Why do people request things from Blizzard on this forum, when for the most part Blizzard the Developers and the CMs do not really have anything to do with this forum. Is it because they are new to the forum and do not know any better? Or do the really think that Blizzard cares about them, and that they will jump right on it because they do not have other things to work on.
I think they are just venting. I’m sure they don’t really expect anything to change by posting here. The best they can hope is that someone from Blizzard pops in and reads some of the posts especially if a lot of people vent about the same issue, and maybe, just maybe, get some attention. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.
PS I’ll be in your neck of the woods (as they say here in the South) in a couple of weeks. Doing a tour of Europe. Yaye!
I am in Colorado, USA I always wanted to go to England
and Greece.
Ahhhh… Sorry, for some reason I thought you were French. LOL sorry!
I was born in Greece so my vote goes for Greece.
Quite honestly I don’t expect Blizzard to implement even a fraction of the things I’ve asked for (kind of gave up on that). My participation in these forums is mostly to engage and interact with fellow forum goers.
I would love to have a D4 launch party all of the chicken wings and booze will be covered by my wife’s CC.
Maybe we can get MissC to bring some pot roast and garlic bread. Meterblade can bring the tea.
No idea why to be honest.
Unfortunately you are absolutely right, it seems like this whole forum is on the ignore list. Quite sad frankly.
On the other hand it would be weird if they tried to communicate with another company on this forum…
(Sorry couldn’t avoid the smart assy humor )
I imagine some people think that, this being Blizzard’s official forums, they’d actually pay attention to it.
Which would make sense, but Blizzard doesn’t subscribe to that kind of logic.
The community manager team or at least a specific individual does log into this forum somewhat regularly. Each of us have a last “seen” function that others can inspect that is visible even if one has their profile hidden.
Based on my observations (without knowing who is responsible for the “Blizzard Entertainment” account), I suspect that FilthieRich is largely responsible for the D3 forum while PezRadar handles D:I primarily on reddit.
I encourage D:I posters to go to reddit.
I tried to move over to the G&T sub section, but that place is dead, and others did not follow so you might be beating a dead horse. People will do what they want to do regardless of what others might say. I will never use reddit nor will I create new D:I threads on the D3 forum, but I will still post in other people’s D:I threads.
Which is more likely:
- Blizzard is primarily using the D3 general duscussion forum to get feedback on Diablo Immortal
- Blizzard is primarily using the diablo Immortal subreddit that Blizzard has told us to use and whete PezRadar posts frequently to give D:I updates.
I know that you know the answer is #2. In reali life, I do not request changes to McDonald’s menu at Burger King.
I like Wendie’s myself.
I’ll bring lots of herbs and meat. It has to be in England though.
If i had a space hopper i’m sure that would so be a thing.
Perhaps it is conceit and perhaps it is to an attempt to gather feedback on an idea which may then, or additionally, be directed to a place where someone with more authority or noise-ratio can do something. For example, if such-and-such got a lot of attention here, positively, maybe it then is fed to a streamer that Blizzavision contorts to and, with a change here and there to avoid being plagiarists, it ends up being implemented. There have been a few things in my short tenure that someone has mentioned which then gets updated… that may merely be coincidence.
No one should feel or think what they post will be seen by anyone who cares but it is also a bit of catharsis to rant and rumble. If anything, this is proof positive that people still care about the game… if it went silent, that would be the death knell on a deaf gong.
Stop to think Devs don’t aware about some bugs, problems.
When they can, they resolve them.
But “ideas” like “just adjust 5000% to 10000%” are not productive.
Like this one:
I think if nothing else, suggestions can be fun to engage in as a thought experiment so long as theyre reasonable ie: not crazy stuff like buffing a skill by a hundred gazillion percent. It may not end up getting implemented or anything but it can help to understand why the game is as it is and whats a reasonable buff / nerf and whats not
…to throw as much as we can up against the wall hoping that at least 10% of it will stick and not crawl away or fall down and go splat, especially if there is a fan down there.
Coming from someone who always was vocal against CM’s inactivity both here and on twitter I surely tell you that you’re wrong.
Even if they’re severely understaffed on D3 (having D2R, Immortal and D4 on it’s way doesn’t help either) , they still do check the forums and whether or not they care is irrelevant.
But they do implement some feedback now and again. I, myself had at least two suggestions brought in game.
So even if I agree that they’re not even half as engaged as I’d like (the last blue post during a ptr was 2 weeks ago, we didn’t get a post when the notes were updated, that’s just shameful imo), as long as they’ll keep making seasons people will rightfully suggest different things because we want the game to improve.
It’s like an insult…
I’m French…
But Greece is perhaps (I liked Sweden too ) my favorite country that I discovered. For its monuments and, above all, its history.