stores for space and a cut of the profits.

Yet none of those savings was passed onto the customer yet we are told they need more and more money while walling more and more of the games content behind microtransactions.

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Man, it was bad enough that young adults started calling me “sir” when I turned 30, now that I’m in my 40s, I’m “elder”. :frowning:


Final Fantasy 6 (3 in US) on SNES 80-90 bucks in 94

That’s not adjusted, that’s the price

In the case of D4 you are getting the full game. Nothing in terms of gameplay features is locked behind a paywall. The premium battlepass only grants cosmetics which have zero inpact on gameplay and they fund further development.


Ignoring that service models have existed for 30 years now and tthat people understand that they are buying a service game, nothing was broken and there was never a set full price. Just more faux outrage.

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I do wish people would read and use their grey matter before posting some of the stuff they do.

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Repeat the following - None-Of-Diablo 4’s gameplay-Is-Behind-A-PAYWALL!

It has been stressed, repeatedly, by the devs, that the mtx in D4 are for cosmetics, ONLY. Either buy them or not, your choice, but the full game is included in the base price. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


You people sure do love to play semantic word games.
Cosmetics ARE Content.
Those things would have been drops in game before 5 dollar horse armor. They are things taken out of the normal game, this is a collector game. Collectables are taken out of the game and you are forced to pay extra money if you want them now instead of playing the game and earning them.


So you agree, IF you want them, they must be optional, and have zero bearing on the game? Good, glad we agree.

If they weren’t in the game you will STILL be paying $70. What part of that is so difficult to understand?

because by excluding some regions from the store, the company lost the lion’s share of income

Yes, the 3% revenue loss for ABK from losing china made it 70 bucks and not sony starting a trend of new games costing 70 bucks


Cosmetics were never content until D4 announced it and you whiners comained it should be in for free as if they cut it from the game. They wouldn’t have been in the game if they weren’t going to have the MTX shop.

only china?)Russia? and the whole ru sector?

If China was only 3% russia would probably be 1-2% at best. And eventually they will get both of those back.

No, this is entirely Sony starting a trend of AAA games costing 70

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lol same…I remember when I was younger my mom took me to buy Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES…I think back then it was 50 or $60 CAD with tax. Today that’s over $100 which ironically is exactly what the base game of D4 would cost me now. $89.99 + tax

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$70 is the normal for a AAA game.

people really should support Tropic Thunder by buying another copy. while we can… before the world goes full woke.

I’d be happy if they did… cut it all from the game. FFXIV with it’s dressed up cat boys and bunny girls has it bad enough… let’s ruin a good game like Diablo with a neutral hub/town filled with people showing off their sparkly outfits that totally “belong” in a Diablo atmosphere.

Then I can safely say “Back in my day, Diablo was dark, scary, and evil-like” so my grandkids can reply “What? No way… so there were no fairies and butterflies?”

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