Why do people request things from Blizzard

Which is more likely:

  1. Blizzard is primarily using the D3 general duscussion forum to get feedback on Diablo Immortal


  1. Blizzard is primarily using the diablo Immortal subreddit that Blizzard has told us to use and whete PezRadar posts frequently to give D:I updates.

I know that you know the answer is #2. In reali life, I do not request changes to McDonald’s menu at Burger King.

I like Wendie’s myself. :hamburger: :fries:




I’ll bring lots of herbs and meat. It has to be in England though.

If i had a space hopper i’m sure that would so be a thing.

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Perhaps it is conceit and perhaps it is to an attempt to gather feedback on an idea which may then, or additionally, be directed to a place where someone with more authority or noise-ratio can do something. For example, if such-and-such got a lot of attention here, positively, maybe it then is fed to a streamer that Blizzavision contorts to and, with a change here and there to avoid being plagiarists, it ends up being implemented. There have been a few things in my short tenure that someone has mentioned which then gets updated… that may merely be coincidence.

No one should feel or think what they post will be seen by anyone who cares but it is also a bit of catharsis to rant and rumble. If anything, this is proof positive that people still care about the game… if it went silent, that would be the death knell on a deaf gong.



Stop to think Devs don’t aware about some bugs, problems.

When they can, they resolve them.

But “ideas” like “just adjust 5000% to 10000%” are not productive.

Like this one:


I think if nothing else, suggestions can be fun to engage in as a thought experiment so long as theyre reasonable ie: not crazy stuff like buffing a skill by a hundred gazillion percent. It may not end up getting implemented or anything but it can help to understand why the game is as it is and whats a reasonable buff / nerf and whats not

…to throw as much :poop: as we can up against the wall hoping that at least 10% of it will stick and not crawl away or fall down and go splat, especially if there is a fan down there.

Coming from someone who always was vocal against CM’s inactivity both here and on twitter I surely tell you that you’re wrong.

Even if they’re severely understaffed on D3 (having D2R, Immortal and D4 on it’s way doesn’t help either) , they still do check the forums and whether or not they care is irrelevant.

But they do implement some feedback now and again. I, myself had at least two suggestions brought in game.

So even if I agree that they’re not even half as engaged as I’d like (the last blue post during a ptr was 2 weeks ago, we didn’t get a post when the notes were updated, that’s just shameful imo), as long as they’ll keep making seasons people will rightfully suggest different things because we want the game to improve.

It’s like an insult…

I’m French…

But Greece is perhaps (I liked Sweden too :confused: ) my favorite country that I discovered. For its monuments and, above all, its history.



When i finally get to Greece i’ll be in my element… i love flame grilled outdoor food. Who knows i might just get a bit jizzy there too!

I would assume it’s the hope that their voice would be heard and they would exact a change that would be better. I myself was guilty in believing Blizz actually gives a crap back in WoW Beta. Some even speak to receive validation from like-minded people. This can put people at ease to at least think they aren’t crazy to think such reasonable things.

I for one wouldn’t even register an emotion if Blizz and Activision disappeared. But this is just more hopeful wishful thinking. I’d probably say, “Good.” and continue playing good games.

I would almost certainly stare at the screen for a few mins for sure.

May I ask why you post on a diablo forum if you hate blizzard / activision this much?



Pharahnuff I guess. Imo it seems like you’d be happier playing other games though.

It would be nice if a blue was addicted to this forum instead. Then again they’re free to be candid over at Tumblr w/o causing a (supposed) PR stink as someone pointed out, so that makes sense. However it’s only a matter of normalizing that sort of casual banter here, and it’ll be deemed acceptable

Oh, I most definitely do. The last time I had a Blizz game installed was when WoW: WOD released… for about 2 months.

I even urge players who can’t seem to let go of Blizz games to play something else, because it is clear they are unhappy.

For a while now, I spent time in the HOTS forums. I played HOTS only for the events and freebies. I even made guides on how to best farm lootboxes during events so others don’t have to drop money on them or make the grind easier. Other than that, I haven’t played HOTS for possibly 95% of the time I was on the forums.

Speaking my mind on Blizz/Activision will perhaps educate people on what is going on and hopefully have them contemplate a little harder about investing in Blizz games. Whether it be time, money, psychological, and emotional. Perhaps this will guide people to make better choices when it comes to gaming so we can get back to good gaming that respect their consumers.

Have you considered like, spending time doing something else?

Why? Do you take issue with me talking crap about Blizz or helping people?

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