Why all the hate against personal loot?

just like classic wow right?

there’s also 40man raids in classic…so ur now saying that we have those also in D2R? wow has nothing to with diablo!

really because it’s something that the company said would never happen and many players said would be bad for the game and yet some how i think we have wow classic and tbc classic now…

do u know what a game with sub means? obviously not

Yea, I can assure you this is not the case here.

I don’t think this is the case here people hate the idea of personal loot because they want to keep taking advantage of other people.

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What rubbish is this? We play plenty of games with personal loot, we just don’t want ploot in D2R, because the game was built around shared loot and the excitement and uncertain nature of it.



how would having an optional toggle change any of those fake reasons?

In fact having an optional toggle would “enhance” the feeling because only the people who think they are good at ffa loot would stay so it would be even more exciting and uncertain


The only “fake” reason is the reason you gave, that somehow we want to “take advantage of others”, just ridiculous, absurd nonsense.

You want ploot because you enter a game and feel like everything that drops belongs to you. Wasn’t you the one who was advocating for a timed loot system where you get the first pick at everything? Ask yourself who really wants to take advantage of people.

We’ve played plenty of games with ploot, none of us demand that those games change to have shared loot, because we respect the fact its part of the game. Why don’t you look into those games? You will be much happier playing them and it will give us who want to enjoy D2R peace of mind.


i literally quoted an anti-looter admitting it… but yeah it’s absurd and ridiculous but most of your guy’s arguments are.

nope i never asked for that lol i don’t even know what you are talking about.

i love d2 i want to play d2 i just would prefer to be able to play in multiplayer games but as it stands with the imbalanced loot system it is anti productive for me an members of my friends list to play with any randoms.

it’s also very telling you can’t explain how an optional toggle hurts the argument you came up with.

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Wow, one guy confirmed your bias, that’s if he was even serious (not trolling).

Nothing will ever be completely balanced. Some people play for longer than others, some people are better than others, some people get luckier than others, that’s true in life and in Diablo II, just leave the game alone, it’s something special in a sea of boring, samey, ploot games.


I am truly sorry you don’t want the game to change but blizzard has already changed it and has committed to changing more. i hope you can find a game you really can love that wont ever change for you but as you don’t have any points to make i will bid you a good night. Good luck in your game hunting.

I have no idea what you are talking about, they have already confirmed that ploot will not be put into D2R. The thing is, Rod, and many others, have perfected the art of saying whatever needs to be said to stop you guys who demand a constant stream of change from throwing tempers when you don’t get what you want, and they have become very good at that.

So I don’t know what “change” you are talking about, but playing D2R during beta, it was pretty faithful to the original, and good for it. I just don’t think you will enjoy playing D2R on launch, maybe look for something else? Just trying to help you find what you are looking for.

ye mayby…haha or not. why would u think it was said we’re not doing it!? u also gonna tell devs that they are ridiculous since they didn’t accept ur ploot lies?

so u say that u cannot play FFA with ur friends? must be good friends there.

what part was the hardest to read? “we’re not doing it”
i really think ur the one that needs to find other game or friends that u can play FFA with…

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Me parece a explicação mais sensata

FFA is the worst part of the game outside of say rubber banding or other buggy stuff.

I will still play if it’s there, but it will just make me play more solo than in groups :man_shrugging:

They didn’t say never. The only time frame referenced was “not for launch”.

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it’s no use man, they see what they want to see from the corporate doublespeak. The thing is, Rod, and many others, have perfected the art of saying whatever needs to be said to stop the anti change guys who demand everything stay the same from throwing tempers when they don’t get what they want, and they have become very good at that. That way they can sell a bunch of copies too them then after launch change things to sell to the rest of the community.

ye better to solo play if u can’t handle the FFA or play something else instead.

“we’re not doing it” doesn’t mean that door would be open =)

simple question? why the hate ?
simple answer 1: because its…casual… and D2 is NOT casual.
simple answer 2: ploot didn’t exist back then so it shouldn’t be in the remaster either .
simple answer 3: d3 has ploot…and i HATE d3.
:slight_smile: cheers

wish i could also have dreams like this =D or wait actually no id rather stay in reality